my new 24gal jbj nano


i havent yet I will when we find out for sure if we are going. I believe its some time in june.
My orchid is really cool just very agressive toward all crustations. He has even pulled a hermite from its shell to eat it and I feed him daily!
I wouldn't recommend one for that reason. But if you are looking for a fish with great personality and dont mind loosing a hermit once in awhile ,or ALL of your pods then they are great. Ill see if he will let me get a good pic


Active Member
Not for me , I like my hermit's and my pod's!!! I would like to see a pic if you can get one. Hope you guy's come and hopfully it will be close enough that you can stop by


Active Member
Oooooooooo ok I have seen that pic on you'r thread, just didn't know what I was looking at
nice pic and very cool fish!


Active Member
OK who knows the secret to bidding on e-bay? I was bidding on a tank for my frag project ( for the last 3 days mind you!) and last nite I was watching the bid end and I was the top bidder, 3-2-1-
allof a sudden it says bidding has ended and SOMEBODT ELSE WON THE BID!!!!!! I don't know how the heck it happened I didn't even see this person bid! I am sooo p#$#@ off, I watched that stupid thing for like 4 day's. Any advice would be great! thank's


Originally Posted by nwdyr
OK who knows the secret to bidding on e-bay? I was bidding on a tank for my frag project ( for the last 3 days mind you!) and last nite I was watching the bid end and I was the top bidder, 3-2-1-
allof a sudden it says bidding has ended and SOMEBODT ELSE WON THE BID!!!!!! I don't know how the heck it happened I didn't even see this person bid! I am sooo p#$#@ off, I watched that stupid thing for like 4 day's. Any advice would be great! thank's
That's happened to me several times...some people are just lightening fast and literally click like a half second before.


The other thing is that someone could have put in a higher end bid point thingy.I dont know exactly what you call it when it asks how much you are willing to spend on it in the end. Anyway if someones was higher then your final bid they win. It updates automatically at the end of bidding. Sorry you missed out it has happened to me too.


Active Member
I e-mailed the seller and he said he was watching and also wondered how that happened, and the jerk has not paid yet. He said if he don't pay by tuesday he will sell it to me. He schould just sell it to me today, I would p/u now, I did e-mail and tell him that,so we will see. I have 6 new frag's waiting for a tank to go too!


Originally Posted by nwdyr
I e-mailed the seller and he said he was watching and also wondered how that happened, and the jerk has not paid yet. He said if he don't pay by tuesday he will sell it to me. He schould just sell it to me today, I would p/u now, I did e-mail and tell him that,so we will see. I have 6 new frag's waiting for a tank to go too!

SOMETIMES, you have to beware of the seller too because there has been many a seller out there who will create other e-Bay ID's and will bid on their own items to bump up the final cost. When I want something on e-Bay, I won't bid on it until the last 15 seconds. I make sure to be on the computer before the close of the a-u-c-t-i-o-n and will input my bid and submit it when there is 15 seconds left. What I do is this... if the current high bid is about $25.00 and shipping is $9.99, I anticipate that whoever has the high bid would want to pay an "even" amount, like $35.00. Then I may come in and bid something like $41.88, thinking that the person with the $25.00 high bid may have his max set at $30.00, and he's assuming to have to pay $9.99 for shipping, so let's say $40.00. If I bid $40.00, I lose because that was his highest bid and it was in first. HOWEVER, if I bid $41.88, I win because it's more than $40.00. Confused yet?? I know it doesn't make sense with me trying to write it down here, but it works everytime for me. You just always have to anticipate what the other person is going to do, but also keep in mind how much YOU are willing to pay for it. But don't EVER put your bid in right away.... wait til the last few seconds.


Active Member
ok I did have to read that like 3x but I did finally get it!! thank's for the advice and I will try that next time!! SO you are like a cool hobby chick,a smart exec. type at work , really cute,sweet,kind, etc,etc,etc and you are not married???? All joking aside you are one special lady


Originally Posted by nwdyr
ok I did have to read that like 3x but I did finally get it!! thank's for the advice and I will try that next time!! SO you are like a cool hobby chick,a smart exec. type at work , really cute,sweet,kind, etc,etc,etc and you are not married???? All joking aside you are one special lady

Yeah, it's a little hard to try to put into words in a way that's easy to understand.

Nope, not married!~ I recently got out of a long term relationship that was not good for me and I am actually having a good time living the single life!
In all seriousness... I do stay very busy between my job, my niece and looking after my father who has bladder and prostate cancer... not to even mention my tank, which to me, is not a whole lot of work, but a nice "distraction"..... ah, yes.... "distraction".
I'm in no hurry to get married. When I do it, I want to do it once and do it right.

Plus... how would I ever explain to my future hubby that I am already cyberlly hitched to you!


Active Member
Well add care giver to the list!!! I will say a prayer for you'r dad. I am also enjoying the single life, I would rather have a "real" relationship..but i guess my cyber marriage will have to do for now


lmao awwww to sweet=P little cyber couple

love the purple fish i wanted it for my tank but its a known invert picker so it can't go in mine=(.
tank looks sick =P keep up the great updates

Also wat crabs are u talking about, i once seen some cool little crabs in my Friends LR but they are long gone, if u find any nice peaceful ones send them my way lmao
im making a invert haven=P come check out my diary wed and u'll see wat i mean!


Originally Posted by nwdyr
Well add care giver to the list!!! I will say a prayer for you'r dad. I am also enjoying the single life, I would rather have a "real" relationship..but i guess my cyber marriage will have to do for now

Well, I've always been a "care giver", even before I became a nurse 13 years ago. (wow! has it already been 13 years??) and yeah, I hear ya... real relationships are the best. The single life can only be "fun" for so long.

Thanks for the prayers for my Dad, I really appreciate that.

Soooo.... did ya buy anything new today?


Active Member
No new stuff today, trying to save up for the frag tank!! of course I was thinking about a 20 long...but now I saw a 40 gallon breeder and I am trying to figure out a way to set that up for 300.00 the light is where I keep going over budget, any ideas? You became a nuse 13 yrs ago?? how old are you? you look like you'r only in you 20's. I guess I schould know the age of my wife huh?

Halo: the first crab I found was a Gorilla Crab, and nobody want's one of those. The second one was the picture above, but I can't get a I.D. on that guy, what ever he is I dumpted him! I will check out you'r thread and see what's going on!!


Originally Posted by nwdyr
No new stuff today, trying to save up for the frag tank!! of course I was thinking about a 20 long...but now I saw a 40 gallon breeder and I am trying to figure out a way to set that up for 300.00 the light is where I keep going over budget, any ideas? You became a nuse 13 yrs ago?? how old are you? you look like you'r only in you 20's. I guess I schould know the age of my wife huh?

I'm sorry, but I am of no help when it comes to doing the tanks where you have to buy everything separately and put it together.
This is why I like the nano tanks so much!~

Yep, I became a nurse 13 years ago. I came from a family of nurses, so I always knew I wanted to be one. The summer after I graduated from high school, I went to nursing school. Took a 2 year program, took my boards, passed and I was a nurse at the age of 20. I'm 33 now. People always think I am younger.... I credit that to my Mom's genes
... she's Korean and my Dad is American.


Active Member
I think I am going to go with the 20 long,this way I won't have the room to be tempted to just do another reef tank!! So if I have to keep it a frag tank then maybe I will actually sell some frag's. I know if I went with the 40 breeder I would be setting it up for more than just frag's!! I think the 150 watt Viper light, about 10lb's of LR and a small LS bottom to help the bio filtration, a HOB filter and some kind of skimmer. I also like the "all in one" tank's but they don't have light's that will grow corals so I have to piece it together. And yes thank you'r Mom for great gene's because you look at least 10 yrs younger! I am italian so we add 10 yrs
For some reason Italian men always look older
I have allot of grey hair, but I guess it's better than no hair
Well I better go order my new light, I will start a new thread as soon as I get the light and tank, maybe at the end of the week


Well, how about go for the 34 gallon Red Sea Max? I'm not sure of the lighting on it, but it's supposed to be better than regular 'ol PC's... and it's still an "all-in-one"....


Active Member
I don't know why anyone would pay 750.00 for that overated bio-cube on roids
It only has 110w of t5 power compact lights and pretty much the same filter as we do on our nano's. I guess its like designer sunglasse's huh? I am still thinking.......did allot of reading and studying
And i think it's going ot be the 20 long with the 150w MH Viper, 15lb's of LR,thin layer of LS, and a Bio-System HOB filter with built in skimmer. I really like the 40 gal breeder, but it would bring me over budget and due to my surgery and all, I guess for once in my life i schould pay attention to...THE BUDGET!!!!!


Active Member
They got 34 Gal Red Sea max with Metal Halides. Maan my LFS has an AWESOMMEEEE TANK they just got a few weeks back. It has an open top and its square. It looks like a lagoon type tank but it has everything built in like our nanos. Its AWESOME looking. 30 gallon tank. BUT PRICE TAG IS LIKE $1,800 CRAZY price.