My New 24 JBJ Nano Cube


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I still have the tanks , just been dealing with allot of b.s . No time for the hobby right now. go enjoy every min. of that little girl , my son is 12 and wants to be with his "friends" now , not his Dad. It sucks , I envy you. Kids are amazing....ok I am going to start crying or saying .... bobobgooogoogaaa so I think I will just go watch the bears....on my NEW 42" HD 1080p LG
yea I got the Blue ray too! I know....but it was 36mo's no interest from cc. Only 30.00 per month , you can't say no to that

hey page 19 WOOTWOOT


Active Member
Thanks nwdyr again for the comments. :) And yes my life has changed so much since i had my baby. But it has changed for the best and i could never be more blessed than how i am right now. I am just so excited and happy and still in shock. BUT I LOVE MY BABY TO DEATH :
) She is so pretty and sweet :) Here are another picture of my baby Hazen. And also some more pics of my tank and my new chalice i got yesterday :))


With Flash

Acan Lords

Blastomussa Merletti


Active Member
aww look at baby hazen! Shes beautiful.. When u fraggin her?
Oh and love the chlaice. Its very nice. And u need to send those acans my way... well not yet but in a few months!


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THANKS THANKS SO MUCH REBELPRETTYBOY. Yes my baby is beautiful. Thanks :) When you having some ? HEHE. Oh and that acan lord on the top. The purple and teal one. It grows like mad crazzzzy. When i got it was around 11 heads, Now its 17 headssss. there are like 10 small heads on the backside where i cant get a good shot :( Wish i could get a good zoom though so you could see em all. Thanks for the comments. Is that chalice worth $30 you think ?


Active Member
I woulda paid 30 for it without even thinkin!
That means I can expect a frag in a few months then!
Hows the red one with growth?


Active Member
oK MORE PICS, Also got a question. Can clownfish irritate an acan ? I mean mine is really starting to turn a pale looking color than what it used to look like and i dont understand it. the clowns constantly are rubbing up on it and everything.

You can kinda see some of the babies on that one acan lord.
This red acan i dont think has grown any except growing larger in size. No new babies i dont think



Active Member
So im gonna have to wait a while on the red one

And yeah Clowns can host corals until they are very unhappy. Mine has made 2 of my feather duster loose thir crowns!


Active Member
the acans are looking shaaaweeettt! yea the clowns can mess with them by rubbin on them too much. I had a clown doing that to a brain coral , I finally had to move the brain to another tank b/c i could not catch the clown
Don't let him mess with those can's !
P.S. GREAT deal on that Chalice!! you are getting some CRAZY good deals


Active Member
Thank you guys for the sweeeet comments. I appreciate it alot. Yep guess ill be moving this acan soon to my aquapod. I am happy that i have 2 tanks for these instances. I really like it in this tank because i got all the acans in here but oh well. I mean it is totally starting to lose all its color and that is the only thing i can think of unless i am due for new lights. I have had this ttank since jan. and i know i need to upgrade soon but i figured at about 10 months would be good. All the other corals seem to have their color. Only the ones that the clownfish mess with seem to do bad :( Some palys that i took out of the tank already cause the clowns bite at them and rub all over them and they havent opened much in like 2 weeks :( So i finally took them out. Guess ill have to do the same with the acan. Ill wait until tomorrow to see how they are looking. If not any better guess they get moved


Your clowns are trying to host the acan. That is the reason for its reaction. They have very sharp skeletons when you move them look for rips in the flesh. If its torn becareful where you put it, very low flow or the flesh could damaged beyond repair. ie death. Good luck and your daughter is very cute nice name too!


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Hey thanks for the comments :) I appreciate it. Well nothing new for this tank just yet. Was gonna buy another acan but i didnt see one that just caught my eye so i didnt get one this time but i did get a new favia for the other tank :)


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So i see no one is commenting once again. Guess ill have to boycott buying new corals until i get more comments like i was getting :) HAHAHA. Well i went out and bought me a maxi jet 1200 for my pump since mine went out last night and i also removed the sponge that was in the middle chamber because it wasnt able to get any flow to the pump but once i removed that sponge it was PERFECT as new and everything looks so happy again :) And i think i got more flow now than i did have so thats good too :)


Active Member
haha nice chalice blazin. I didnt know it was new pics in here! glad u got ur maxi jet problem fixed. U can prolly frag that chalice and send me a piece right now!


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Blazin, your baby is so beautiful. The chalice is definitely worth $30, its a great echinophyillia with some potential to color up nicely. Ive never seen clowns host an acan before, but I guess yours are. They can kill any coral they host over time, besides an anemone, because they rub up against it so much. Maybe try moving the acan to the side for a few days, hopefully they wont move on to another one