my new 24gal jbj nano


Active Member
next time I will close the blinds on the windows, I didnt notice until just now, you can see my sliding glass doors in the FTS, left side and by the frogspawn is a refelction from a window across the room. Sorry


Wow, your tank is coming along niiiiiiice!

You've been rearranging again!

and OMGGGGG!! Love the brain! I've sent this pic to my LFS asking them to trade mine in for this if they get one in like this pic. Either one like this, or some other really cool looking one.

Tank is looking great! I hope you're happier with it now!~


Active Member
wow that is a nice brain..hmm..sound's weird dont it? This LFS I go to is in a south berb of Chicago called Orland Park Il. The name is "Go Fish" If you'r guy can't get one in, I know Jeff, the owner would ship you one of his. They have a huge selection of brain's. Like I said next weekend is their big sale, If you want I will go there and take pic's of what they have and tell you the prices. Then If you want one you can workout the shipping with Jeff. He is a great guy and I know he would give my wife a great deal!!
I will be home late tonite so don't wait up


Active Member
That brain,with the "sale" discount he gave me early was only 35.00 I thought that was a great deal. Normal price was 50.00


Active Member
So do i get to be the online best man ? I mean i feel like i am being totally left out of the loop :( sO depressed for it.
Nice looking brain btw. Very cool. I got me a Hectors Goby today fo my tank :)


Active Member
Hey Blazin we would never leave you out!!! it's pretty much just the three of us here, with a stray here or there
You can be the best man or our b-a-s-t-a-r-d choose
I will check out you'r thread, hope you got some new pic's!! You know if you want to be part of this family you will have to get a "cool" brain!


Active Member
Well me and Kat74 both have Ricordeas and Yumas and i dont think you have any , So you should probably get some of those also. Hey i got one that isnt doing so well also. Would you happen to know anything about them or how to get them to recover ? It was like 50 dollars too and just seems like its colors are fading on it. Was nice and pretty pink and yellow but now its bout all yellow. But yeah i would like to have a brain coral but i just gotthis Hectors goby now and he likes to eat pods and sift sand , so i need to keep him plenty of sand to search for food in. Dont want my fish dying from starvation.
AND BTW YOUR TANK IS REALLY REALLY LOOKING WONDERFUL. I'M GETTING SUPER JEALOUS over how full it has gotten in such a short period of time. You must be like me and spending all ya money or lot of it on fish and corals and rocks. tha rocks are tha most exp. at 9.50 a lb. Its ridiculous. But i love seeing all the strange things come out of them like GORILLA CRABS AND the sort. HAHA. Never had a gorilla crab think goodness but they sound cool. I know you said they real bad though. Maybe you could buy a 1/2 gallon tank and start a Gorilla Crab farm. LOL
P.S. I Better see you have posted on my thread within the next hour too or i am gonna boycott both of you guys thread. LOL.


Active Member
Sorry I don't know enough about them to give you ant advice on how to save them
wish I could help! I lost a fire fish last nite
don't know what happened, but when I looked in the tank he was behind a rock being consumed by a snail
I tryind to get the snail off of him but it was too late, and I couldnt reach him behind the rock! after the snail got off him I noticed he was still in tact so I really dont know what the hell happened
I watched as the pepperment shrimp and a few of the smaller snails finnished him off. I hate when things happen and you dont know the cause!!! He was eating ok and seemed to look just find all day, his body was close to the little "burrow" I found another crab in but I never saw a crab when they were all eating him, and Like I said I don't know for sure that the new crab is a Gorilla or not. Bad news....dead fish good news....NEW FISH!!! and yey I have been spending wayyyyyyy to much money on the tank latley, oo well who needs food anyway


I'm gonna see what the maintenance guy from one of my LFS brings here for me, re: brain. I told him I wanted a red one like the one pictured, or another one that was purplish or "girly" looking.

awww... and Blazin2k6, of course you can be our best man. Wouldn't have it any other way.


Originally Posted by nwdyr
Sorry I don't know enough about them to give you ant advice on how to save them
wish I could help! I lost a fire fish last nite
don't know what happened, but when I looked in the tank he was behind a rock being consumed by a snail
I tryind to get the snail off of him but it was too late, and I couldnt reach him behind the rock! after the snail got off him I noticed he was still in tact so I really dont know what the hell happened
I watched as the pepperment shrimp and a few of the smaller snails finnished him off. I hate when things happen and you dont know the cause!!! He was eating ok and seemed to look just find all day, his body was close to the little "burrow" I found another crab in but I never saw a crab when they were all eating him, and Like I said I don't know for sure that the new crab is a Gorilla or not. Bad news....dead fish good news....NEW FISH!!! and yey I have been spending wayyyyyyy to much money on the tank latley, oo well who needs food anyway

OH NO!!~ Sorry to hear about your firefish!
I had a beautiful purple firefish about a year ago; got him on a Friday, came into work on that Monday and there was no trace of him anywhere. Never found out what happened to it. Sometimes things just happen and we'll never know unless they started to exhibit signs of being sick beforehand. I hate when they just up and die!


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
I really like the way your tank looks, many crevices and lots of potential. Keep it up!

Thank you very much!! I have to take a break from buying new stuff!! But next weekend my LFS is having a big sale soo I am sure I will HAVE to get SOMETHING!


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
OH NO!!~ Sorry to hear about your firefish!
I had a beautiful purple firefish about a year ago; got him on a Friday, came into work on that Monday and there was no trace of him anywhere. Never found out what happened to it. Sometimes things just happen and we'll never know unless they started to exhibit signs of being sick beforehand. I hate when they just up and die!
Thanks Kat, yea I really liked him but what are you going to do ? I think I will wait a couple weeks, do some water changes and pick out another fish. My Nitrates are a little high 40, so I am going to do a 20% water change today and another in a few days, It's been at 40 for awhile so I don't think that had anything to do with the firefish, but you never know. I know I will probably get another coral next weekend when that sale starts at my LFS but no fish for a couple weeks. How is you'r brain search going? that sounds funny too


Active Member
So nothing new this week ? Try for a Helfrichi Firefish since your purple one went away. HAHA. Those are quiet expensive but would be super cool. Take it easy.


Hey posted pictures of mine finally. Sorry to here bout your firefish my wife loves those. I may even post picts of my 10gal abortion


Active Member
No , nothing new this week. I have been trying to re-arrange my tank,its getting hard to find room for everything,my forgspawn and hammer coral are beautiful but require room to be away from the other corals so they dont sting them. I think I have too much live rock. The firefish was my son's fav. fish also, still deciding what to re-place him with,that is a cool fish blazin but yes it is a litte expensive! My hammer is not opening up dont know what his problem is
I moved him to an area whith less water flow I hope he likes it better,because everytime I move him I have to re-arrange the whole tank!! next week will be another new coral, dont know what yet, prob. get it on fri or sat. whatever it is it will have to be a smaller piece, like i said room is an issue


Active Member

Just bored and thought you may like some pic's, hey does anyone know what is wrong with my shrimp's leggs? they look like they are on backwards, he can't walk right anymore, they were not likr that befor, it just happened one day...very weird!!! maybe he didnt pay a bet and got his knees broke ? really though it is strange , why did this happen and how?


Active Member
Sorry I thought i had a pic of the shrimp..well i did but I lost it and now my batteries are out on the camera
I will post a pic of the cripple shrimp later , only in MY tank!!


Active Member
Possibly could have been a bad molt. Take care of him so he doesnt get eaten by anytthing if he has hard time swimming. But i am sure its just a bad molt. He'll grow them back right probably next time he molts. Well its cool that your Clowns are hosting the brain. Neat pics.