Neptunes 125 Reef Diary.


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Originally Posted by Posiden
Mc lendons carries the Weld On # 16 in both the small and large tube. They also have acrylic sheet in 1/4" 2'x4' for $40. I also told you to go there for the pond foam it is cheaper there.
Is weld on OK for plastic to acrylic? the frame I'm gluing the pieces onto is plastic I assume...its black and that's all I know.


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Originally Posted by nickz24ninja
Looks really nice Nep.
I just got a 125 all glass and i was looking for ideas I wanted to use my current 55 that I am upgrading to this 125 for my sump and now I see that I can. about how much did it cost you all together for the overflows, diy sump and all hardware, pump, glass, fittings etc etc etc.
What kind of lighting do you plan on using?
Thanks I cant wait to see it when it is done, looks real good now can't wait to see it full of life.

Glass is cheap. Its about $4 a sheet, if you have the pre-cut glass. They charge more to cut it for you. I got a sweet deal though....2.75 for half dozen pieces...someone scanned it wrong^^
Silicone was kinda pricy...$8 a tube. And I went through 3. Or you can buy the cheaper large tube instead...I personally spent the extra for the Fish safe aquarium silicon.
Since you have a 55 already...its most likely gonna be the 12" precut glass, so that's a good thing.
Pump was a mag18 and I got it for $129 w/$8 shipping. ordered it on Friday, got it on Monday.
The light is a 72inch PFO. It is PFOs professional brand with the parabolic reflectors and deeper hood. The hood contains 3x 250 watt metal halide fixtures, 2 6ft VHO fixtures, and remote electronic ballasts. The hood is black and has tow fans, one at each end for cooling, and there is a protective lens covering to protect the bulbs. It can be placed on top of the tank or hung with its hanging hooks. It also has quick disconnects for each ballast and each ballasts has its own on and off switch.
Its a $1500 light. Its used and Im getting it delivered to my door for $500 this weekend.
Also he is bringing by a PCI PS-3000 skimmer for me to look at. If I want it...its an extra $100.
Total cost of everything around $1,100(give or take a little)
Pump,lights,skimmer,DT,Sump,plumbing. And I had a blast doing it. I should have a nice setup when its done.


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Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
RO unit under $100 and you can get a DI Add-on canister for around $30
I think Ill just order one. I saw a 5 stage one that does 100GPD for $170 from a simple google search.
Ill wait till my taxes come before I start spending more money(this is my last year for a hefty tax return *cry).
Plus it gives me a week to decide. And I got plenty of stuff to do till then. In the meantime anyone else have any ideas for RO-DI, thoughts suggestions ect, I'm all open to hear what you have to say. It might influence my decisions.
I think the next big step for me to do is build the stand so I can do the plumbing. And work more on the foam wall. Kinda stopped that so need to get crackin again.


Active Member
Just an update:
hears an update on the project:
Drilled all my rock a few days ago. today I hung them and began to foam them. I put on salt to add a porous effect to the foam, it will turn out nice.Ill rinse it out when it all hardens.

I ran out of foam, im going to have to go buy 5 more cans. I am a little dismayed that it will end up costing my $120
in foam, but I did it because it was the special UV pond foam that is fish safe. I simply thought it was worth paying double for that security.
I am going to cut out the "Tower" I just think it will look gaudy....and it would take 4-5 cans to fill out anyways.


Active Member
Just got done with reading your thread. I'm glad somebody told you about the lava rock and you got a refund on it. The first time you mentioned it and nobody said anything I got worried. So far it looks great.
As far as RO/DI goes, I bought from
They are awesome. They are super helpful and cool people. The unit came with a packet of really descriptive directions WITH PICTURES.
I've also heard that Bulk Reef Supply is great.
Good Luck.


Active Member
I just found the great stuff UV foam. same price as the other brand...but almost 3x the coverage!! i could have done the whole wall in 4 cans instead of 5 for the other stuff. and 2 more great stuff cans. too late now. learn from my mistake. great stuff works WAY WAY better than the other name brand stuff.
Picked up two kinds of bonding weld. I didnt know what kind to get so got them both. none of the hardware stores carries weld #16,40, or 60. so i got the next closest think I could think of....

got 3 cans of great stuff left so that's going back to the store tomorrow.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by King_Neptune
I just found the great stuff UV foam. same price as the other brand...but almost 3x the coverage!! i could have done the whole wall in 4 cans instead of 5 for the other stuff. and 2 more great stuff cans. too late now. learn from my mistake. great stuff works WAY WAY better than the other name brand stuff.


Active Member
Originally Posted by King_Neptune
Is weld on OK for plastic to acrylic? the frame I'm gluing the pieces onto is plastic I assume...its black and that's all I know.

Yes, It is good for PVC, ABS, Acrylic.
On the rock might want to check and see if that thing floats. It doesn't take much to make those rock walls buoyant.


Active Member
Weld on will do nothing at all for pvc....been there done that, doesn't do much for many plastics I've tried. Does a number on acrylic though. I think using the product on the left would do you well. Just scuff it up really good so it has more surface area to bond to.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Posiden
Yes, It is good for PVC, ABS, Acrylic.
On the rock might want to check and see if that thing floats. It doesn't take much to make those rock walls buoyant.
it will float no doubt in my mind. thats why I will silicone it to the tank. Also notice the base at the bottom...that will have LR sitting on it as well.
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc

Weld on will do nothing at all for pvc....been there done that, doesn't do much for many plastics I've tried. Does a number on acrylic though. I think using the product on the left would do you well. Just scuff it up really good so it has more surface area to bond to.
that was what my gut was telling me too. i was at a different hardware store and saw i figured what the heck. $5 and I can always take back the other one.


Active Member
I finished putting on the foam. covered it in salt and let it sit for a few hours to harden. Then I took it outside and rinsed it off. A few zip ties still show...but that's not a big deal. Ill simply touch up with the foam.
The camera didn't show the porousness effect of the salt, but it did come out pretty nice. If I had to do it all over again...I would have packed it a little with my hands...instead of just sprinkling it on. That would have made the dimples a little deeper. But in the end, it still gave a nice looking rocky effect up close.
When I put on epoxy and sand later tonight it will really blend all the colors a lot smoother. And after the tank settles in with Coraline and Algae ect the colors will blend evin further. Add coral and other life to that mix, and you will not know its a foam wall.



Active Member
Brought it inside after it dried off. Did some spot touches where any holes were seen. Tried to build a tunnel for the fish...fell under its own weight, I should have used something like a 2liter or to make a mold. Oh well not that big of a deal. mostly Ill have LR in front anyways.They can hide behind that. The big blob turned out ot be kinda cool. made it look like a lava flow. I might keep it. I packed some salt on it to see how it will look when it dries.

Hear is a close up of the pourous looking effect the salt does.hard to get it to focus, but you can make out the dimples.


Then I put it up on a stand and shaved of the excess on the back. I used a steak knife and it came off pretty easy. about 20-30 min effort in all and it was trimmed proper.

Once it all hardens a few more hours, Ill rinse it off and place it in the tank for final trimming on the bulkheads. Then I'll epoxy and sand it.

eric b 125

looks good man. i'd really pour the sand on though, just to make it look more realistic until it covers in coraline, since that could take a while. i thought you were going to make it sectional, so it could be removed? i guess if you're going to acrylic it in, then it doesnt really matter.


Active Member
I bought over kill on epoxy today. I was going to buy 3 more sets, but bought 6 instead. I am on the fence right now if Im just going to keep the same method....epoxy then pour sand on...or mix in epoxy and sand.
Right now I got half of it done, and needed three more cans for the other half. but now I might touch up on thin areas with the three spare.
I got plenty sand to go still, only used 1/4th of the sand I bought.
Also I debated sectional...but decided that Ill do one peice so it all glues in place as one. I got 4 tubes of dap 50year silicone. ill smear the back wall good, and press the foam build into place. After its set in place Ill put the acrylic strips over top.
I wonder if I should buy a few more tubes of aquarium silicone and run a good solid bead all the way around each corner before I do any final sealing? Just a preventative measure since I don't want to spring a leak years from now and have an established tank,


Active Member
Going to let it dry till morning. Then Ill flip it and let the sand land on newspaper. Then I'll use the last 2 packs of epoxy to do some touch up spotting.


Active Member
This is direct from IPS, AKA.... Weld on. Zoom in a couple of cliks.
:Note to mods:
This link is a PDF and wont let me copy and past it directly.
This is from RIDOUT Plastics,
WELD-ON 16 is especially formulated to bond acrylic plastic. It can also be used for bonding styrene,
butyrate, PVC and polycarbonate, as well as other plastics and porous surfaces.


Active Member
Ya. I cant find it anywhere in town. the stuff I got will do. its meant for marine plastics. plus I'm heating the acrylic and folding it over. and instead of one peice...I'm doing three.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Posiden
This is direct from IPS, AKA.... Weld on. Zoom in a couple of cliks.
:Note to mods:
This link is a PDF and wont let me copy and past it directly.
This is from RIDOUT Plastics,
WELD-ON 16 is especially formulated to bond acrylic plastic. It can also be used for bonding styrene,
butyrate, PVC and polycarbonate, as well as other plastics and porous surfaces.
I understand that's what weld on states. But from my experience it doesn't do well at all on pvc. In fact if you google sandiegoplastics, you'll find a list of various weld on products and what they will adhere to. They mention pvc's etc in some not in others. However I have had poor luck myself trying to use it on anything else except acrylic. Many people have reported poor results with cell cast over extruded acrylics. How is your experience with it and materials of different characteristics?


Active Member
Joy!!! I flipped it over and the result was better than I hoped!
Some of the glue was a little sticky, it was 30min set epoxy so still needs a few days to fully settle in. But the sand came out better than I hoped!
The next series of shots is almost complete. I'm going to touch up with the last 2 sets of epoxy and re surface any imperfections I see. And Ill blend the colors from left to right a little better, so it wont be a sudden shock from one color to the next. once its all covered in coraline ti will look smokin!!
The thing is getting heavy. Well over 50lbs now with the epoxy and sand. I debate putting it in the tank till after I move. But that could be months away.
I would like to do as much as I can hear and now, and disassemble it and move it to my new home and begin cycling there.
