my new 24gal jbj nano


I guess this bears a little explination. We love the renfest. I hear there is a great one in Bristol. Is that near you? My wife really wants to go so if thats near we could do a drive by (umm thats not a threat. or is it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by iyachtuxivm
I guess this bears a little explination. We love the renfest. I hear there is a great one in Bristol. Is that near you? My wife really wants to go so if thats near we could do a drive by (umm thats not a threat. or is it?
It's only a threat if you come dressed like that!
Bristol, IL ? never heard of it. If you mapquest it, you need the zip code, I live in Joliet IL,60433. I am about 30 miles s/w of Chicago. That would be cool if you could stop by! like I said I am pretty open until April 22nd,thats my knee surgery,after that I am not sure how long it will be befor I am mobile again. Let my know what you find out. OK Blazin and Kat you'r turn


Active Member
uMM... i am not into postin pics on forums sorry, never know who is watching ya so gotta be careful. WAAAAAHHHH. Nice pics of everyone though. Would rather see tank pics but ok.


Active Member
ok don't work but have allot of won't post pic's for fear of being reconized hmmmm I guess we will see you on Americas most Wanted or Cop's. Bad boy bad boy whatca gonna due. Hey when you go to jail can I have you'r tank?


Active Member
Ha Your crazy i tell ya. I aint gonna be going to jail but sure if you wanna take care of 2 different tanks your more than welcome to em when i am not able to take care of them anymore but i plan on having them forever and ever and take very great care of them. I just said i dont post my pics on forums. Like to post my pics of fish here. SO POST THOSE FISH PICS. I am fiendin for em cuz i cant take any new ones :( I think i'ma have to pull out my old pentax camera.


Active Member
Still no news on the camera huh? that suck's !! I will post some pic's tomarrow, my batteries are charging. Anyone know of any really good re-chargeable batteries? the ones I have are "die-hard" but they don't stay charged too long..they just Die...........HARD!!!


Active Member
Hey Blazin, i was just messin with you about the pic thing,sorry if I offended you! It's cool if you don't want to post a pic. Don't have any new fish pic's but here is a pic of my new bonsai tree.

yet another hobby


Active Member
LOL. A bonsai tree ? Cool. I love japanese things. I love japanese movies. Samurai movies are the best, Korean Period drama movies and any period drama tv shows. Dunno about Bonsai trees though but that one looks nice. I hear they are hard to take care of as well. Goodluck on it.


Active Member
lol Between Bonsai trees(I have 3 now) and pictures of people, I may have lost a couple of viewers of my thread here! so far I haven't killed one yet, I joke with people and say I don't have time for a job right now,I have too much stuff to do!!! It help's take my mind off the constant knee pain I have, now in BOTH knees!!! my rightr knee is dis-located from my left one being messed up for the last 10 months, and the ins. company is telling me they wont pay to treat the right one
I guess it's time to get a lawyer!! ok enough of the "non-fish" talk. I caught another mystery crab last nit, he was in a zoo rock, when I took the rock out a big piece of zoo fell off hte rock
I don't know what to do with it. It is literally just a hunk of zoo's
I just layed it on a rock on the bottom of the tank, there is nothing to "glue" to anything. Will it just attach itself??
I will take a pic later,hopfully someone can help me with this!


Active Member

This is the crab I took out of my tank last nite, I found this pic on line, this is not "my" crab but it is the same type. Can anyone I.D. this crab for me?


Hey sorry to here about your problems with everything. You should be able to glue the zoo to any rock ,start a new colony. Just glue the base it worked for me. I glued my new eagle eyes to one of my "horns" last night its open and happy today. My LFS told me it was ok thats how they frag alot of them.
Sorry if my pic scarred anyone away. I wont send the others in the pink tutu then! JK Those are for my personal use. JK again but really.
oh yea dry the area of the rock first, use gel based put it on rock, stick zoo to it, put it back in the water. That easy!


Active Member
I have done a little fragging before,the only problem I am having with this piece is it is literally a ball of zoo's, there is no "base" or rock.I would have to glue an actual zoo to the rock, will that stuck? it don't seem possible.


Active Member
It'll be ok. Just glue that one zoo to a rock. Is it like some 30 dollar a polyp zoo ? if not then you should be ok and not really lose that much money. I just sit mine on rocks and wait til they attach. I have sometype of paly in my AP, I had only 1 like 2 months ago and i wedged it into a rock and now there are 6 of em and they attached to that rock now. Dunno what that crab is but wierd looking. Black crab. You took it out cuz it was a black crab huh ? U racist in chicago ? LOL. Just kidding. Looks like a black emerald crab if there is such a thing.


Active Member
I found a small rock with a crevious about the same size as the zoo and just kinda laid him in there. I had to place a small rock on top of that to keep it from floating out. If this don't work I will just put some glue directly on the zoo, i just didnt think that would work
In answer to you'r question, no it is not a expensive zoo,just trying to save the piece if I can. And ALL crabs are un-welcome in my piece of the reef!!!! like the guy at the LFS said If you can't ID it.......SMOKE IT !!! NOt actually somke it ,Blazin. I do understand where you nick name comes from


Active Member
Actually to be honest i don't smoke but sure. You think you know everything huh ? LOL. Jk. Im blazin cuz im HOT like fire. HA HA. Bet KAT74 gets a laugh out of that one. I love me some tequila though. Do you not have an Emerald Crab ? I would suggest you getting one. they are cool little creatures. Lately mine has been in wonderful positions for me to take photos but i cant :( He'll just post up under my yumas and be pokin his furry legs out and eyes out. Its so cute and cool looking. Well hope you all have nice weekends. Im gonna be watching basketball and playin Fifa08


Active Member
I don't like crab's at all, they all will take a little piece of coral's if they get the chance. They are sneaky and strike at nite. And they itch too....oop's sorry wrong crab's