My New 24 JBJ Nano Cube



I love your setup, and I am so sorry for the loss of your cat : ( I have a cat as well and don't want to emagine that day with him. Anyway, I am sorry.


Active Member
hey blazin,
sorry about you'r cat, I lost mine a couple of weeks ago so I know how you feel!!


Active Member
Thanks for yalls support. I appreciate it. I'll have more new photos later today. I havent bought anything awhile but i still take photos. Well thanks again for stopping by and posting comments. I appreciate it :)


wow odd looking crab. yeah don't kill it!! maybe go buy a ten gallon and a cheap filter and put him in there. then figure out what to do with him. i can't see him being able to pry open the clam. his claws are way to small. looks like a female fiddler crab,but never saw a white one.. next time it is out kinda in the open,find a piece of wood you can use as a feeding stick and maybe get a net and grab him.


Active Member
Thanks for the comments. i Appreciate it. Unfortunately i have not been able to locate that crab anymore. Kat74 i think that anemone in middle of my zoos is called a Colony Anemone or something like that.


Active Member
hey bro!
I am back, surgery went ok, nice pic's! i guess maybe I changed my mind on the crab.... he really don't look like a bad one


hey id be careful tho because he does have sharp claws it looks like
sorry about your flame scallop but something similar happened to mine too
although there was some tissue left! That's really weird tho to just have it disappear
tank looks great! Hope all is well with the crabby!
Nice tank blazin, I have a 10g hooked up in my room...pretty stocked 10g. I plan to buy the 28g jbj nano with the 150W HQI when I graduate High school, you gave me some nice ideas. I have 2 false percs in my 10g, thats all for fish...but for the 28g I plan to buy a purple firefish goby, a green mandarin and something else, not to sure yet...but im deciding what nem to buy for my clowns and suggestions?


Active Member
ChronicCoral , you dont really need an Anemone for your clowns for them to survive good. I dont have one in either of my nanos and my clowns do just fine :) And welcome back nwdyr. I am sure you will be getting many new additions now that you are back in the game. Great to know your are good after your surgery.


Active Member
Ok small minor update. Got a loose mushroom from the lfs for freebie so i attached it to a little piece of rubble i had and here it is. Oh i am just so happy how these zoos have finally attached all over the lr and growing like crazy :)


Active Member
Well just a quick question. Has anyone heard of having Live mysis shrimp in their nano ? It seems i have TONS of these shrimps going crazy in my tank. LOL. I mean i guess its a good thang but my fish dont seem to be eating them and they seem to be multiplying. Maybe my goby eats em but the clowns just attack em and spit em back out. Any idea what they are ? Look like mysis shrimp and they swim in and out of lr and oon the back of tank and on the glass.


Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Well just a quick question. Has anyone heard of having Live mysis shrimp in their nano ? It seems i have TONS of these shrimps going crazy in my tank. LOL. I mean i guess its a good thang but my fish dont seem to be eating them and they seem to be multiplying. Maybe my goby eats em but the clowns just attack em and spit em back out. Any idea what they are ? Look like mysis shrimp and they swim in and out of lr and oon the back of tank and on the glass.


I've never heard of live mysis in tanks, but then again, I know that there is LOTS that I haven't heard of yet!

Maybe they are some sort of pods? Amphipods, maybe? I know that I sometimes see them on top of the filter floss when I go to change it out. Ugly little things.
Anyway, I'm sooo glad that the zoas are taking off in your tank!
I don't even want to think about zoas in my tank...

and don't feel neglected, honey... I know that I've been running around crazy these last couple of weeks with things going on with my little furbaby and work, so I've been neglecting quite a few things lately. Still got nothin' but love for ya though!~


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Well just a quick question. Has anyone heard of having Live mysis shrimp in their nano ? It seems i have TONS of these shrimps going crazy in my tank. LOL. I mean i guess its a good thang but my fish dont seem to be eating them and they seem to be multiplying. Maybe my goby eats em but the clowns just attack em and spit em back out. Any idea what they are ? Look like mysis shrimp and they swim in and out of lr and oon the back of tank and on the glass.
Most likley as KAT said a pod of some type. Prob an amiphiopod they look the most like a shrimp.


Active Member
Ok so how is everyone doing ? thanks PD AND KAt74 for the comments. I have yet to figure out what they are either but boy they are everywhere in my tank all of a sudden. Dont seem to bother anything though.
Ok well i got this small rock of coral the other day at the lfs for $18, anyone know what these mushrooms on it are ? I see 3 different corals on it though and was only 18 dollars so i had to grab it. I also got me a Midas Blenny. hey kat74 dont you have one of these ? How are they and what they do ? The guy at lfs said it will help with algae cuz i told him i been having a bit of cyano starting to show up in my tank for some strang reason. I been cutting the lights back by 2 hours lately. So hope that helps some as well.


I don't know what kind of mushrooms those are, but your bicolor blenny is absolutely adorable! And how cute is he to find a nice little hole right among the yumas??

The blenny won't help with the cyano at all. Cut down on your lights, feeding and increase flow if you can. The only kind of algae that I've seen mine pick at is the one that's on the glass, rocks and snail and hermit shells.


Active Member
Nice pic's bro
I just got a bi-color too he is really cool!! I swear i will post pic's soooon!!! Good find on that 18 dollar rock!!! I never find deals like that


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Thanks for the comments yall i really appreciate it :) I also just got a frag of zoanthids today ! i am happy about it. 24 dollars for some Green Bay Packers i think is what they are called. Will post pics later. They are acclimating now