Neptunes 125 Reef Diary.


eric b 125

oh word? thats cool. so you got the lights today? what about the skimmer? you've just about got all the equipment, eh? (as if that's possible)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Eric B 125
oh word? thats cool. so you got the lights today? what about the skimmer? you've just about got all the equipment, eh? (as if that's possible)

The guy dropped of the lights the other day. WOW they are NICE lights!! He spent about 45 min BS'n with me about Saltwater and going over my whole system, he said I did a really good job on everything and was most impressed with my Foam wall and the New idea I have that I'm about to unveil^^
He has about 15 years in the hobby and is a biology major with a 2year grad school add on, so hes pretty much as good an expert on fish as any Ive ever met. He works for the fishery in oregon, great guy, really hooked me up.
He owns his own back yard breeding program for fish and corals, has a green house setup. He travels up and down the north west selling to local stores. He said he'd set me up with my tank, he passes by 2x a month. SCORE!! The reef store I was raving about the other day that had the most pristine fish and corals, get a lot of their stuff from him as it turns out.
He said the VHO's will need replacement in 4 months. The MH's will need replacing in 9 months. I can switch any of the 5 lights on or off in any order I want. The electronic ballasts are all independent.
The skimmer was huge!! It wont fit in my sump so I'll have to plumb it outside. I already got the plan in my head and it will be fine since I'm building the stand to accommodate the extra room needed. It worked fine and has the ability to be both in sump and out. For $100 I couldn't go wrong.
As an added bonus he pulled out a calcium reactor and gave ti to me free. He said it has about a years use on it and is a great reactor. I need to get my own bottle of Co2, but hey...a free reactor that I wasn't counting on. SCORE!! Its small enough to fit in the sump, so Ill put it in the skimmer section. The casing one the pump is cracked so If I want to put it out of the sump, Ill need to repair it. I don't mind. It was a free reactor that was totally a surprise!
Originally Posted by pbnj
Didn't some other guy on this forum document his foam-back project using the very same avatar?

Hope not, Ill have to swapp this avatar out again^^
Originally Posted by Eric B 125

whats crackin nep? any progress today?
Not much. I been gone for a couple days. I talk to the bank today and find out whats going on with me and them, from there Ill be able to make a better decision on setting up.
Everything is on hold till I build my stand, and I cant really do that till I get my tax return, or my monthly GI check for attending school.

eric b 125

cool cool. good luck with the bank stuff, btw. that's boss that he gave you a calcium reactor and you're happy with all the new equipment. i can't wait do get my re-build off the ground, waiting for nice weather. we're not going to have to wait for the surprize are we? usually i wouldnt give a care, but you've done a good job at building the suspense.


Active Member
I go to the patent office on Wednesday to finalize it.
I got no problem with people mimicking my idea,anyone can.
I just don't think it would be right if someone made a profit of my idea and then didn't include me in on it.
They still have to check all the patents...its a big business, to make sure I'm the first to do something like this^^


Active Member
How long does it take for the patent? Don't those things take months?
Excellent job. I can't wait to see the surprise.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
How long does it take for the patent? Don't those things take months?
Excellent job. I can't wait to see the surprise.
Ya, it takes a long time, but all I am doing is putting a time stamp saying that I was first to put the idea out there. I still haven't heard from them yet if I am or not. That's the part that takes weeks to review. Wednesday I go in and sign some documents.
It could be that its a totally bogus idea and would never work. So I don't have any hopes or dreams of becoming rich or anything.
Personally I did it in hopes that every poor man out there could do a good overflow. So the truth is, I hope nobody makes a profit off it...just pass the word along.

eric b 125

there's plenty of DIY overflows out there, that are relatively cheap. you seem like a bright dude, so i'm excited to see your take on things!


When do you expect to have everything completed and installed so you can start enjoying this masterpiece?


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjlondry
When do you expect to have everything completed and installed so you can start enjoying this masterpiece?
I will have all the plumbing done in the next 2 weeks. The last of my purchases are being made over the next couple days. Some are already on the way.
1. Testing kits. About $70(30 each+shipping) for a basic and reef specific. (ill order them tonight when I decide on what to get)
2. 6 stage RO-DI $96 0ppm Garontee
3. TDS meter. $15
4. 2x250watt Visi therm stealth heaters. ($70 with shipping)
5. Salt: "reef crystals" brand came highly recommended to me, so Ill pick up a 180gallon mix. I didn't order it...shipping cost more than the bucket. So I still need to look around. But it should set me back around $50
6. I need a good digital thermometer, any suggestions?
All that leaves is the lumber for the stand and the lights for the Scrubber(should be about $200 total for both...and thats a high estimate).
I should have a fantastic 125DT and 55gallon sump for under $2 grand. Right now the bill for everything Ive purchased...and mentioned above is just a shade over $1700.
As I buy fish and coral I'll stock it with power heads, but for now the 3 outlets with "Y" loc lines will be fine.
When I get the green light from the bank on my situation. Ill order the LR(50lbs $200) and Begin the Cycle.

eric b 125

that's a good deal for LR, $4/lb! i'm guessing that most of that is going into your sump, eh? are you going to do any aquascaping in your DT or are you just sticking with the foam wall?


Active Member
I definitely want to do aqua scaping, but I will be careful that it will accent the foam wall, not the other way around.
I could fit a majority of the LR in the sump, so I'll do the nicer pieces up top for some caves ect. but the little stuff down below. I plan to get another 50lb purchase sometime later this summer. but for now 50lbs is plenty for a low bio load system.
Ive got a 55 gal tank already for my next project later this year...a frag tank. It wont be anywhere near as fancy...just the bare bones minimum to make a nice frag tank, and mabee double over as a quarantine tank...unless fish can contaminate corals.


That's a lot of dough! Still can't wait to see the final product though! Sure it will look great!


Active Member
I just ordered SeaChem 160gal reef salt mix. A nice compliment of SeaChem Testing kits, should handle everything Ill need for sometime. 120lbs of Caribbean Live Sand Fine Oolite Substrate.
$90 for the testkits.
$47 for the salt.
$105 for the sand. Plus $17 shipping and handling.
All that's left is to buy the lumber for the stand, build it, order the LR and cycle!!
All together a 125 reef tank w/55gal sump and nice stand, drydock, to first cycle w/LR...under $2,500.
Most will tell you a good rule of thumb is $30 per gallon to purchase and equip a system, $50 per gallon if you include stocking it. I did it for about $13. And that is past just equipment: I also figured in salt/test kits/LR.
The only way I can see it getting cheaper is to actually go to CL and buy someones reef they are tearing down, and for a comparable system Your looking at $1500-1600(and Ive seen them as high as $2,500), and Mine will be WAY better than most. I dont see many people with a 55 gallon sump for a tank this size.
I find out tomorrow with the bank, but It looks like they are letting people stay in their homes well after foreclosure, since they don't want the property to be vandalized, I could end up staying in it well into its auction, and new title transfer, and that's if
it sells, I'm half way done with remodel, who wants that. Since I lost my job and everything got put on hold, I didn't see any need to expend resources on a home I'm losing.
I'm really happy with all the help everyone has given to me along the way. The journey is nearing completion, and I cant wait till the final stages before I cycle begin.


Call me crazy, but should you be setting up this large of a tank when you soon might have to move out? Seems like a lot of work for something you "might" just have to take back down.
I dread the day I move out of the house I'm currently in....So much junk to move PLUS all the live animals!


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjlondry
Call me crazy, but should you be setting up this large of a tank when you soon might have to move out? Seems like a lot of work for something you "might" just have to take back down.
I dread the day I move out of the house I'm currently in....So much junk to move PLUS all the live animals!
Perfectly reasonable logic.
I was on the fence either way. If I stay in this house for the next year...ya, I'm going to cycle and move it next year, who knows. I might get a job in the next year, the economy might turn...I doubt it. Europe is now beginning to tank now, socialism doesn't work, things are simply going to get worse^^
If I stay for a couple more weeks, then forget it. Ill move first then set it up. Next month. Either way, the move will only be 9 miles down the road, a few rubber maid bins and a pickup is not a big deal. I will probably pre-stage my 55 gal future frag tank there, then its a simple matter of catching the livestock and placing it in a slightly cramped tank for a few hours, while I set up the 125 again.
The plumbing will be modular, everything from the stand up will disconnect from the lower half. Then its a matter of removing the tank and a couple guys to move the top half and the bottom half.


Originally Posted by King_Neptune
the economy might turn...I doubt it.
Well, that sounds like transporting will be a whole lot easier than I was thinking.
Rubbermaid's and a pickup wouldn't do so well in MI. More like frozen blocks of ice with fish in the back of a a pickup!