My weight loss journal


Active Member
Excellent job on maintaining the weight you have lost so far...that can be much harder than the initial loss to be honest......yeah, if you have stuck to eating better then the only way to get it going is to ......well, get going.


Well-Known Member
Today's weight: 266.
gained a pound, but going strong. Neex to excersize more. My wife said that she can see a small difference in my figure.


Well-Known Member
Today's Weight: 264
woot, weighed myself this morning and it was 264. I guess since I weighed myself yesterday afternoon, it was a bit off. yay!!!


I am over 50, that's the most I am ever going to admit. LOL anyway, at my age it is said to be almost impossible to lose weight. I lost 45 pounds and still going, on Weight Watcher on line.
They have a great encouragement corner, and they do teach you how to eat right. It’s not diet food, just the right foods and it is geared for those of us who like to eat well. So there are lots more on the menu than a boiled egg and some lettuce! They have a great recipe section if you want to try something different.
Hope this can help. I started my weight lose at 252 LBs


Well-Known Member
I think by loosing 6lbs in the last two weeks is doing pretty good. IT's not like I am eating a boiled egg and some lettuce either. I am just eating what I usually do, but in half portions. My stomach has shrunk, and I feel like I have also gained a lot more muscle.


Active Member
where is the (this thread is useless without pics) lol
just good ole exercise does the trick
you should try boxing


Well-Known Member
Today's weight: 264
lol, Yeah yeah, I don't like to post pics of myself. Sort of embarassed, yah know?
I hate boxing. But I could punch a punching bag :D


Active Member
Outstanding!! You are doing great......Remember that your weight can fluctuate as much as 5 pounds during the day so try to weigh yourself first thing in the morning which is usually when you weigh the least and a more accurate representation of your true weight.


Hi and good Morning!
Remember today is the first day of the rest of your life. The past is gone and you can't control the future, so enjoy right now!
Thats my encouragment for you to day! I honestly hope you have a good day. I want you to know I care.
Even if you don't post a picture. take one for yourself. That way you can have a before and after picture and it will help to encourage yourself.
Here are my before and for right now pictures.


Active Member
hey Seth... can i make a recommendation that you only weigh yourself once a week or once every other week??? you shouldnt be so fixated on the number from day to day... just at "milestones"...


Well-Known Member
once a day reminds myself not to eat so much throughout the day. It's kind of like a ritual.
It reminds me that I am on a diet and that I do need to loose weight. It reminds me that I am unhealthy and feel unhealthy and need to loose it.
If I weighed myself once a week, I would forget that I was on a diet. It's just how my brain works.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
once a day reminds myself not to eat so much throughout the day. It's kind of like a ritual.
It reminds me that I am on a diet and that I do need to loose weight. It reminds me that I am unhealthy and feel unhealthy and need to loose it.
If I weighed myself once a week, I would forget that I was on a diet. It's just how my brain works.
you do realize that you are not "on a diet" right??? you are making smarter choices within your diet and altering your eating habbits... heck even if you were putting down 20 cheese burgers a day that would still your diet...
keep it goin man... continue to do what works best for you!!!


Well-Known Member
lol, I do realize that I am not "on" a diet. A diet is everything that you eat. I am just limiting my diet.
Thanks for the encouragement though!


I am on weight watchers and I am supposed to weigh only once a week, but I always weigh every morning for the same reasons you do.
It reminds me of my goal. Some people get discouraged, thats why they say only once each week, but that is not how my brain works either.
I have learned one thing... Don't try and jump into an exercise program right off. Try walking or just increasing your activity just a little. Too much, too soon, you get sore and stop. I may be old, you may be young, but sore is sore.
So be encouraged! We are here for you!