My (un-original) 55 Reef Diary!


good looking setup, but im afraid after a very short time your wet/dry media will become a nitrate factory. Many people are using the berlin method of reefkeeping and it works well for me. I would remove the wet/dry section and put your skimmer in that area of your sump. I would use the center section as a refugeum.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by walkerbrody
good looking setup, but im afraid after a very short time your wet/dry media will become a nitrate factory. Many people are using the berlin method of reefkeeping and it works well for me. I would remove the wet/dry section and put your skimmer in that area of your sump. I would use the center section as a refugeum.
i 2nd that


Yikes!!! I have not posted in AGES!!! The tank has been kind of stuck in limbo for the past couple months since i sorta of ran out of cash to spend on it...
BUT NOW ive finally dug up some cash and will be ordering about 45 lbs of live rock tomarrow or monday along with my coralife skimmer. Ive gotten soooo sick of staring at and refilling an empty tank!!! Im going to get it running once and for all and keep posting like I used to
wish me luck!!!


I just ordered my 45 lb box of fiji live rock and it sdhould be here on wendsday!!! Im so excited!!!! Does any one have any good aquascaping ideas??? pictures would be great!!!


Before i go off the third page!!! I just ordered another 30lbs of base rock! When it all arrives ill have a total of 75lbs

Anyone out there???


Active Member
My preference is a larger rock mtn on one side and a smaller one on the other side. This gives the fish both an open area and a hiding area. I like this design better than the one large mount across the entire tank - just my opinion though. I'm currently working on my 180 - also playing with aquascaping ideas... the hardest part IMO is trying to be satisfied with a large pile of rock without any coral on it yet...


Ya im a fan of the "two island" sort of look and its true about never being satisfied...ive rearranged my little 38 about 4 times and it probably only has like 6 rocks!
Thats part of the reason why im trying to get all of my rock at once so i can see what all my options will be (shape wise)


My skimmer came!!!
It took me a reallllly long time to get it together and put it in cause ive never had one such a noob
and i got an email that my live rock is coming tomorrow and my base rock will be here in about 5 days
I also bought another hydor koralia #2. Here are some pics in the meen time...



Active Member
well idk his filter is kinda small, but i guess it could only help...not hurt and it might increase his fish amnt...just a suggestion


Active Member
I absolutely love the Koralias. I think they're the best ph's for the $. I've got a #3 and a #4 on my 55 and 4x #4's on my 180.


I love the Koralias too!!! I was skeptical when i was first ordering one but they move so much water I had to get another!!! The flow is so powerful but it is evenly throughout the whole tank and not in just one stream


My 45 lbs of live rock came!!!
It was kinda gross though because there were a bunch of little flies in between the foam box and the cardboard box but oh well
The rock is VERY nice it has tones of color and ive already counted about 4-5 patches of these really cool looking coral stuff
My 30 lbs of base rock is arriving tomorrow
so i didnt really see the point in aquascaping yet but here are some pics of all the rock as it is, just thrown in randomly and a couple of my favorites!



Active Member
just to let you know scopas - the attachments for the koralias - the cone looking things to put on the front - they are for if you want more directed flow. they sorta narrow your stream. I leave mine off - gives more of a broad flow.. just my preference.
Btw - tank looks great! I think 75 lbs of rock will look perfect for that tank.