my new 24gal jbj nano


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Possibly could have been a bad molt. Take care of him so he doesnt get eaten by anytthing if he has hard time swimming. But i am sure its just a bad molt. He'll grow them back right probably next time he molts. Well its cool that your Clowns are hosting the brain. Neat pics.
Thank's for the info, I thought that might have been the problem but wasent sure, she also had baby's recently, it was cool to see the little ones flying around the tank! I did allot of reading about raising them but was discouraged at the mortality rate. But anyway after that she did molt and that's when I noticed the legg thing, nobody seems to bother her, she stays in the corner most of the time and does have a hard time getting around. How long does it take for another molt? again thanks for the comments!


Active Member
Originally Posted by dskrezyna
Uhm, yeah. I definately have my work cut out for me after looking at your tank.

Thank's bro , I wish I was jsut starting again , thats the most fun!! I keep checking you'r thread. Looking forward to more info and or pic's of you'r tank!


awwww.... TOO cute! Your clown hosting the brain! Brains are the new frogspawn, huh?
One of mine hosts the brain and the other hosts a frag of candy canes!
Lookin' good!!~


Active Member
kat you'r back!!! I missed you
yea , go figure I have a really nice frogspawn and a nice hammer , but she picks the brain


Active Member
No i thought i left a comment on your page last night but i guess i only did on Kat74s page. I was going to tell ya Wonderful pics. I just looked at em when i got in the house and after i got a freaking ticket for Disregarding A Red Light. So i was going to say the new photos kinda made my night better than how it was going. I was so bummed out last night after that ticket. AHHHH. I told the officer.. Ok now this red light stays red for 30 minutes long but he didnt care. Its not like i ran the light anyways and there was NOOOO traffic at MIDNIGHT. I just went through a parking lot instead of going to the light. AHH SO ANNOYING. Well anyways WONDERFUL PHOTOS. Love the cammera work. I'ma get mine that good one day. I cant figure out how to zoom in. All the good pictures i take are right up next to the glass :(


Active Member
Thank's for the comment's Blazin, always good to hear from you! That sucks about you'r ticket!! You would think with all the gang bangin scumbags out there they could cut a decent guy a break! Ticket fines are wayyyy out of hand here in Il also, I think the min. is like 100.00 thats nuts! Maybe they will offer you school so it won't go on you'r record, I made the mistake once of not going to the class, and it went on my rfecord and my ins. went up for three years
for the same thing, a stupid red light, and yea I also didn't just run it , they said I could have stopped befor it turned red. They always win!! Hope something happens and you beat it in court!


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
Wow these new pictures are awesome
I love your tank.
Thank's bro, i checked you'r thread, no pic's yet? hey maybe you can send me one of those tank's, that price is really good!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
No i thought i left a comment on your page last night but i guess i only did on Kat74s page. I was going to tell ya Wonderful pics. I just looked at em when i got in the house and after i got a freaking ticket for Disregarding A Red Light. So i was going to say the new photos kinda made my night better than how it was going. I was so bummed out last night after that ticket. AHHHH. I told the officer.. Ok now this red light stays red for 30 minutes long but he didnt care. Its not like i ran the light anyways and there was NOOOO traffic at MIDNIGHT. I just went through a parking lot instead of going to the light. AHH SO ANNOYING. Well anyways WONDERFUL PHOTOS. Love the cammera work. I'ma get mine that good one day. I cant figure out how to zoom in. All the good pictures i take are right up next to the glass :(
Hey buddy, check this out..I was up all nite with a tooth ache, went to the dentist today..long story short, gotta go back tomarrow to remove a bad tooth. No dental ins. of course and it cost 300.00 yes i said 300.00 to REMOVE a tooth !!!!! and yes I did call around and it is ,what it is ,allot of dentist don't even do extractions anymore!! what a rip
AND, this weekend is the big sale at my LFS
there goes my new stuff at a really low price!!! if it wasen't for bad luck,,,,,,,,,


Active Member
Well what i'd do is get a piece of string make a small circle at one end tie other end to door handle and ask ya son pull the door close and wham there you go 300 dollars saved. Problem solved. Then you got 300 to spend on corals :) Goodluck with that. You'd want some cotton swabs also to maybe stop the bleeding if it bleeds.


Active Member
yea I actually tried pulling it myself
, not the string method, I guess it's anchored in there pretty good!! oo well off to Dr, Pain i go at 9 am
I hate the Dentist!!!


Active Member
I am less tooth..but I am back
I set a trap last nite to try to catch the mystery crab, and I ended up catching my goby
O well I kinda thought that might happen. Murphy's law, that's pretty much my law!!!


Active Member
I hope your goby is fine. And LEAVE THAT CRAB ALONE. it probably aint hurtin nothing. its just a tiny crab. What do Gorilla Crabs do anyways ? eat your corals ? Maybe they coral is dying and it is takin care of it for ya. HEHE. well happy you got that tooth pulled.


Active Member
lol I just left a post on you'r thread saying I caught the little mystery crab
He came out for a walk by the moon light and BAM I scooped him up in a plastic cup!!! And yes they do eat corals, alive or dead. I will bring him in tomarrow to see if the LFS can ID him. I have learned from reading allot, that most crabs are bad crabs. I will try to post a pic of him tomarrow morn. b4 I bring him in.