Neptunes 125 Reef Diary.


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The stand will be extra tall to accommodate headroom underneath.
The new utility room will have a pair of 20 gallon tanks. One for pure water, one for mixing. A sink,toilet, and upgraded water heater (the old one was only good for a 5 min shower). Shelves for storing ect...maybe even a small Ice box for frozen fish foods. I might upgrade to 50 gal tanks later on...but for now 20 will do.
When I figure a place to pack everything out of the hobby room...Ill eventually add more and more tanks, but right now its just a collection of everything.
I got a 55 gallon tank that I want to turn into a frag tank(that will be the next upgrade)...not sure If Ill plumb it to my 125/55....or give it its own separate plumbing/sump.
Got the the RO-DI unit mounted, insulated the walls and put in the wash basin. Still on the fence if we want to use a gravel floor or just suck it up and pour concrete. There is benefits to both, since its not a living space we can get get away with gravel.
The hobby room will live up to its name once again. Maybe call it the reef room or something^^ I'm probably going to get started on the stand tomorrow.


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started pulling everything out today. geeze that place was infested. I picked up a cat yesterday, he gets to stay in the barn. hope he goes to town and cleans out the place. gonna clean and paint the room tomorrow. I have some latex/acrylic paint in mind. high gloss stuff. hopefully will spruce up the room a bit, as well as add a protective coat against all the moisture comming from the future tanks.
pretty much that room was abandoned a decade ago after I moved out. since then its been storage. It was my sanctuary when I was a kid, now it gets to fulfill that role again.
started framing the stand as well, didn't like it so I'm starting over again. no real loss, just half dozen 2x4's and some time/effort.


Active Member
I am sure you have a design your working with but here it a sort of tried and true skeleton design I have used for several stands now on larger tanks.
You can see from the pic. (microsoft Paint btw)
Made just from 2x4, stratigic placeing and stagered joints will let you span very large distances without center bracing to get in your way. Just spend a few moments really looking at the joints and it is quite simple. Self explanitory how it compliments itself for strength......complete overkill.
, Deep in my history there are several different builds usig this same design with step by step photos but I doubt you will need them.
Quick, easy and can literaly hold a herd of elephants.

As for head room, consider this.
When crawling under your tank you want to be able to allow enough room to have your head and chest fit under the stand but still over the top of the tank. (worse case scenario for working on larger projects)
As for bonding, forget the weld-on. Resins available right next to it on the shelf at any plastic shop are many times superior...and cheaper to boot.
Weldon is to be considered for acrylic-to-acrylic only.
Sorry to hear about the house but it sounds like everything is working out for the best.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishkid13
Cool, post pics of it after you get it painted. Plus you need to post a pic of your cat for meowzer.
haven't seen him at all in two days. last i saw him he was diving for cover under some boxes in the tool shed when the dog came around the corner. maybe i should have kept him on a leash for a few days to get him used to the idea this would be his new home. sigh....oh well. getting a cat isnt exactly a tough thing. i could snatch up a few dozen on craigs list...people are dumping them off all the time. maybe this time Ill get a helpless kitten, that would ensure it would bond to the dogs/property...rather than someone else's cat that just wants to find its way back home.
that guy obviously lied to me, insisted the cat would be fine as an "outdoor only" barn cat. poor cat didn't even get a chance to adjust to his new place. ill put up some fliers around the neighborhood, and post on craigs list with his description.
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains

I am sure you have a design your working with but here it a sort of tried and true skeleton design I have used for several stands now on larger tanks.
You can see from the pic. (microsoft Paint btw)
Made just from 2x4, stratigic placeing and stagered joints will let you span very large distances without center bracing to get in your way. Just spend a few moments really looking at the joints and it is quite simple. Self explanitory how it compliments itself for strength......complete overkill.
, Deep in my history there are several different builds usig this same design with step by step photos but I doubt you will need them.
Quick, easy and can literaly hold a herd of elephants.

As for head room, consider this.
When crawling under your tank you want to be able to allow enough room to have your head and chest fit under the stand but still over the top of the tank. (worse case scenario for working on larger projects)
As for bonding, forget the weld-on. Resins available right next to it on the shelf at any plastic shop are many times superior...and cheaper to boot.
Weldon is to be considered for acrylic-to-acrylic only.
Sorry to hear about the house but it sounds like everything is working out for the best.

ya, that design is pretty close to what I was going to use. especially the the legs. I'm entertaining the idea of having it an open skeleton...just for show to let people see how it all works. I am putting in a center support leg, but the idea is to have it so I can put on doors in the future. I can always add a skin of nicely stained finish wood later, and a couple nice cabinet doors as well.
as for head room, i want it to be a pretty tall tank, im considering having the bottom of the DT sit about chest level when I stand. that way you can look up and down when standing in front of it all. plus will give me lots of room underneath for plumbing and future larger scrubber ect.
you were referring to weldon...was that in regards to my wanting to put cross braces on the top of the tank to prevent bowing?


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Took all day, but I got the room empty. Found all kinds of stuff, most of it is going to get recycled. Dozens of printers/scanners/computers ect. Junk junk junk. Glad its getting taken care of.
5 rat corpses...been decaying for years. Nice and pancaked lol.

Began painting. The carpet was actually in good shape, gonna shampoo it tomarrow. Its one of those outdoor heavy duty types. Held up great considering the room sat un-used for over a decade. I bleached the walls and disinfected the whole place. Smells sterilized now.

The cupboards are getting torn out tomorrow, I want to see underneath, and disinfect it. Then Ill put them back in. Might even do a sink in that room as well.
I decided today to turn that wall on the left into a giant Saltwater themed mural. Got ideas floating around in my head, it might be just different shades of blue going from dark to light as it raises from floor to ceiling(representing the ocean going from dark to light as you raise near the surface).
Or maybe an island with some palm trees. Who knows. If you all have any ideas lemme know.
Made up my mind Ill also use this place as my game room as well, originally I was gonna put the TV and computer ect upstairs...but I want to spend time in the same room as my reef tank, not just when I do my weekly maintenance. And since the place is turning out better than my original vision...I think it will make a great sanctuary.


Originally Posted by fishkid13
Hopeful Meowzer doesn't hear about the cat. Hope you find it. Can't wait to see the "fish" room done.
Now stop that about a packed what a difference so far...good luck with the rest


Active Member
Tore out the cabinet, glad I did. 3 more carcasses and an old nest, yuck!
Cabinet's were un-salvageable, so we cut them up, filled the dumpster. Steam cleaned it, poured a couple pints of bleach, soaked it up over night. Re-steam cleaned it looks great, smells clean. Picked up new cabinet, and a nice counter top at Lowes, Ill put it in Monday.
Paint came out pretty nice. The darker blue along the foundation is called "King Triton" and the lighter blue from the wall to ceiling is called "Shipyard Blue" both colors where next to each other on the color chart, so I cant figure out why Triton came out so dark, I'm not %100 happy with Triton...but I'm counting on the addition of furniture and tanks to blend it in proper.
The shipyard blue came out awesome! I haven't decided if I want to paint the back wall with the lighter color or not, Ill put in the cabinet first and see how it looks with the counter top before I do. Tomorrow Ill touch up the white spots along the baseboard and with that the room will definitely have the colors fitting of an aquarium lounge.

With three white walls and one blue the room will transfer light nicely. So as you walk in you catch the blue...but when your inside and turn around you will see white...this will keep the feel of it still being a living space as well.
And I picked up a replacement killer:

Hes really young, barely weened. I didn't want one so small, because it will take a while before he starts doing his job. But to prevent another failed attempt at introducing a new pet, I had to. He's too small to escape the fence, which forces him to get used to the dogs, rather than running away like the other one did. Not that he needs too...he pushes both our German Shepherds around. He rules the roost ^^ Every day he claims their bowl and they have to sit and wait for him to finish eating. Normal they wont put up with any craap...its funny to watch him run up to them, spit and swat them away. Its been three days now, and he seems to be pretty bold with them.


Active Member
Did a little work on my stand. The base piece came out crooked(once corner always raised off the ground an inch) I re did it this time using the floor it would set on as the counter top. Came out nice and level.
Think its tall enough?

Gonna use a planer on the top of the legs before I fasten the head piece on. That will make it sit nice and flush. I wonder if it might be too tall. It will be about 45" tall when Its all done. Add another 22" for the tank. The lights will hang from the ceiling. I wont have any kids running around to knock it over, but it is top heavy

Maybe I should add some end pieces at the bottom to give an extra 4-5 inches to the bottom's foot print. waddya think?


Active Member
Almost Finished the skeleton. Gonna add some cross members on the ends to help with twisting(note the yellow):

I made it really durable and glued every joint and seam with gorilla glue. I went over kill on the upper portion. Made it extra strong like Reef_for_brains showed in his picture. I pre-drilled every hole before putting in the 3" woodscrews to prevent splitting. And I used metal brackets wherever practical.

All I have left is to go to the lumber store and buy some plywood to skin it, which will add more strength and help prevent it from twisting.Then Ill polyurethane the inside and begin plumbing it all.
Eventually Ill skin it with something nice, but for now I'm shooting for functionality.
Altogether 96$ in supplies spent so far for the stand. w/plywood tomorrow it should still be pretty reasonably priced.
Its the finish wood that I put on later on that will get spendy, I'm thinking I wouldn't mind mahogany or hickory. But who knows, I might do something far out...say split logs to give it that log cabin rustic feel.


Active Member
split logs sounds cool. I love that look in a house and can't say that I've ever seen a tank with that finish. The only problem might be that the wood usually doesn't have a finish on it, but you'd need to poly yours to keep the water from ruining it. might look okay but it might ruin the look. I'd do a trial piece first.


Active Member
Im pretty sure thats where I got the idea from, I remember reading that thread last year. Thanks for digging it up, I was hoping to find it if I did do the rustic look.


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Looks like he did that just after I took my break from this site. Anyone know what happend to scopas? He use to be on here on a regular basis, but nothing since May. Did he get out or go someplace else?


Active Member
A lot of people have migrated to other sites with friendlier "Linking" policies. About 8 months ago there was a huge stink and crackdown of any reference to a "Renegade" site^^
I kept out of it, because I like this site and can look past the stiff policies of the mods. I understand it protects this site and why these rules are in place, however...many others did not.
As far as Scopas...I don't know.


Active Member
More did a little more work on the stand today.
Cut a plywood piece with "L" shapes cut out of each corner. This allowed it to sit in beetween the main support legs. After I glued and scrwed it into place.
I Glued panel of nice wood over this to make it more aesthetically pleasing than just knarly plywood.
I put bags of sand to press it down while the glue set.

After a few hours, I found a finish nail gun while cleaning... so I took off the sand bags and snapped a few dozen finish nails to hold it secure. Added a back panel.
Then I coated the ******** with an outdoor UV/Weather and water proof coat. It covered 2/3 of the tank, but Ill need more to do the door panels...not sure how the saltwater affects wood, so Ill keep an eye on it.

All in all its taking shape. Soon enough Ill be plumbing it all and doing a trial "Freshwater" run for a week or so. Then Ill order my LR and get this all started!!