my new 24gal jbj nano



WOW!!!~ Look at how far you've come!!~ Your tank looks awwwwwwesome! :party :

and remember when you were freaking out about the aquascape after having to rearrange everything?? See... it totally worked out and looks even better than before!

I believe that green "algae" is some type of caulerpa and it may have hitchhiked onto a piece of LR. I hate when that happens. When I see even a tiny piece of plant life on my LR or anything, I take the tweezers and pick them off.
Your cabbage coral looks awesome, growing huge! Did you read in my 29g thread about my rics dying that were around my cabbage coral?? I read in the Marine Invertebrates pocket guide book that they are very competitive and aggressive and can secrete a noxious chemical that can kill nearby corals. That would clearly explain why all my rics on that little ledge that were around my cabbage leather died. And I didn't even buy the cabbage leather, it hitchhiked onto that piece of LR.
Looks like yours are far enough away not to cause any problems.

And I still loooooove your blueberry gorgonian! It still looks beautiful and healthy! You must be doing something right with it because not a lot of people have had success with them!~


2nd on the calurpa. I have some in my fuge for my 90 that looks just like that. I'd get it out of there. It will spread rapidly. It will become a nuisance.


Active Member
Thank's for the 411 on the green stuff!! at night under the blue lights's on my leather coral I can actually see some "stuff" on my leather, it look's "wet"
maybe that's the bad stuff huh Kat? anyway thank's for posting that info because I didn't know that about them! Now I will be sure to keep it far enough away from everything else! thank god I haven't had to do any midnite re-arrange job's latley
and thank you, I also like the way it looks now, better than b4


I had a feeling you were cryin wolf. I didn't even think of April fools.
You no longer will recieve any sympathy from me in the future.



naw you replied too quickly. I called the Vet my wife works at today and asked the receptionist if they were seeing new clients. She said always. What kind of pet do you have? I said its kinda exotic do you see exotics. Yes she replied. I said its a Jackelope its horns need to be trimmed
She said I am not familier with those
My wife must have been within earshot next thing I know shes on the phone going not funny your in trouble.
The entire staff in the background were laughing. The receptionist is very young and kinda gullable. Thats my 04/01 evil doings


Active Member
good one
I didn't want to leave it up there too long, like i said I didn't want any bad carma


Active Member
I got my 40gal up today, I have some pic's posted there, just got the basics but it has water


Originally Posted by nwdyr
Thank's for the 411 on the green stuff!! at night under the blue lights's on my leather coral I can actually see some "stuff" on my leather, it look's "wet"
maybe that's the bad stuff huh Kat? anyway thank's for posting that info because I didn't know that about them! Now I will be sure to keep it far enough away from everything else! thank god I haven't had to do any midnite re-arrange job's latley
and thank you, I also like the way it looks now, better than b4

See? I'm not ever here at night to see what goes on with my tank, so if you're seeing something that looks "wet" on your cabbage leather, I bet it IS that chemical stuff.

And definately.... your tank looks better now. Love it.


Active Member
I thru 2 pepperment shrimps in today, i am starting to get those little aistap..... whatever they are things that sting stuff....OMG . you know what i mean...don't ya? long day sorry!


I get those on one piece of rock, keep dosing them with joes juice. They keep poping up
good luck with the shrimp let us know how they work out.


Active Member
Hey that Green algae is not Cuelerpa its something called borapsis or something ? i dunno what my LFS calls it but its some crazy type of algae and it multiplies like crazzzzzy. i have some in my tank and it will just spread and spread but i just grab a handful every now and then. I havent found anything at all that will eat it. Oh and pics look wonderful. Oh and yeah i forgot what else i was gonna say.


Active Member
I just pulled out the rock of zoo's it was growing on and cut it off but I noticed a few really fine strands still on there, so I am sure It will grow back! Yet another "job" now I will have to mow my tank every couple weeks'


Active Member
Thank's fishy and welcome to the boards, I will check out you'r thread. Good luck and welcome to the addiction
Don't fight it, just go with the flow and enjoy the ride


Active Member
I will try to get better pic's tomorrow, I am having a hard time finding a spot in my tank with little or no flow
I guess thats a good thing huh? When i saw this piece it was in a area of the tank with little water flow and it looked much nicer with the tentacials all streached out.
