My New 24 JBJ Nano Cube


Active Member
Hey , would my fire shrimp eat a sexy shrimp? I am pretty sure the CBS in my 40 would eat one right? I really like those sexy shrimp but I don't want them to get eaten! I found a guy about 20 miles from me that has some CRAZY cool corals f/s I am maybe going to see them tomorrow
He has those "safe crackers" and some others I have seen here that are rare ,if I get anything from him i will let you guys know and maybe I could frag some for you guys! ok Now I am talkin to much , sorry
cool pic's
hey i never heard of blue cloves ,sounds cool


Active Member
DeMartini has some in her 14 gal theyre pretty.
And pick up some goodies from him. Also my girlfriend wanted me to ask u if u were selling some of those those sun polyps? She wanting about 5-10 Polyps of em


Active Member
Well sad sad news for me today :( So i noticed last week some of my bright pink zoos that i bought as 4 polyps and had turned into like 11 had gotten some fungus on it last week. Well i dippped em in iodine last week and nothing really happened. seemed like it has been getting worse. well now it was on about 7 of the 11 polyps :( Well i try to just cut some off and now i freaking only have 2 of the polyps left :( A full size one and baby polyp.Ahh so mad now but i seriously hope these dont catch that fungus and that i got rid of it. I also dipped em again after i did the surgery. So hopefully they will heal up good but its not looking so good. Well im really loving these cloves now. They are very pretty and awesome to watch. Seems like i already have a baby one that grew overnight. :) heheh. Dunno how true that is but seems that way to me. Didnt notice it yesterday. ALSO MY PUrple DEATHS are sprouting a baby too :) WOOT WOOT. im ecstatic about that.


Active Member
Yo Yo Yo, Well just went to a lfs about 30 minutes away cause they said they had in some awesome acans. Well i definately got an awesome one indeed. Green and Purple Lordhowensis :) WOOT WOOT. I hate that it was 70 bucks but hey i guess thats what they go for :( What can i do. I tried talking em down but no luck. They also had one with these red stripes on it that i talked em down to 54.99 but it only has three polyps. Seems a bit steep still so i didnt grab it. But acclimating now so pictures in an hour or so :)


Active Member
Ok well the pics totally dont do this Acan Lord any justice but hopefully someone enjoys the pics. Just got this today :) Its absolutely amazing.
With Flash

Without Flash


Active Member
Well i guess i am gonna not post anything here or anywhere for about a week since only about 3 people appreciate my posts anyways. LOL. I know i sound like i am whining but this is freaking BORINGGGGGGGGGGGG. And takes alot of time to post pics and upload and everything to get maybe 1 response. yall take care


Active Member
yeah yeah yeah ur not gonns stop posting. Im done posting pics in my diary for a while no one like em. Ill post a few of the zoas for my 30 diary and then im done.
Seriously love the acan. I have maybe 25+ photos of green acans saved to my comp they're one of my fav!!
be4 u go new fts!


Active Member
SWEEEET. My other LFS has an awesome Neon Green Acan. Fully green all the way through. Its 60 bucks for probably about 20 heads or so. I think i'ma try and grab that by the end of the weekend :) If they still have it. Gonna probably add it to my aquapod though cuz not much room in this tank for one that size :( might need to start taking things out of this tank or something.LOL. Beginning to love the acans now :) Fed this bad boy 2 times today after i put it in my tank. Tentacles are out so far right now its crazy. Cant get a pic though cuz lights are out. Thank you all for the comments :) I appreciate it alot. OH Rebelprettyboy. how'd you like the green cloves in the pics too ?


Active Member
Thanks Rebelprettyboy, Yep looks like me and you are the only ones commenting on my threads anymore pretty much.
Thanks iyachtuxivm for the comments. I look for your thread but no new updates. well hope you all have an excellent weekend.
I also hope my cloves turn into a colony soon and i sure hope my acan lord grows fast :)


Active Member
I have a PS3 but not COD4, Call of Duty 4 ? Yah i dont have that. I got GTA4 and NCAAFootball 2009, Fifa Soccer 08, Think about the only ones you can play multiplayer with.


Active Member
for real? why u enver told me? U need to go buy cod4 man best game ever made. I aint played GTA4 since 2 weeks after it came out when I beat it lol...
Whats ur PSN Id? mine is xMRxCOMPLETEx


Active Member
its either Blazin2k6,Blazin2k7,Blazin2k8. LOL. One of those 3 HAHAHA. i cant remember, i'd have to turn on my system to really find out.