my new 24gal jbj nano


Active Member
Thank's guy's I have been working hard on the tank, The brain is cool, I feed him yesterday by hand! He actually has two mouth's one on each side. They look like eyes, so either I fed him or burned the hell out his eye with some mysis shrimp
sorry no crab pic, my stupid camera is not working, well i am bringing him in today to see if I can get an ID on him, I will let you know later what I found out, either way I am just glad he is out of my tank!


Active Member
Originally Posted by iyachtuxivm
What does your cuc consist of ? And also what type of goby is that?

the goby is a watchman and the cuc is 1-lrg tubo,5 small, 5 astera snail's and about 10 or 12 blue legg crabs. I got some new zoo's amnd a really nice gonapora (sp?) tree today, I will post pic's aas soon as my batteries charge


Active Member
New pic's
the zoo's are better in person(of course!) Love the Gorgian! my little x-mas tree



Oh Lord & Taylor! That blueberry gorgonian is absolutely GORGEOUS!! That one you have there is the most beautiful, healthy one I have ever seen!
It looks absolutely fantastic in your tank!
LOOOVE the new zoas too! How much did you have to pay for the gorgonian? I don't ever see those around here.

I'm going shopping for new stuff tomorrow, now that I've come from my deathbed. Decided to trade in the zoa rock and the new brain that I got.
I'm sure I won't be able to top your new stuff though! Looks awesome!


WOW!! that gorgonian is the coolest thing I have ever seen. I love zoas but that thing is sweet! I dont know what you're saying about my tank, you must be getting it confused with yours. Yours outshines mine any day. If you ever decide to get rid of that wonderful creature call me.
Oh yea the hammer is cool too.


Active Member
Thank you both for the nice comments
Have you been sick Kat? I found the Gorgonian at my fav. LFS. they had a buy one/get one half off sale yesterday! The Gorgonian was 75.00 and I got the zoo's for another 25.00. all in all not a bad deal,as far as prices go hear anyway. This is the LFS that I told you has all the crazy brains too. People actually come from out of state to go to this store.And everybody that works there is extremly knowelegable and very nice. When I am bored I go there just to look at stuff and talk to the owner, and learn stuff. If I ever get married again, my wife won't have to look in the bar's or strip club's, to find me. Just look at the local LFS!


Active Member
Hey you guy's and Girl's.... I just had a idea, it may sound crazy, but I think we schould organize a meeting. Just the few of us that stay in contact allot,we can make it like a annual or semi-annual thing. We could rotate who's house we all meet at, then we could all go to eachother's LFS and see our tank's in person. Just think about it, i know the first reaction is that sound's impossible, but think about it. i think it would be allot of fun!! If anybody is interested let's talk about it! I love road trips!


I would be up for that. My schedule is kinda crazy dont get much time off. I manage an Autozone store. If you have ever worked retail then you know what I mean. Plus my store is one of the bussiest in the region= lots of over time I dont get paid for
. Me= nonhourly employee


Active Member
Originally Posted by iyachtuxivm
I would be up for that. My schedule is kinda crazy dont get much time off. I manage an Autozone store. If you have ever worked retail then you know what I mean. Plus my store is one of the bussiest in the region= lots of over time I dont get paid for
. Me= nonhourly employee

I know what you mean I am in the resturant business, also a G.M so I understand the Me = nonhourly employee thing !! I am on workmans comp right now , due to a knee injury at work. April 22nd I am haveing knee replacement surgery,so we have some time to plan this if everybody is up fpr it. Let's see who else responds, then we can start making a plan from there. So far it's me and you, hopfully Kat and Blazin will be up for it also.


Active Member
Awesome Photos, That gorgonian is beautiful. I was thinking about getting one but theone i was gonna get was yellow and not that color. I heard those are harder to take care of or something so i passed on em. But wonderful pics as always. The zoos look great too. I try now to only buy zoos with brilliant colors though :) But yours are just fine. for 25 dollars i would have bought it as well ! Great steal. Well meeting would be cool. You are sort of far from me but it would be cool i guess and then we could also go to those Chi Town strip clubs. We'd have to keep it secret from Kat74 cuz she might want to beat ya. HA HA. Knowing you two are about to get married and all. HAHAHA. Well later.


Active Member
Well that's we are just waiting for "the wife" to chime in and then we can start talking about time and place. And yes I heard the Gorgonian is hard also ,but of course I read that AFTER I bought it
oo well sometimes I am a impluse buyer, I saw it and just had to have it , so keep you'r fingers crossed for me!



Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Awesome Photos, That gorgonian is beautiful. I was thinking about getting one but theone i was gonna get was yellow and not that color. I heard those are harder to take care of or something so i passed on em. But wonderful pics as always. The zoos look great too. I try now to only buy zoos with brilliant colors though :) But yours are just fine. for 25 dollars i would have bought it as well ! Great steal. Well meeting would be cool. You are sort of far from me but it would be cool i guess and then we could also go to those Chi Town strip clubs. We'd have to keep it secret from Kat74 cuz she might want to beat ya. HA HA.
Knowing you two are about to get married and all. HAHAHA. Well later.
IIIIIIIIIIII saw that, Blazin!

But I'm not worried... I believe nwdyr when he says he can be found at a LFS rather than a strip club!

A little get together sounds nice! I've always wondered what everyone else's LFS's look like and seeing a tank in person can never compare to pictures. I just don't know how in the world I would be able to pull that off.
My tank is in my office at work for a reason... because I'm always
When I'm not there, I have a three and a half year old niece to try to keep up with, as well as take care of a father who has bladder and prostate cancer. If ya'll do decide to do this, take lots of pics and videos so that I can live vicariously though you all!~
And again, that gorgonian is breathtaking, but yes, I have heard that it is the most difficult gorgonian to take care.
and like you, I am an impulse buyer as well and would have bought it too, even if to only be able to enjoy it for as long as it would live in my tank.


Active Member
ok guy's we have to figure this out......we can't leave Kat behind sooooo let's brain storm, let's see our three brains,,well more like a brain shower
Hey Kat if you'r up for it we can make you'r town our first stop on the "Nano Trail"


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Just thought i would formally introduce myself, since we are all getting friendly here...........Hi, my name is Mark and I have a coral problem
