yea i was readin ur thread and i noticed that ur lost ur wrasse.
i have been studying saltwater fish my self and acclimation is still a little iffy in our hobby i know that if i take my urchin from my old tank which was at like 70f b/c it had no heater and i chucked him into my new tank which is at 78 without acclimation and i know he won't die lol(experience) as soon as he hit the rock he ran for cover and was out the next 2 hours grazing. as for fish i know also some fishes my friend bought and would come home and just temp them and then chuck them in and they were fine no breathing or anything wrong....
But what i gather there are cases where the fish is stressing a bit and him getting put in ur tank could of made him weak and he could of died(maybe not crossing my finger).
So im wondering how exactly did u acclimate him? i know that i would first temp the water to mine for like 15min, then i would start adding small portions of water every 5-25min depending how the fish is doin.
I have never had a fish die from acclimation i even had a friend who never acclimated and he still never lost anything?
so what i gather is maybe me and my friend are lucky that the LFS has water similar to ours and sometimes u might not get that and the fish can get really stressed.
well im just interested in how u did it for the wrasse maybe we can shed some light on the cause
Also if u can lose a fish im afraid i will lose all my little inverts in my tank(check out my diary)
nice job on ur tank keep us updated=P