my new 24gal jbj nano


Active Member
Is it called a "zero edge"? if not , google that and you will see one bad a^%$ tank! the water flows over all four sides of the tank then goes into a moat like thing back down under the tank, very cool. Maybe thats what you'r talking about,because a few LFS out here have them and the small ones are like 2,000.00 As soon as Kat and I get married and combine our incomes I think we will get one or two


Originally Posted by nwdyr
Is it called a "zero edge"? if not , google that and you will see one bad a^%$ tank! the water flows over all four sides of the tank then goes into a moat like thing back down under the tank, very cool. Maybe thats what you'r talking about,because a few LFS out here have them and the small ones are like 2,000.00 As soon as Kat and I get married and combine our incomes I think we will get one or two

Get one or two?? Why not just open our own LFS???


Active Member
Count me in!!!
Ok i am driving ME crazy...I changed my mind AGAIN!!! now I am going with the 40 breeder AHHHHH
I need to just hurry up and order the light and filter so then i can't keep changing my mind!!! Tomarrow my son and I are going to build the stand, then I think I will order my light and stuff tomarrow nite or thursday....yea...yea that's what I'll do


I was going to say go with the breeder. Good luck with the fragging! Hey post some pics would ya! of anything new old whatever.


Hello everyone! I just wanted to pop in and say your tank looks great!!!
I have a lot of work to do if my tank is gonna ever look like that!!!
I was curious if you are running anything special on ur tank besides stock stuff that came w the tank?
I have the same tank and was curious what I do differently!!!
beautiful choice in corals!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jamiegrl
Hello everyone! I just wanted to pop in and say your tank looks great!!!
I have a lot of work to do if my tank is gonna ever look like that!!!
I was curious if you are running anything special on ur tank besides stock stuff that came w the tank?
I have the same tank and was curious what I do differently!!!
beautiful choice in corals!

HI and welcome!!
Thank's for the comment's. I run everything pretty much stock, all I did a little diff. was I removed one sponge from the middle chamber and put in some LR rubbel. I have 24lb's of LR in the tank so I really don't need any more, but I found a good sale on LR at my local LFS so I put some more in. Allot of people totally change the fiter system,but If your going to do that then why buy a all in one? JMO oo I did also add another power head,korilla #1 I put it so it points behind the rocks on the lower left side of my tank. So between the one that comes with the tank and the one I added it circulates the water completly around the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by iyachtuxivm
I was going to say go with the breeder. Good luck with the fragging! Hey post some pics would ya! of anything new old whatever.
I agree! the breeder is the best choice, and I will post some pic's later.What's the matter are you getting bored of just me talking
just kidding


See? All this talk about breeders, building stuff, picking out lights, etc... is over my head. The extent of my knowledge with tanks is what I have.
Thank God for these "all-in-one" tanks because if it weren't for them, this hobby would be too much for me!

Just get it and post some pics!~


lmao its not that hard and i need to learn it when i will build my 10,000 gallon system for my midlife crisis =P
Good luck nwdyr we believe in u, You can do it!!!!


Active Member
Hey all,
Picked up the 40gal breeder today with glass top,ordered the filter,salt and misc stuff from Dr Fosters and ordered a 250w metal halide hanging light. I will post some pic's of my home made stand and tank later tonite. My son and I are still painting the stand, the weather here is bad, rain and snow, so we are trying to paint between the rain/snow


Active Member
I started a new thread for the Fragg tank, i don't know how to put a "link" here for it , but you can find it inder nano tank's. Hmmmm it's a 40gal tank i wonder if I schould have put it under something else? is that still considered a Nano?? well I am sure someone will correct me if I made a mistake. I hope I don't have to move it to another catagory..I don't know how to do that!!


Hey dude I just wanted to give you some props for your nano. I just read every page of your thread. You have really made a nice tank there. Love your corals especially the hammer & brain.
I hop you get alot of stuff to add in there from your frag tank when it gets up & going.
I've got a diary started for a 29g biocube. I got it last week & had to exchange it.
I hope mine turns uot as nice as yours!
Good Luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by iyachtuxivm
I dont know its a little more livley then mine.

Thank's bro, I have just been trying to get my frag tank and thread going so I have not been here much the last few day's. But I promise to keep up on both! Don't give up on me


Active Member
Originally Posted by FISHERMON
Hey dude I just wanted to give you some props for your nano. I just read every page of your thread. You have really made a nice tank there. Love your corals especially the hammer & brain.
I hop you get alot of stuff to add in there from your frag tank when it gets up & going.
I've got a diary started for a 29g biocube. I got it last week & had to exchange it.
I hope mine turns uot as nice as yours!
Good Luck!

Thank you so much!! people like you make it worth the effort, it's nice to hear someone appreciate all you'r hard work! I will check out you'r thread and I am sure it will end up just as good if not better than mine! Also if you want to see a really great nano check out Kat's thread. She was mine ,and ALLOT of other peoples inspiration here!!!


Yea Kat's tank is awesome. I've got a 90g reef & have been thinking about a biocube for months now. I just started checking out the nano forum about a month ago. Her tank along with a few others (including yours)is one of the main reasons I'm getting one.
Very inspirational.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FISHERMON
Yea Kat's tank is awesome. I've got a 90g reef & have been thinking about a biocube for months now. I just started checking out the nano forum about a month ago. Her tank along with a few others (including yours)is one of the main reasons I'm getting one.
Very inspirational.
WOW .... Kat and my nano in the same sentance! I am not worthy
really thank's, thats a huge compliment!


Stay tuned....
I've got everything ready LR,LS, and some corals (waiting impatiently in my 90g). I'm just waiting on my cube.


Active Member
anyone know what this is? besides just alge, it is long and grass like and very dark green. I have never seen alge like this

Just some misc. pic's

my cabbage coral is really growing!!! need that frag tank!

this is a piece of the cabbage I fragged about 3/4 weeks ago
