my new 24gal jbj nano


Active Member
WHAT ? U put beefheart in your fish tank ?Like actual heart from a cow ? Or is it just some fish food called beefheart ? I never heard of putting alien matter like that in your tank to feed livestock but ok i guess if its fine for ya. HEHEHE. i always want to go buy some fresh seafood at store and chop it up to feed to my fish but never have yet.


Active Member
there is frozen beefheart food for fish, I used to feed it to my fresh water fish, but now the swf love it also. I like to feed a variety of foods, they get tired of the mysis shrimp all the time! I also give them flakes on occasion


Active Member
i FEED mine Mysis Shrimp,Cyclopeeze,Flake,and even ORAGlo pellets. LOL. I know alot huh ? Pretty much all that everyday. LOL. I do tha cyclopeeze every other day. oh and also live phyto for my filter feeders


Active Member
I do the phyto also, I have heard about the cyclopeeze, what is that? I also add trace elements It's made buy Kent Marine called Essential Elements.Supposed to be good for Reef tank's


Active Member
Cyclopeeze is some type of pod like creatures. They are tinyyyy. My fish and everything loves it. Corals fish everything. They are tiny little red bugs. Its frozen food. Oh and it smellllssss awful. Well im off to bed.


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NWYDR- I saw that you said that you wanted to start a frag tank. Let me know when you can start, because I would surely buy a few from you.


Active Member
sounds good!! thank you, I am putting it together soon. I will let you know as soon as I am up and running


If you can get it try shrimp eggs ,its frozen. Everything in my tank went nuts. The guy at the LFS showed me on a couple tanks today, He feed an open brain it looked like it was going to explode it was so cool! I can get you the name of product if you want. Its very small sized anything should eat it. Oh and he "chummed" the water in a tank with a bunch of suncorals all of em opened right up!


Active Member
Wow you got a Dragonnet fish in your tank ? Pretty nice. I would get one but i dont want it starving to death. But man i did not know my Hectors Goby will only eat live food like pods as well. i think that is the only freaking thing he eats is like those little pods on your LR or crawling on the glass and sand. He is constantly always sifting through sand for the pods. I hate it cuz he covers my yumas in sand. LOL. i dont know if i should blow it off them or what so i just leave it be and by the morning its gone from them. Ahhh man. I am happy it seems to be doing well though. Nice pics btw. I try to take pics of my b/w clowns but i never can get good photos. AHHH THE NCAA TOURNAMENT IS IN TOWN THIS WEEK. AND I CANT GET A TICKET. I AM SO BUMMED ABOUT IT. well GO TO SLEEP. quit staying up allnight looking at your GORILLA CRABS. HAHAHAHHAA. GORILLA CRABS. glad i aint got none of those.


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Sorry that lastr pic is kinda blurrey, it's a scooter blenny. Is that also called a dragonfish? anyway he is really cool and I never see him eat so he must be eating pods, I have allot of them in my tank. And how did you know what I was doing late at nite?
I do actually sit by the tank with my mini mag flashlight and look for crabs at nite! I did see another little crab last nite! he is pretty small so I couldnt ID him. I am bidding on another tank on e-bay right now, so hopfully I will win and be setting up my frag tank soon. I am thinking of fragging my georgian soon, any takers??


awwwww, so you're going to have to start yourself a frag tank? That's not so bad though! If I weren't so far from you, I'd love to get a frag of that gorgonian! I heard that they were bad shippers?
How is yours doing, BTW?
Love your fire shrimp! Give it a little more time. Mine was like that too for the first couple of weeks. Now, he hangs out in front all the time. I've had mine for over a year now. He loves to hop on my hand whenever I put my hand in the tank!


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Kat is back!!! My little x-mas tree is doing well, I don't know how they ship
but I will do some research and let you know. Can't wait for my shrimp to come out and play!!!!


unfortunatly I have heard they ship bad also. Maybe I can pick it up on my way through if we come that way. I love that gorgonian! The fire shrimp is cool too. I m afraid to get a shrimp after what happened to the one I ordered.
Oh and havent decided if im going to put the orchid dottieback in the new tank yet either hes the other reason.


Active Member
ORCHID DOTTYBACKS ARE COOL. Most prettiest fish i have and tons of personality. He seems like he plays hide and seek with me when i go up to my tank. I go to one side and he peeks around a LR . But he does pick on my fish and goby alot. LOL. he is a mean little devil but very cute and mostly leaves things alone but then he gets vicious. NICE PIC OF YOUR GORGONIAN


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iyachtuxivm- Did you ever mapquest my zip? When are you comming this way?
Blazin- i dont think I know what a orchard dottyback is,I will have to googel that! Thanks for the comments