My weight loss journal


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Salt Life

Well, it's been awhile since I posted on this thread last, but I didn't want to move on to another thread about the same thing.
Todays weight: 263lbs
I haven't lost another single pound. I have went up to 270 over the last seven months, but then forced myself back down.
I have been trying to make smarter food choices - even cooking with olive oil instead of the "bad" oils. I've been eating out a lot, but it's mostly at su
ay and stuff like that. No excuses though. My life goes on and my weight stays constant. ugh!
So, I got my blood pressure checked and it's 145/90. YIKES! Hypertension baby! My resting heart rate was 115bpm. No wonder I have slight chest pains, breathing problems and small boughts of nausea. Man, I was setting myself up for disaster.
So, today I went out and bought some fruit so that I can eat something healthy for breakfast and I'm going to try to eat a lot of salads and try and lose some weight ... also a lot of cardiovascular excersize in my plan, since I am back at college and they have a free activity center.
I'm not taking any high blood pressure medication perscribed by a medical doctor, instead I plan on losing the weight to feel better. I am also taking an herbal remedy that is supposed to decrease blood pressure, so I will let you all know the results in a few days of doing that.
researching on the internet... I stumbled across something I found interesting. I can't cite the link now, but it basically said: burn 3500 calories a week and you loose 1lb. Workout for 200 minutes a week and burn about that many calories, and you will lose about 1 1/2lbs per week. It's math - woot. I think I can do math. lol. So, I have set a goal to cut my caloric intake and to excersize for about 150 minutes a week.
Anyways, wish me luck.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I realize that HBP is nothing to joke about. It's a serious condition that I could die from if left untreated...
Talk about forcing yourself to make life changes...


Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
Yeah, I realize that HBP is nothing to joke about. It's a serious condition that I could die from if left untreated...
Talk about forcing yourself to make life changes...
Just be changes are GREAT...but sometimes in the meantiem you need a drs help too....don't be reluctant to take meds if they can help you


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Just be changes are GREAT...but sometimes in the meantiem you need a drs help too....don't be reluctant to take meds if they can help you
Yeah, I know. I really should probably be on meds, but I'm stubborn.
I'm going to see how the herbal remedy goes first, and if that doesn't work, then I'll just have to get on some actual meds.
But, I do plan on losing the weight so that I won't have to take anything, and that I will feel and look better anyways...


Active Member
Sidenote...I was searching around on youtube the other day and ran across some vid's that you made (at least I think it was you). Very helpfull


Active Member
145 over 90 isn't that bad but if you can't start bringing it down you need to get on the

Research Fish oil capsules on the net. It is supposed to help with weight loss and drop your pressure some.
I dropped a little more than 80 pounds by July but since we have been moving have been off the diet and put back on about 10 pounds living on fast food. Now we are moved no more excuses, back to the diet.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm not ignoring my blood pressure. Instead of buying a Dr. Pepper out of the vending machine, I bought a water! yay! This morning I ate a banana and an apple and some water. I don't want to just start eating a full breakfast right off the bat.
T316, yes, I think I do have some youtube vids. They aren't very detailed at all, but I thought that it was decent enought for youtube. lol.


Active Member
Great job Snake!! It is very difficult to stick to healthy eating if you don't enjoy it, but as you are seeing sometimes it's that or serious problems.
I just want to let you know that although 3500 calories does = a pound, when you are dealing with the human body it's not always quite that simple. i would seriously suggest cutting out most processed foods and move toward only whole grains, lean meats, vegetables, and fruits. With beverages, stick to water, tea (especially green and oolong), and sugar free beverages. Olives and nuts are also great. Large amounts of sugar and starches can really inhibit weight loss even with working out nonstop. The reasoning is relatively simple actually. If you have an excess of carbohydrates in your body, your body will use that first before fat or protein which means that no actual weight comes off. Now, not everyone is susceptible to this but if your weight loss has halted and you are doing what you are aupposed to, then try one of two things.....
Reduce the sugar in your diet, especially artificial ones like sweeteners and high fructose corn syrup.
Or....everytime you work out make sure it is over 20 minutes at a time for your cardio. Shoot for a minimum of 30 minutes. This will exhaust your carb supply in your body and allow fat burning to begin.
Ideally a little of both of these is best.


Well-Known Member
Your right, PEZ, 145/90 isn't extremely bad, but it's a wakeup call for me to change. I'm ready to get rid of my occasional nausea and bad headaches.
Anyone suggest a cardiovascular excersize program for me? I start walking fast or running and within 5 minutes my heart rate jumps to 165-170bpm easily. I want to feel better!


Well-Known Member
btw; Today's Weight: 263
It's extremely hard to stick to eating unprocessed foods. Food is always available to me where I go - especially to college. The only place on campus is su
ay that is even semi-healthy. Anyone have some suggestions to alternatives or even packed lunches that are easy? Should I avoid pastas too?
I've heard that fish oil works... there's this stuff at the health food store they were trying to sell me called CLA. I wonder if that stuff actually works? Anyone ever heard of it?
By the way, I just looked at my BMI (Body Mass Index) and it was 35.9!!!!! AHHHH!!! Just to give you an idea - 18.5-24.9 - is a normal healthy weight.


Active Member
I know it is difficult. Lord knows I know. I work with a bunch of overweight middle aged women who eat doughnuts everyday (really, every single day)....ugh.
They easiest thing I can tell you is to pack your own food EVERYDAY.
Make sure it is easy to eat and accessible at all times.
Think like you are making food for a child. Make lots of things in baggies, like nuts, baby carrots, olives, whole wheat cracker with some cheese, lean lunch meat slices, a small bowl of chili ( I have a great recipe if you have a crock pot), cucumber with lime and paprika sprinkled on it, hummus with zucchini slices, peanut butter on celery, on and on and on.
When you feel yourself getting hungry, take out a baggy and eat it (just one). Then later when you feel it again, take out some more. This does two things. You never feel hungry and you are raising your metabolism. If you need something more substantial pack a sandwich in two halves and eat one at a time. Oh and you will always save money eating this way, guaranteed!!
For cardio, walking and running are great. Swimming is prolly the easiest on the joints and my personal fav. If you are outside, stop every 5 minutes and do 10 pushups/crunches/stretches. This makes your body work twice as hard and you get a more well rounded workout.


Well-Known Member
So, I'm going to promise myself to not ingest any sugar for the next 30 days. NO REFINED SUGAR. This means no soft drinks, no koolaid, no sweat tea, nothing that I know has a high sugar content. Only the good sugars... fructose... from fruits are going to be ingested. yay!! says "refined sugar can cause high blood pressure in obese patients."
I'm also going to limit my sodium intake. They say on the internet that sodium can cause higher blood pressure in some people, but not all the time. It's good though to limit the amount of salt on food, even if you don't have high blood pressure.


Active Member
I have been using this protidiet food. It is the stuff they give people to eat after having the stomach surgery. It is high protein, low carb but it is healthy, low fat protein. You might try using this stuff in place of a meal or two each day. You can get it from nashua nutrition online. Some of the stuff is pretty tasty and it's easy to make.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Part of where you failed was weighing your self daily. You can weigh yourself once every two weeks or never. I can write you my eating plan when I get home. I got fat and lost some weight.