My New 24 JBJ Nano Cube


Active Member
That acan is bad azzzzzzzzzzzz I went to another LFS today ,been ther b4 but they jst did a big addition. MAN they got some rare kool stuff. The acans they got are sick!!! but they are sooooooo expensive!!!! you really gotta hook me up with some acans bro , I cant find anything around here that is "normal" its all crazy cool stuff but it also come with the CRAZY price
anyway you got some GREAT finds there my brother from another mother


Active Member
YeP YEP I KNOW. And i think i'ma go grab me another acan tomorrow. Its KILLer as wellllll. They had about 3 or 4 different ones :) ALL AWESOME CO,OLORS. Hey this one that was BLOOD FIRE RED. But they had it in the freaking display tank but ithink i gotta talk em down and tell em to sell it to me or they will not longer have a store if you get my drift. LOL. Would never do such a thiing. ONLY JOKING MAAN. BUT HEY I hate lfs's that cherry pick their orders. CUSTOMERS SHOULD ALWAYS SHOULD ALWAYS COME FIRST YA KNOW. I kmean if i see a coral i want i should be able to buy it. Noit for they ownselves. Makes e freaking FURIOUSSSS. Dunno where i am going to put it thougg. Probably gonna hve to add to my aquapod :) GOING TO POST NEW PICS NOW :)


Active Member
ok you TOTALLY AVOIDED MY QUESTION!!!!! can you hook me up for real wit ha coll acan???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Active Member
fts and new pics of the acan :)

and yeah sure NWDYR, as soon as its about 20 heads then i'll start fragging 2 heads for 20 bucks a head.LOL.
Tank still looks awesome, I love looking at your many different zoos. I just added a rock of some nice zoos...I'll be posting a pic of it when my light turns on and I find my camera :)~


Active Member
Thanks for the comments ChronicCoral35 and Rebelprettyboy. I appreciate it alot. And chronic coral35 hope that zoo rock looks amazing. ima check it out in a second to see if you posted pics yet. And Rebelprettyboy, i wish i had a pic that could take zoom in shots cause maan it is so truly beautiful in person. I think ima have to do some rearranging in the tank to try and find more room for MORE ACANS. LOL. I am gonna try and get all the pieces they have at that lfs. Maybe they would give me a package deal or something cause i mean it was 64.99 and then with tax came to be about 70 and some change. MORE PICS IN A MOMENT. BOUT 15 MINUTES MORE PICS


Active Member
Ok so like i promised. Here are some new shots i took today :
Hope you all like em and i better get at LEASTTTTT 3 Different people comment or i am boycotting posting pictures again. LOL. JK
My purple death sprouting out a babyyyy. See the tiny bud of the side starting to develop ? LOL. Working on having 4 polyps soon.

An ok shot of my red micromussa after it ate :)

look at all the little micromussas coming :
) so excited. difficult to feed them though. have to just put a piece in their mouth by hand usually.

i think a hidden cup coral. was bout dead when i bought the live rock long ago but now its huge like 3 inches in diameter maybe. hehhee.its cool tho

and by far my most favorite blue zoa/paly i have EVER SEEN. I think it is even prettier than a TUBS BLUE. Sorry you tubs fans but you know its true.LOL

Oh and that pic of the blue zoa/paly was for you Rebelprettyboy cause you said you wanted to see a better shot. Best i could get :) Hope you all enjoy em. And someone please comment.


Active Member
Love that blue zoa. I got TUBS and im just not a big fan of them. Maybe when its a bigger coloyn I will
hoping that they grow on me!
I like those orange ones about the blue ones as well. Send em my way


Active Member
Well i guess i'll continue to keep posting pics as i get new ones then since i got me 3 comments from 3 different people :) SUPER COOL. Although yall the same 3 ppl that are always commenting.LOL. But thank you all for the comments. And NWDYR i done told you as soon as i frag these bad boys i got ya. what are you talking about anyways ? I havent fragged any of my acans yet. Subielover as soon as i get some frags ready i'll let ya know as well. And Rebelprettyboy , i truly wish this blue zoa would grow some new ones. I mean maaan. I've had it for almost 2 months i think and no new polyps. Same goes for my AOGs. No new polyps at all. Where do you have your aog's placed ?


Active Member
Oh ok thats good to know :) I have mine midway too but no growth on em :( Oh well maybe mine are a bit different than yours