My New 24 JBJ Nano Cube


I love your setup and interesting choice of fish and the scallop is is it doing?
I want the exact tank you have so this thread is especially interesting


Active Member
Oh the paly is fine HaloStalker, its just difficult to take a pic of. Matter of fact ima go ahead and take pictures well i took pictures already. I'ma just go ahead and post some. I been just feeling lazy and depressed kinda lately so i havent really been updating this thread or my other because of that. But anyways you all saying things on my thread makes me feel happy and want to post some new pics, THANKS FOR all your comments.
Fishy4991,PerfectDark,Clownfish11,WillLovesFish,Halostalker,AND of course KAT74, Krista921,Peef,Nwydrrewehere. However its spelled. Thank you all for your comments and everything !


Active Member
OH AND THERE was a tornado that was in my neighborhood last night as well. I WAS FREAKING OUT SOOOO BAD. I was soooo worried about my fish tanks. Because our power was out from like 10PM-3:42AM. Does anyone know what to do with these nano tanks when the power goes out? I was stressing so bad about it. I was steading pumping air in the tanks with my turkey baster. I dunno if that was helping or stressing out the fish i dunno but everything seems to have lived through it all :) Well anyways


take ur time but hurry lmao

Yea we all are messed up, i know that my tank is the only thing thats keeping me happy at this point. with out it i would be a mess probably.
come by my diary and say hi(i have some eye candy for u)

hope UR good

P.S. i hope life don't get so bad for us that we have to pop some zoo's,
lmao im on the floor laughing, my nickname at work is suicide kid, everyone thinks i will commit suicide b/c i have a full time job and full time school and im just putting to much on my self.


Active Member
Ok well this paly is um.. Stardust PE , tHANKS hypertek99. my 2nd polyp is starting to open up a bit.

look at the babies on my yuma rock... aw aint they nice. They are just now starting to form it appears. They have been developing for like 2 weeks now i think. I wonder how these spread ? Does anyone know?



There you are!!~ And you brought nice pics with you!!
Looooove the yuma rock and soooo awesome to see those baby yumas growing! Best investment you ever made, huh?
I don't know how "fast" they grow, but seeing that they are in the mushroom family and mushrooms grow pretty fast, I'd say that yumas, under the right conditions, does the same! Congrats on the babies!~

And like I tell Halo... if you ever feel depressed, just come here and look for us here on the boards. We all can certainly understand the stresses and depressions that can come from "real life" issues. Life isn't ALWAYS as peaceful as our tanks.

*hugs* to you and welcome back!~


I'm glad you're back and your tank looks amazing with your fish and everything!
Yeah, sometimes tanks and pets and growing living things takes the stress off a bit. Myself, I will be moving to say the least.


Active Member
Ok so a moment ago i am taking some photos of my tank again and i was about to take some new photos of my Flame Scallop and ITS GONE. Completely disappeared. Does anyone know if something eats them ? I mean i fed it last night some live phyto and i checked this morning on my tank when i woke up and it was there and doing great seemed like. And 4 hours later i look again and its GONE. Guess i got me a pretty 20 dollar shell now.



Active Member
yoyo wasss up my brathe from anotha mother
sorry my homie just trying to communicate in a way that you would understand
Hey the pic's are great
sucks about you'r flame, I have no Idea what could have ate him
like kat said bro, all joking aside, you ever need a pick me up just reach out to me or anyone else here, we all got yo back...oop's sorry there I go again
Hope I made ya smile. Peace and hair grease..
I kill me!!


Active Member
Flame scallops don't really tend to do that well in our tanks. They actually need fairly dirty water to survive longterm. The foot that holds in in its own shell will weaken and eventually fail so it is probably stuck somewhere in the back of your tank...I would look.
Hectors goby is great looking. What are you trying to feed it that it won't eat? I would get a marine cuisine "carnivore" diet and try that out.


Active Member
Peef, I feed my tank Cyclopeeze,Marine Cuisine,Mysis Shrimp, Flake Food, Pellets. iT DOESNT eat none of that , That i've seen of course. And just always see it eating pods or sifting sand. All it does. Guess just likes live food. But anyways. Thanks for commenting. And i did look for my scallop but its no where to be found. And thanks nwydr it did make me laugh. Your a crazy guy i see.


Active Member
Ok so i woke up this morning and find this think on top of my zoos after i turned on the lights. It has since disappeared into the back of my tank. Recently my Flame Scallop has died or melted away. Does anyone know if this is the Crab that lives with the Flame scallop or is it an anemone crab or what ? Thanks if you can let me know if its good or bad crab. Sorry not the best of closeups but i couldnt get a closeup photo



Active Member
hmmm seeing as he is white he may not be a bad guy but I am not sure
I would get him out just in case, the fact that he is on you'r zoo's seems bad. i elft you some advice on my thread.


Active Member
SO DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT THIS CRAB IS ? I MEAN GOSH. I get no comments on my page. AHHHH LOL. Well im thinking its an Anenome crab or an Acro Crab ? I dont have acros so oh well/
If you can't find if it's good or bad I would error on the side of caution and just kill it just to be on the safe side. Just my 2 cents though, good luck, hope all goes well ;)


Active Member
Might be something ENDAGERED OR ALMOST EXTINCT. WHY WOULD i want tO KILL IT and not even know what it is ? I just left it in my tank. Maybe it will live, maybe it will die. I think my Yashia Goby and Pistol shrimp might have died though when our power went out 2 weeks ago. I havent seen them since and it was about 10 days ago. I am very worried about em. Well pZ