My New 24 JBJ Nano Cube


Blazin, was checking out the tank (great job BTW) and saw you have a Hector Goby. I am serioulsy thinking of getting one. Any problems, suggestions, care advice. When I started my tank the first fish was a Rainfordi, but he started getting skinny and then one day he disappeared. I think my sixline did something to him, since it brutally destroyed my fire shrimp.
thx Frank C


My gramma hasn't bothered anyone, unless they go near his sleeping hole. The sixline chased everyone around the tank. I know you don't want to hear it but maybe the sixline should go. I had all those problems when the tank was bare so territory wasn't a problem.


Active Member
wow hate in this thread now.
Whats new blazin? got any pics of those Blastos? and that new acan u got the other day?
I actaully think this is the wrong threads.. oops


Active Member
WOW WOW WOW. I LOVE ALL The new comments. Thank you guys so much for paying attention :)
fcatch76, i have no problems with my hectors goby but my tank has been running for about 10 months and i have plenty of pods in there and i also even bought some live copepods and put inside the tank so i am sure he is eating plenty :) He has never eaten any food i feed the corals or fish though so. :) bUT GOODLUCK if you get one.
Rebelprettyboy, nothing new here yet. Waiting on those micromussas to come in next week :
) Its gonna be a wonderful time then i can tell. And well i am in alot of pain from my accident and insurance folks are lame people.
Nissan577 thx for chekin it out again.
Spiderwoman, thanks for stoppin by and noticin my tanks :) I love acans so if you ever have any frags of some awesome ones let me know :) I am starting to really love these lps corals.
New pics s00n ! within the hour


Active Member
Thanks paintballer768 for the comments Yeah these b/w clowns are much more playful than my regular orange clowns that do nothing but swim at surface of water.


Active Member
Thankkkss. Maan she has been doing this for the last two days. I just know she is going to irritate these palys to death just like the others i just removed and put into my aquapod cause i mean now in my aquapod they are all open and doing great again. But they were stayinga ll closed and stuff because i guess the clown thnks it is some sort of


OK. So ive just done a rush viewing of this page! these days pages just pop down like softserve! Nice new pics, expecially like the soap-dish ones included!! I am so glad you are doing well (i hope) after the car accident!!!! I hope youve been able to have plenty of time off to recover!!! Man blazen, youve had some drama; I am glad you seem to be doing so well after it all!


Active Member
tHANKS alexa11 for chekin out my thread again and caring about my drama lately. It has been very hectic. Well here is a picture of my car that i was in the night of my accident. Thank goodness i had my seatbelt on :)


Active Member
Thanks fcatch76 and subielover. I am thankful for being alive as well. I mean it was a crazy crash and i am just happy i am here and can be with my baby everyday and watch her grow up. I mean you dont think about small things in life until you have had a life altering thing happen to ya and i have had it happen to me twice and i am thankful everyday for still being here :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
hahahaha that 4th pic is freakin funny. that clown is buried in them zoas!

Yeah clowns do some weird stuff... seen one try to host a big aptasia before and got all these stingmarks.