my new 24gal jbj nano


Active Member
I was thinking of adding another fish to this tank, any Ideas??? I have 2 clown's ,1 watchman goby, and 1 scooter. I have tried a firfish twice, but someone keeps killing them
I think it's my goby because they always pick one of his tunnels to sleep in, then they turn up dead the next day
both fish were healthy and eating well, i just really think he killed them because of where they were sleeping!


Active Member
Get a McCoskers Flasher Wrasse. I think i'ma try to get another one this week and see how he does. Hopefully it doesnt disappear like my last one. But we'll see. Go for it they are very bright and nice looking additions. Or get you a SHARK. THATS WHAT I WANT. LOL


Active Member
Thank's joe!
Some pic's just for fun;
Close-up of candy

lone shroom

The underside of my hammer coral,looking up to the top of the tank


Active Member
OHHHH NOOO, SO I JINXED MYSELF WITH PICKING AT YOU AND THESE CRABS YOU GOT. I Just found some small WHITE Translucent looking crab on top of my pink zoo cololony ! AHHH. I was just thinking maybe it is a crab that came iniside my scallop and i leave it alone and now its in back of my rocks. Well i call my LFS i go to and they told me to TAKE IT OUT cuz it might be bad. AHHHH Now what do i do. I Cant reach it and i aint taking my tank apart for it.


Active Member
Welcome to crab land!!!
get out the mini mag light, get a comfy chair and start looking. Mine usually came out around midnite. Once he goes into a rock you have to take that rock out fast before he comes out again. Then you have to get a small srewdriver or a piece of wire and start poking all the little holes. If that don't work get out the ol hammer and start breaking the rock.... it suck's but you gotta do it!!! I am down to only one really small crab in my 40 frag tank. My LFS has the coolest LR but they are loaded with crabs, I guess you gotta take the good with the bad. Good luck my crab hunting brother....remember...take no prisoners!!!!! KILL,KILL,KILL


I still refuse to believe that there are bad things that come out in our tanks at night.....


Active Member
Well i just left it in there. Its such a cool little crab. CoMPLETELY WHITE and i dont even see a mouth on it. Its the wierdest looking crab i ever seen. But anyways i havent noticed anything missing or gone so its ok i guess. probably been in my tank this whole time cuz i havent added any rock in awhile.


Active Member two are in denial
they are ALL bbbbaaaaadddd, the only good crab is a dead crab! wow allot of anger there


Active Member
Hey this place is getting boreing again!!! got a huge piece of GSP, hoping to move it to the frag tank soon!! I really had a hard time squeezing it into the 24gal, but it's in there and waiting for the water to finnish the cycle. I will post pic's later, right now I have to go to the hospital for a bunch of tests, my surgery is one week from today! I would be lieing if I said I wasent a little on edge, see I can say that here because I know nobody will read it


Originally Posted by nwdyr
Hey this place is getting boreing again!!! got a huge piece of GSP, hoping to move it to the frag tank soon!! I really had a hard time squeezing it into the 24gal, but it's in there and waiting for the water to finnish the cycle. I will post pic's later, right now I have to go to the hospital for a bunch of tests, my surgery is one week from today! I would be lieing if I said I wasent a little on edge, see I can say that here because I know nobody will read it

Oh, now you stop that!~

Don't worry about those tests, they're just the standard "pre-op" testing that everyone has to go through. (blood work, EKG, Chest Xray, meeting with the anesthesiologist, etc.) You'll be fine. I know that it's normal to be a little nervous about any type of surgery, so I'll cyberly send my hand over to hold yours and I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!~


Active Member
you always make me smile and feel better!! you know you'r stuff, thats exactly what we did today. Thursday is the physical, my blood pressure was a high last time, but I ahve lost about 20 lbs since then, some say I am now "under" weight but I don't think so. Hope that helps with the BP and with re-hab. thanks for the hand, it means allot. Wish there was a smiley kiss, I would insert it here for you

ok enough of that, here are a couple pic's of the new GSP, like I said its a little crowded in there so this is the best i could do. It is actually much larger than it looks. There is also a few nice pieces just hanging off waiting to be fragged
can;t wait, Iam going to test the water again today. Hope I can add a small piece to the frg tank soon.



OMG!! You called me "Kim" and not "Kat"!!~

Well, with losing 20lbs, and if you've decreased your salt intake, your B/P should be fine. But then again, when you're nervous, or have "white coat syndrome" your B/P will be high no matter what! BTW, "white coat syndrome" is people who tend to get high blood pressure just from seeing anyone in the medical profession, usually wearing the white lab coats. We have lots of patients that are like that. But try not to worry. Everything will be alright.
Your gsp looks awesome! I wish I could find me a nice big piece like that around here, but I've got a little frag in each of my tanks, so hopefully, it will take off from there and spread!

I'm on my way to pick up a couple of new things from my LFS... clove polyps, frogspawn, coco worm and blue mushroom rock.


Active Member
Well I think its about time we take this relationship to the next level don't you?
thanks again for the kind words!!! I will check you'r thread later for pic's of the new stuff, you'r new thread is going so fast I can't keep up!

like I said its a little crowded now, until I can move the GSP, so I had to move my zoo frag and the mushroom rock to the side

Allot of people told me the CFL lighting was not enough to keep frogspawn...well not only is this one "keeping" but he is growing!!! looks like it is going to "split" any ideas on what to do ??

Same with the Hammer