My New 24 JBJ Nano Cube


Active Member
Well thanks alot spanko :) I appreciate it alot. I like that coral also. Its pretty cool and it was a hitchiker. Pretty sweet deal ! It was really tiny at first but has grown alot. More new pics



Active Member
DUDDE whered you get that bicolor from?, and if you got over the whole thing before maybe sometime when my rainbow acan and all those grow we can trade


Active Member
Great shots blazin! That hectors goby is sweet. I need to get me one...
Those acans look so nice and fluffy.
Where some good old pics of the zoaS? Uve forgetten about them

Can U get a close up of the zoas aboutt he red acan? They look sweet!


Active Member
amazing shot man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol i think ima get a plane ticket for you to come and take pics for my tank lol. im speechless


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Thanks Clownfish,Nissan and rebel :) I appreciate yalls comments and clownfish yeah trading would be cool. Which bi color ? That blenny fish ? I got it from the lfs. If your talking about the acan then at the lfs also :) heheh.


Active Member
I just read what you said about the acan's....Wanting to bite one....LOL that's soooo funny because they remind me of these jelly candies we used to have when we were kids. They were covered in sugar. I think the same thing when i see hmmmm..they look tasty!!! LOL I thought I was the only nut case that thought they looked eat that is


Active Member
NaNo-NeWb1983, I just have stock lights on here. Its 2 lights that are 36 watts each. So i guess it would be 72 watts total :)
Clownfish11, Yeah its a sweet fish too with tons of personality. The lfs had em called Flame Tailed Blenny i think or something like that. I seen that somewhere.
NWDYR, Yeah i want to eat alot of my corals but i would probably die from it so i dont touch em.LOL.


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No new comments ? I guess i just have to post pics for people to comment. Well here you all go :) Growth progress on my Northstar Blue Zoa :) Its starting to grow pretty good. Got 3 polyps and another baby starting to appear but i am also starting to seem to get some types of algae growing on my frag pieces :( Any help ? How you like em rebel and everyone else ? I say rebel cause he said this is his favorite zoa he has seen or something like that.LOL
No flash or anything :) Just how they look. Did get water on my lense trying to take the pic though.LOL. Hope it will be alright.



Active Member
Well i guess its left up to me. I'ma say Blazin those are some awesome zoas and i am happy about the growth for ya. Wish i could get my hands on some of em for my tank :) HEHEHE.


Active Member
You do some wonderful photography Blazin!!!! How is the Hector's doing? I have read that they are fairly hard to feed. And they don't last very long.


Active Member
Thanks for the comment again Spanko. Your nice :) And the hectors is doing excellent. And VERY HARD TO FEED. Well actually seems IMPOSSIBLE for me as mine has never eaten any food. Seems to eat like a mandarin dragonet or somthing. I have only see it eating tiny tiny pods that i cant even see :( HEHE.
Ill post of new pic i took a little while ago of it in just a second :)