Neptunes 125 Reef Diary.


Active Member
Mounted the tank and sump.

Tank sits dead level length ways...however... there is a small cant forward on the left side. Its minuscule...the level shows the right side just barely touching the inner line. And on the far left end of the tank its just barely shy of the second line.
I layed down hardwood flooring underlay. Its a thin layer of foam, so I put on two layers. Uncompressed both layers were about 3/8th combined.
Ill trim it later tonight. Tomarrow I begin cleaning the tank with vinegar solution.
Right now I got the skimmer churning in a tub of vinegar water:

Ill put up some before/after shots tomorrow. Its been sitting for about 8 hours. I did the calcium reactor last night...and it came out practically new.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jas1
Very nice King!!! The stand looks great with the fuge in and tank on top !!!
Wait till I got it skinned^^
Right now its just cheap plywood. I'm not sure what I want to do, I'm kinda entertaining getting multiple colored pieces of glass and putting a mosaic in different shades of blue. My mom brought home a 100+ sand dollars the other day, so maybe I can find a use for them as well. I don't know how to do it anyone has any suggestions on where to look id appreciate it. honestly I was going to just use google and locate an arts and crafts site.
Oh and tomorrow I'm going to unveil my super cool new idea for drain lines that I been talking about for months! I really hope it becomes popular with SW enthusiasts^^ stay tuned!!


Active Member
OK for those who were begging to find out what this new over flow was...and for those who lost interest months ago! The wait is over!!!! Drum Roll!!!!!
I give you....Neptune's Rim!!(or as I like to call it...the rim job^^)*patent pending

Doesn't look like much but look closer:

And better yet:

That's right, surface skimming for poor people! I get the whole length of the tank for a few bucks in PVC! Right now it is just a demo and this isn't the final product, but you can see where I'm going with this :)
It doesn't waste precious real estate in the tank, yet it gives me up to 2600GPH over flow since I'm using 2x1.5" lines. It will draw evenly since its pulling from both sides. Larger pipes=larger flow, or smaller,whatever you prefer. If someone wants they can add a third line in the middle...or whatever, I just chose two since I feel this will give me considerable surface skimming.
Oh and the reason I have it so far from the back of the tank is because I want to fit my foam wall build behind it.
I'm trying to figure a way to cut a straight line but 3x-5x as thick. The size of the saw blade isn't thick enough...and if I try to give a small twist and run it through again:

As you can see, I cant do it with just a table saw, but pops has a whole wood working shop so I'm sure there is a tool in there that can do it. But right now hes asleep so Ill have to wait till morning.
This is just demo to show you all what I had in mind all along. Ill get it tweaked and spend the next week running it with fresh water till I determine the proper size of the slit.
Waddaya think?
Right now I'm trying to come up with a good screen or something to cover it...I don't want small fish swimming in. Any thoughts or comments?


Active Member
I think I got the solution....vertical slits every inch. That way I can keep the horizontal line small enough that nothing fits...the have vertical slits can compensate. ill probably make them 1/2" tall.


I dunno.... you might get stagnant water behind that "skim-bar". It's also huge. It's a clever idea though.
I think you should get a nice overflow box from You can use those holes you already drilled for returns, just reduce them.


Active Member
I think it is a great idea. Have seen this before, seems like the slit was a little wider though. I would not go with the verticle slits though, I think you will get better skimming with the horizontal line.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
I think it is a great idea. Have seen this before, seems like the slit was a little wider though. I would not go with the verticle slits though, I think you will get better skimming with the horizontal line.
+1 You might even consider splitting the pipe totally in half and capping it with egg crate.Its basicly a coast to coast overflow system.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
+1 You might even consider splitting the pipe totally in half and capping it with egg crate.Its basicly a coast to coast overflow system.
Ah yes another good idea!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by mkroher
I dunno.... you might get stagnant water behind that "skim-bar". It's also huge. It's a clever idea though.
I think you should get a nice overflow box from You can use those holes you already drilled for returns, just reduce them. %%

I got a foam wall build that goes in behind the bar. Just havent installed it yet, an over flow box would take up a lot of precious space...and especially block light to the foam wall in the back. The way to reduce this is to have two separate overflow boxes that only take up a 8" wide foot print...or so.
I just snapped a couple shots showing what it looked like. but as for too large....ya, ill play with it over the next week to see what different hole sizes/shapes do. I can always get a reducer and have a smaller pipe. But I think a 1.5" line will work pretty good for a first trial run. It gives me a place to start with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
I think it is a great idea. Have seen this before, seems like the slit was a little wider though. I would not go with the verticle slits though, I think you will get better skimming with the horizontal line.

I was sooooo hoping i was the clever pioneer.
Ive asked several reefers with decades experience and they all said they have never seen this before.
wouldnt happen to have a link to this type of build would you?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
+1 You might even consider splitting the pipe totally in half and capping it with egg crate.Its basicly a coast to coast overflow system.
then I would get massive pull just from the ends, but not the overall length of the pipe. the trick is finding the sweet spot where you get an even pull over the whole length.


Active Member
From Bill Z on another site;
"My PVC pipe overflow. This isn't the actual thing, just a cad model to show the idea.
This works great. The blue colored pipe goes in the tank. The long horizontal pipe 2 inch dia and is about 40 inches long The vertical pipe is 1.5 dia and about 16 inches.
I tested the flow rate and it's over 400gph.

I know there are others I just can't find them right now.


Active Member
no way that pipe will take in 2600 gph.i have 2 1 1/2 inch dursos for my 2500 gph pump and had to add a 1200 gph overflow.
i can see the other one taking 400 but it has two slots.
i agree about opening the pipe up at least i/3 and putting a screen across it.
but you wont know the flow it will take untill it is running.
the longer the pipes the less they will flow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by deejeff442
no way that pipe will take in 2600 gph.i have 2 1 1/2 inch dursos for my 2500 gph pump and had to add a 1200 gph overflow.
i can see the other one taking 400 but it has two slots.
i agree about opening the pipe up at least i/3 and putting a screen across it.
but you wont know the flow it will take until it is running.
the longer the pipes the less they will flow.
i was shooting for 1200GPH. I was going to put a control valve on the mag1800 and throttle it down to as close to 12oo GPH as I could get. Not exactly sure how I can measure GPH flow. But I want no more than 600GPH into each side of the sump. Preferably 600 on one side, and 400 on the other.
However I don't understand since mathematically a gravity fed 1'5" pipe should have 1300GPH flow. Wouldn't it be a matter of making the "Slit" large enough over whatever length of pipe to equal the 1.5" diameter at either end?
And spanko thanks for the bursting of my bubble^^ but seriously though, I really am glad you dug those up.
I can look at they're designs and mimic them. It would be cool if you could pm me the direct links so I can read the threads.


Active Member
Hard to find the threads as some people have just posted their pics in other threads but here is another example of one and Stu's answer when I asked him about a build thread.

stugray wrote on 07/28/2009 02:26 PM:
I didnt do a thread about it, I just posted pics.
It is just a 1-1/2 ( maybe 1-1/4" ) PVC pipe, 1 90 Elbow 1 45 deg elbow, 1 end cap.
I drilled the holes in the PVC and pressfit the pipe in to the 45 so I could twist it to adjust the height. glued the 45 to the 90.
Then I installed the bulkhead in the tank & siliconed the 90 joint into the BH so I could take it apart later if required.
It dumped down only ~6 inches to my sump.
I have also asked the other poster about a build thread but have yet to hear back. Will keep you posted if something happens.


Active Member
On -- Melev as a nano build thread with a very similar overflow. It's a very interesting read. It's a custom tank with an angled viewing pane


Active Member
going by the first pic it is a 2 inch pipe feeding a 1 1/2 pipe by your math it should take in 1200 gph but it states it takes in 400gph.
if i were to make the breather hole on the top of my durso pipes bigger it would take in more water but make more noise.but it still wouldnt come close to 1200 gph.
also a round shape will flow more than a sloted pipe.