My New 24 JBJ Nano Cube


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Thanks for the comment iyachtuxivm. I really hope it will start to spread soon cause it is truly awesome zoa :) Never really seen anyone on here have any like it.


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Ok well nothing new for this tank :( was gonna put a war coral in it but think ima put it in my aquapod instead.hehe


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Well i plan on getting another Acan Lord tomorrow for this tank. So really i didnt have any room for it unfortunately. Really need me like a 300 gallon tank. THAT WOULD BE KILLLLLER. If only they made a 300 GALLON NANO TANK. LOL. Well you know a 300 gallon all in one tank :)
Sup man, still looking awesome...I went to one of my LFS stores today...I bought theese amazing zoos I'll send you a pic of them asap, I think he said they were called "Viet" something?


Beautiful tank. I love you zoos! Its tanks like these that make me want to get a nano cube. What lights are you running on this?


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Thanks for the comment ChronicCoral35, yeah i would like to see those zoos when ya get em. Vietnamese zoanthids ? Awesome. I bet they are one of a kind. Dont think i seen any vietnamese zoas.
Laxzach, thanks for the comments. Always great to see a new person commenting on my thread and say something amazing like that :) I am only running stock lights the jbj 24 gallon nano cube comes with. I think its 2x36 watts. 72 watts of light i guess. And if you got a nano cube i am sure you WOULD LOVE IT. i have two and just love em.
Yeah, I called back to the LFS...they're vietnamese zoos...he said they only get them once a year from a buyer lol, I will post a pic on my diary asap.


Active Member
dude awesome tank...i hope my tankl will look like that long has it been set up ? Im getting my first frags today im pretty excited about that ill post some pics up on my tanks diary when they get should check them out....its KC's tank diary....thanks


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Love the pic of your sexy shrimp blazin
You take some of the best pictures on here for sure, you da man! +1 on what you feed your zoas, I am getting some soon from rebel and was thinking of cyclopeeze 2-3 week? What do you think?


Active Member
Thanks kclester and subielover for the comments. I try to take decent pics. They arent they great but thanks for the compliments :) Makes me happy and want to take even better ones now. And as for feeding my zoos. I pretty much dont feed them. I feed my tank cyclopeeze every evening. And some of the palys or bigger zoas i will squirt the juice from mysis shrimp that is left over on them and feed em mysis sometimes. Other than that its just what they catch in the water. I try and feed the palys though if i can. Lately the peppermint shrimp been stealing the food from em though. But i try to feed everything daily :) Probably overfeed very very badly but i keep up with a weekly water change and thankfully everything has been stable for now :) And my tank i dunno how long its been up. Since i started this diary i guess.


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Yah REBELPRETTYBOY, you should do that. They love being in groups :) I wish i could afford to buy a couple more to put in there. mAYBe at least 1 more :) 3 would be sweeeet. Well HEY I GOT A DILEMMA TODAY. My central air went out in the house. How can i keep my tanks cool ? :( So nervous my tanks are gonna over heat today. AHHHH. The temperatures here in the day time is like 105 degrees. IF anyone can give me some advice pls help me. I already unplugged the heater.


Active Member
cool pic's Bro
my CBS steals food from my frogspawn and Lobo all the time
He takes ALL OF IT!!! so I am starting to get him trained to take food right out of the syringe , this way he gets a big chunk and then he goes to hide and I can feed everyone else. Dude you'r on here so much you should become a MOd.
I not just blowin smoke , I actually look forward to commin on here just to see your pic's
I spend more time lookin at you'r stuff and commenting then I do updating my own!!