My New 24 JBJ Nano Cube


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My wrasse was ffine for like 2 or 3 days , Was eating and everything eating alot at that. I think maybe though something attacked it because on its side was becoming discolored and then i never seen it again after that. Hell it might still be hidden in rockwork but i doubt that. I dont think was from acclimating him wrong though but might have been. I just always put the livestock in a bowl. and get maybe 3 or 4 cups of water from the tank and put a tad bit in every 5 to 10 minutes until its empty. then i put into tank. havent ever lost anything this way.


k u do it in a bowl? i like to use plastic bags b/c that way i can make sure the temp are the same and i find that if i had something in a bowl the water i would be adding would be a different temp then the bowl water even if its by a degree or 2 thats alot for something so small. thats y i rather acclimate in bag i have control and i seriously think that a fish in a bag looking into a tank gets relaxed more then a fish in a white bowl not seeing nothing lol
Oh for bigger fish or alot of stuff at the same time i take a bucket and fill it up with tap water and heat up that water to the same as the tank and then after i acclimate them in the bucket with tank water i still give a couple of mins for them to acclimate to the temp in a bag in the tank.
It might be that a fish in a white bowl getting chucked into a tank could freak out a fish. i know if i was a fish i would be like wat the f lol, in this case i think a see threw plastic bag helpz(oh i also try to make the bag thin that way the fish isn't swimming alot just sort of restrained and hanging out(so more of a relaxed state its like we catching wild animal(snakes, lizards and etc) when i catch something thats wild it puts up a fight b/c thats instinct but if i hold the animal so it can't move and sometimes i cup its eyes it goes into a relaxed state where i can sometimes take a wild snake thats biting me from the start and calm it down to the point where i can put it around my neck or pass it to a friend knowing it won't bit anymore
OH lmao i just remembered when i go on vacation and go swimming in a lake i do this to impress my family and friends i go hunting for some big frogs(say the size of a hand) when i catch it, its natural for the frog to fight and try to get away so what u do is u grab the frog tight so it can't move(not tight to the point u kill it
) then u flip it upside down so u can see it's belly and u swing ur hands a bit so like u rock a baby, now u release ur hold while the frog is laying on its back and if u did it right the frog should go into a calm state where it will just lay there and not run, now u flip it so its right side up again u put it on ur head and go swimming around with a frog on ur head
I like to do it with like 3 frogs at once lol my record is 15 little frogs on my head all just hanging out lmao
its a hypnotic state animals get into and wats cool is if u have 15 frogz all sitting there and one breaks the trans all of them snap out at once so its like all of the go hey wtf and go running for it=P
lmao i just felt like writing heheh


Active Member
Wowwwwwwwwww,,,, and we are talking about what again ? WOW that was seriously a long reply but its cool i love to type as well and once i get started i just keep on and on also just like you so its all good. But i have no IDEa what you are talking about with 15 frogs on your head. you totally lost me on that one. Well im off to the Comedy Club. See you guys later. PzZ


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does anyone know anything about these Hectors Goby fish ? I have one and for the last two days i havent really seen it eat anything. Do they only eat live foods ? Ok well nevermind i see it picking at my rocks now. Um.... thats strange i sware i havent seen it eat anything now when i start to type this i see eat actually picking at things and sifting some sand. Crazy. Well still if you know anything bout em i'd appreciate to know something. I know they mainly eat pods but what kind ?


Active Member
Sorry can't help ya bro, I have a schooter blenny that I swear has never eaten anything, but he is alive and well


i guess these fish just have to eat a couple of pods(im happy b/c i might get a mandarin down the road) the pods in my tank are so big now that they swim around the tank lol and there are so many of them i love it


Active Member
Well Mandarins dont just eat pods they Specifically eat Copepods. They are tiny little red pods.... very hard to see actually. You are talking about isopods probably and i have no clue what eats those. I see my fish trying to eat them but then spits em right back out. LOL. So i am guessing mine only eats copepods too but not certain. Well i took some nice photos yesterday so i will post them later.


Active Member
It cost me 20 dollars and no it doesnt need any special lighting. But it does need feeding of Live Phytoplankton everyday or every other day i was told.


sweet u have 2 tanks i love both of them=P, or i may be seeing things u have 2 black clows in this and 2 regular in the other right?


Active Member
nice pic's as always!! hey what kind of crab is that?? I am still crab sensitive
I have a small one hidden in a burrow under the bottom rock of course, I don't think he is a bad one but he never comes all the way out so I can't ID him. you are becomming a pro with the camera


Active Member
That is an Emerald Crab. I have one in each tank. They eat Hair Algae. Wish i knew something that took care of Borapsis... I HAVE NO Idea how to spell that word but its some type of bad algae. A hair type algae. If anyone has any idea how to get rid of it i WOULD BE SO Thankful. More shots to come. I love takin pics.


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Now someone better like this Photo or i'ma be SUPER MAD.
I think best photo i ever took maybe i dunno.


Your tank is coming along very nicely. Love the b/w clowns. I will be asking you for some help very shortly. I will be getting a clown for my tank as well, thinking about a false perc along with a clown goby and a chalk basslet or a pseudochromis. Maybe I should get two clowns, I dont really know.


Active Member
that is a prize winner !!!
Ilike the color on the rock above it , I have allot of the same rock in my tank.


Active Member
Yeah that is one of the first rocks i bought that was in my other tank. It is just Fiji Live Rock. I think the stuff i have been buying lately is Marshall Islands Ultra Premium rock or something i dunno. I try to ask though before i buy it. Some is better than others and you get cool hitchhikers like Gorilla Crabs and clams and the like. HAHAHAHA. No pun intended on the Gorilla Crabs... I dont want those.