my new 24gal jbj nano


Active Member
good example of not believing everything you hear!!! there were a couple of people here that told me they would both die due to my CFL lighting not being "enough"


Active Member
Gorgeous pics

That is a huge piece of GSP, I would definitely like a frag of that when you are ready to go.
I have you in my thoughts as well regarding your surgery, stay positive and you will be better than ever.
Keep up the great work on your tanks, you really do a wonderful job!


Active Member
subielover :
thank you too for the good thoughts!!! You guys ( and girl
) have come to mean allot to me over the past months, I just want to tell you all that I feel lucky to have met you all and look forward to staying in contact and maybe even meeting you all!! I will let you know when I frag that bad boy!! You all have another week to put up with me b4 you get a 5 or 6 day break
If something happens to me ... I will be the Picaso in Kats' tank... the gorilla crab in Blazin's tank..... And a big kick a%$# GSP in subielover's tank
I kill me !!!!


First of all... there is absolutely NOTHING that is going to happen to you!

Second... if you're gonna be the Picasso in my tank, you are very loved and spoiled.

Third... Good Lord & Taylor!!~ Your tank is a showcase!~
It looks absolutely fabulous!! The blueberry gorgonian is known to be a hard-to-take-care-of coral, and many of them die in captivity, but yours is still looking very healthy!~
Fourth... honey, you're gonna have to frag that frogspawn, gsp, cabbage leather and hammer. SubieLover is looking for some frags.... just sayin'.....

Sooo glad that we all have a kindred friendship here too.... nice to have the support of fellow hobbyists.
Can you imagine how boring and lonesome it would be if we couldn't share this experience with each other?
I'm thankful for the friendships (and cyber marriage) I have made here too!~


Active Member
thank you for the compliment!! It's funny but ,when I lokked at the pic's after I posted them, i thought to myself hmmmm that look's pretty good!
sometimes you are just so worried about how it looks you don't take the time to just ....sit and look!! again comming from YOU that is a huge compliment
Back at ya!
I am going to do some reading about how to frag the frogspawn, last nite when he was de-flated ? I could see the fleshy part of him is growing another "head" looks kinda weird like it's exploding or something
right now I can't see a way to frag it without cutting the flesh, the bottom is still the same size, so if I cut that it won't matter i will still have 3 heads on one "stalk" hmmm have I lost or bored everyone yet
Sorry just thinking out load


Active Member
Hey alright, thanks for looking out for me folks!

nwydr-Your tank is what I envision mine looking like one day, it is truly beautiful and unique.
i definitely agree with you that is a pleasure to be able to share my thoughts as well as learn and admire everyone's "work" here. I am so thrilled that I found this site before I actually started a tank, as I feel like now I have a good base of knowledge to work from. I am chomping at the bit to get started and will hopefully be able to buy any frags that you are willing to ship

Like Kat said, your surgery will go fine, you are one of the good guys
Stay positive and my thoughts will be with you.


Active Member
ok...I feel a group hug comming on
Blazin, where are you ? we can't have the hug without that lug
Subie : First thanks for the awsome compliments!! and also for the thoughts on my surgery, You sound like a really smart guy to have done all this research before setting up you'r tank so I am sure it will be great
I thought of you today, I fragged a piece of my candy coral. it was kind of an accident. I was trying to get some alge off of it, I had it close to my zoo's that had that pain in the a%^$ alge and it spread
so anyway I ended up pulling to hard and well...I got a frag
I also had to cut off about 10 polyps from the zoo to get that stuff off. I hope I am done with that stuff now!!! what a pain. So when you are ready I will have a nice candy coral, GSP,leather or some shrooms for you! It will be at least 1 month b4 they are ready, I know you are not in a big hurry anyway. Also when I am up to it after surgery I am going to try to frag that Geogonian
I have done some reading and believe I can ship it with good results. Won't be long and you can take you'r choice or you may change you'r mind and not want anything, either way is ok, I don't want you to feel pressured to egt any of them. No high pressure salesman here


Active Member
Hey subie,
I just remembered the doc has a sale on nano cubes right now, the 24gal with stand is like 275 delivered you might want to check that out!


Your tank look great . Hope the fragging goes good. And What I'm not invited in the group hug
Its ok thats kinda wierd anyway good luck on the surgery.


Active Member
Originally Posted by iyachtuxivm
Your tank look great . Hope the fragging goes good. And What I'm not invited in the group hug
Its ok thats kinda wierd anyway good luck on the surgery.
heyyyyy you are in on the hug too....unless you like have bo or something!


Active Member
Well.............. it's been a sh&^%^ nite!!! I was feeding my tank tonite , everything was happy,healthy eating and then....
the avalanche to end all avalanche's!!! rocks falling....corals being crushed,,, fish fleeing for cover, my poor little clowns were even biting me. they probably thought I had lost my mind and was trying to kill them!! OMG it was B-R-U-T-A-L sooo 3 hrs later, I had to empty my tank into buckets and re-build from the ground up. AAAAAnd of course I hate it again!! I am waaaayyyy too tired and embarrassed to post the pic's of the "new" scape. It looks awful
it will take days to get it back to something half way good again, and I go in for surgery in a few days so I really don't have the time right now and when I get out I will not be well enough for a few weeks to even work on it!!! this sucks, I swear there was a time tonite when i just wanted to sell it all and give up....... I know that's not like me. I guess I will get it back sometime, in the meantime please don't be offended when i post pic's cus it's really not pretty anymore


New Member
YOUR TANK IS SUPER CLEAN! I can only hope the one I get will turn out this nice. Great job!
What is the light blue one in the middle?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dwhitt1981
YOUR TANK IS SUPER CLEAN! I can only hope the one I get will turn out this nice. Great job!
What is the light blue one in the middle?

Thank you! the blue thing is what I call my x-mas tree
it's a georgian, very hard to take care of! I have been lucky with it soo far, but I hear they don't live long in captivity


Oh, nooooo! Sorry to hear about your nightmare!

But you know what?? You've gone through the re-aquascaping before and it gets better and better each time. I know how you feel when you get used to it looking one way and then, as we all know, it is impossible to put the rocks like they were, even if you were looking at a pic of it before. But I have total faith in you that you will make it even better than it was before!~

Chin UP!~


Active Member
Kat :
thanks honey
just you saying that makes me feel better already!!
Hey, anyone feel the earthquake last nite?? yep I said earthquake~~~ about 4:30am I woke up from my bed shaking, very strange... I mean I live in the Chicago area....a EARTHQUAKE????? what next? Maybe my tank felt it before it actually came
Sooo I had 2 earthquakes last nite!!
I have to laugh, or I will cry


Active Member
Ahh crap two earthquakes in one day, that has to be good luck
Keep your chin up I am sure the tank will come back together nicely and your clowns will forgive you
Any idea on what started the avalanche? Good luck with it and I am sure however you set it up will look great, it always does


Originally Posted by nwdyr
Kat :
thanks honey
just you saying that makes me feel better already!!
Hey, anyone feel the earthquake last nite?? yep I said earthquake~~~ about 4:30am I woke up from my bed shaking, very strange... I mean I live in the Chicago area....a EARTHQUAKE????? what next? Maybe my tank felt it before it actually came
Sooo I had 2 earthquakes last nite!!
I have to laugh, or I will cry

I had no idea there was an earthquake and I didnt feel a thing. Are you forgetting to check your private messages again?