My New 24 JBJ Nano Cube


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Yes 100 Posts on this one, I am so happy. Ok well my thermometer will not stay stuck to the glass and keeps floating around tank. LOL.


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Yayyy. I think i got Live Mysis Shrimp in my tank. There was some type of tiny shrimps swimming all through the water last night and my clown fish were going crazy eating them for like 2 hours straight until i didnt see anymore. Does anyone know what these might have been and is it possible to have Live Mysis shrimp? I have never seen them before last night so just wondering what they were.


Active Member
there is actually some style swimming around in my tank and yeah they are whitish i guess. and just showed up in a swarm last night. LOL. the clowns pretty much took care of all of them though. Only see a couple swimming around now.


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Thats kind of crazy. Maybe it was a bunch of pods that were bunched up and got disturbed?


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Dont have any cleaner shrimp in there but i do have 2 Peppermint shrimp. Maybe they laid eggs and they hatched ? I dunno. But it seemedlike small mysis shrimp. They were too big to be any type of pod i've seen in my tank. I tried taking a picture but my camera isnt working for some reason :( It comes on but no screen or display.


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My pepperment shrimp have had baby's twice, that is probably what you saw. They have the baby's at nite , usually around 12pm, don't know why at that time ,but thats what I read about them and it is true. Looks like a snow storm, it only last's a few min. but it's cool to see! I also read that it is almost impossible to raise them due to their size. The hard part being feeding them.


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OHHH NIce, so thats what you think it might have been was my peppermints having their babies ? Well that sucks that all of em got ate by my clownfish :( LOL. I feel bad but then i'm like well... mmmm its free food they got so thats a nice treat i bet for them. They seemed to be enjoying themselves too and yes it was around midnight here also when i noticed it in my tank. LOL. WIERD.


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Hey , I caught my mystery crab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The little guy was wandering in the middel of the tank after i shut the lights off, and just had the blue lights on. So I grabbed a plastic cup and scooped him up!!
I am going to the LFS for their big sale tomarrow,so I am going to bring him with and see if I can get an ID.


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you are not going to believe this!!! at 11:45pm after talking about the pepperment shrimp, mine had baby's!!!! yep i cold not believe it !! what are the chances that we just talk about it and like 1hr later it's also happining in my tank? Maybe I schould play the lottery


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Thanks rebelprettyboy. I thought it was a super find also. I tell the LFS i bought em at. Ok now i posted pictures and asked many people online and everyone says they are Yumas. LOL They still insist that they werent yumas though. MAYBE THEY WILL GET MORE IN And i will buy them again.LOL.
nwdyr, nice man. What kind of crab was it ? Gorilla Crab ? Well later.


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the LFS said he couldn't tell, but he said to "smoke him" just in case,so I left him there to feed to the puffer's. I posted some new pic's today, check em out and tell me what you think!


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Well i guess no photos from me for awhile. My stupid camera seems to be broken. Just got it like less than 3 months ago :( And i cant seem to find the receipt for it neither. AHHHH. what am i gonna do. :( I am so depressed right now. 200 dollar Camera.


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Do you still have the box? if so go back to the store and tell them you need a receipt re-created so you can send it back to the manufacturer, If you'r lucky enough to find someone older than 12 who works there they will be able to do it for you.If that don't work contact the manufactuer on the net, If it's a good company they will help you. Good luck, that sucks I would be lost w/o my camera!


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The camera is a Samsung , and the store was Circuit City. I ordered off their website though so i dont know if the store can print a reciept but hopefully they can. Cuz yeah it sucks to not have my cam. I would see good pictures to take and now i cant ! Well i got like 2 other digital cams but memory cards are full and only one that isnt dont work with other cams
For sure take it back, they should be able to look up the sale no problem. They usually also can look it up by using the card you used to pay for it, or maybe your name, phone# etc...good luck, hope it all works out so we can start seeing more pics.


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thx willlovesfish. Hope to have some new pics soon. Oh and i have a question for anyone who knows, Do any of you have Coralline growing on your glass and do you know if its good for it or not ? I try to get it off with my magnet but it wont go away. I just leave it alone and go around it now though. I have it coming up all over.