my new 24gal jbj nano



Hey now! Your new aquascaping doesn't look bad! I like that there is that opening in the center. Perfect for a brain or plate coral! You can always move the mushrooms somewhere else. Looks like you have a lot of smaller pieces of LR; rubble. That makes it good to have the nooks and crannies to stick corals into. Some larger pieces added would be good to add some "shelves" for the corals to stay on top of.
I've always liked the look of everything kind of built up on the sides and middle towards the top and leaving the front center for a brain or plate coral. Sort of like how Lauren (DeMartini) has her 14 gallon. Now HER tank is what inspired me to get into the hobby!


Active Member
Thanks Kat , it is comming along, and I was thinking of a small red brain or my LFS has a really bright yellow plate that my son likes. I just don't want another brain that is going to grow as fast as the last one!! off to the right/ center there is also a nice size cave for my watchman goby, gotta keep him happy
I am already planning my next Gorilla attack...hmmmm how to get one out WITHOUT clearing out the whole tank
Who knows maybe that is over , I sure hope so!! I really don't like my shrooms they dont have allot of color, maybe a trade is in order hmm


Active Member
I think your tank looks just fine. It does look a bit different but hey its all good as long as ya fish like it then its cool. Thats how i do mine. But messin wit ya tank at 230 am , let ya fish sleep and do all that rea arranging at 10 am or something when ya wake up. WTH is a gorilla crab anyways ? I am glad i aint got none of those things. i was messing wit mine for so long oday trying to get my rock of yumas to stay right but i still dont like how everything looks completely but ill wait till acouple days to change mine around. Seems like you have added alot of things lately. AND Wow you are proposing here ? NICE.


Active Member
Yea , kat ignored that comment
and I don't blame her!!!! But anyway, Gorilla crab's are destructive little jerks!! very bad hitchiker, googel it and read what ever you can find on them, the reason I did the re-arrange at that time was because the little jerk was in the biggest rock in my tank, and of course it was at the bottom of my tank. And as we all know its not easy to put everything back the same way you find it!!! especially when you just smashed you'r main rock into 4 pieces to remove a killer crab. I did the midnite search last nite and thankgod! no Gorilla's, for some reason thats when they came out in my tank. I hope nobody here has to go thru that!!. And of course now I know,but in the future it is a good Idea to put all new live rock in a container with some tank water and add some shrimp to the far corner of the container(away from the rock) watch to see if anything crawls out to get the food and THEN you can grab the little jerk BEFORE it gets in you'r tank. I am still affraid there are more in my tank because I found a baby, I guess I will just keep doind my midnite sweeps of the tank and keep my fingers crossed!!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by nwdyr
Yea, kat ignored that comment
and I don't blame her!!!!
I didn't ignore the comment.... usually a proposal involves getting down on one knee and presenting a ring.

I haven't seen that yet!


and about the gorilla crab and other nasty hitchhikers... I guess it's a good thing that I DON'T know what goes on in my tank at night! I might have some nasties and not even know it!
*ignorance is bliss*


Hey great looking tank! I had a 12g nano but it leaked. I moved everything to an extra 10 gal I had. did ok but im putting together a 32g now. Cant wait till I get all my stuff for it. I will post a thread too. Even if its a journel for myself


Active Member
Originally Posted by iyachtuxivm
Hey great looking tank! I had a 12g nano but it leaked. I moved everything to an extra 10 gal I had. did ok but im putting together a 32g now. Cant wait till I get all my stuff for it. I will post a thread too. Even if its a journel for myself

thank you!! I look forward to seeing you'r tank!


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
I didn't ignore the comment.... usually a proposal involves getting down on one knee and presenting a ring.

I haven't seen that yet!

ok my little kit kat, I am on one knee...and I have a ring, maybe we can do that before lunch with Oprah! Hey just think if we get married we can double our tank collection
And we will never hear any B.S. about spending too much money on our tanks!! hmmmmmmmmm


As of 10:42am I was still wishing for my stuff to come in. At 3:30pm my cpr fuge came. My lfs had ordered it so I went to pick it up and all the other stuff too! I will start a thread on it


Originally Posted by nwdyr
ok my little kit kat, I am on one knee...and I have a ring, maybe we can do that before lunch with Oprah! Hey just think if we get married we can double our tank collection
And we will never hear any B.S. about spending too much money on our tanks!! hmmmmmmmmm
So we are virtually, cyberspaced engaged, huh?

Nah, we would actually fight all the time over how much we spent and who has the best corals, and we would go into debt and end up fighting it out on the Jerry Springer show!


Active Member
Visitation of the "corals" would be interesting
I was up late again last nite and found another crab hiding in a burrow. He is small, but I looked at it thru a mag. glass and I don't really know if he is a "gorilla" or not. What is really puzzeling is that there were allot of very small snails right outside his door and he never went after them. And I watched for a long time! also there are allot of very small polyps from my zoo'z that are right above him and everday I count them and nothing is missing
He is not "hairy" like all the pic's I see on line. His claws are small so I can't really tell if they are black or not.He is too small and to far into the burrow to take a pic. I know there are like a million diff. types of crabs and some of them are related to the gorilla, I think i am going to try one of those "traps" and see if they work. At this point i am done tearing my tank apart, I am doing more damage than good doing that. And like I said nothing is "missing" so I think i will just keep a eye on him and see what happens. I am tired of loosing sleep over the little jerks!!! and by the way I think our inter-marriage would last forever


Active Member
Originally Posted by iyachtuxivm
not sure how to put a link up so its under reefs (my new reef)
Maybe someone here could help you better then me, I still don't know how the hell i did it
I think the button to create it is on you'r profile page , but again I really don't remeber...sorry I was no help


I think that crabs are okay as long as they don't have sharp claws and don't have red eyes.
I always worry whenever I see anything
that doesn't look like something I actually added to the tank myself. I saw something weird the other day on the outside of my Koralia powerhead. It looked like a snail that had lost its shell. I did a search on here and someone had the same thing in their tank and posted pics. It was a stomatella snail. I had a couple of those things all of a sudden show up.
Those things must like my powerhead because that's where I am finding them. They've been there so long that they are even getting purple coralline on them!

and I agree... a cyber-marriage can last foreverrrrrr!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
I think that crabs are okay as long as they don't have sharp claws and don't have red eyes.

I always worry whenever I see anything
that doesn't look like something I actually added to the tank myself. I saw something weird the other day on the outside of my Koralia powerhead. It looked like a snail that had lost its shell. I did a search on here and someone had the same thing in their tank and posted pics. It was a stomatella snail. I had a couple of those things all of a sudden show up.
Those things must like my powerhead because that's where I am finding them. They've been there so long that they are even getting purple coralline on them!

and I agree... a cyber-marriage can last foreverrrrrr!!

Yea I had the same snail looking thing's also, and I did the same thing, got on the internet all worried, then found out they were ok, actually I have two of them also!


Active Member
Soo I went to my Fav. LFS today ..just to visit and see the new shipment, well they are having a big sale next weekend, 25% off all corals,and they already have pretty good prices. Well the owner told me he would give me the sale price today. So again I had no intention to get another brain...but I think you will agree this one is one of a kind!!

also picked up that little feather duster behind the brain, again you can't see the color but it is a really nice yellow

new FTS



Active Member
P.S. also picked up a really cool fire shrimp, but he is still in hiding. Will post a pic as soon as he comes out!