New 10g Nano, ideas please!!


Active Member
yea and me as well, fish are dying left and right, no one seems to care or have any advice to these people. i dont understand why no one would say anything? im not gunna be the only one to go around and tell every person not to cycle their tan with fish.

bang guy

Well Patrick, 90% of the time the first we hear of it is after the fact. People don't want to hear they messed up from some stranger on a fish board. That's just the way it is.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///t/389492/new-10g-nano-ideas-please/360#post_3459368
Well Patrick, 90% of the time the first we hear of it is after the fact. People don't want to hear they messed up from some stranger on a fish board. That's just the way it is.
Agreed. Plus, people are going to do what they want to do, regardless of what other experienced hobbyists tell them. Every newbie thinks he's going to re-write the book and do it his way, but later they figure out it can't be done that way or they get out of the hobby all together. When some people are making serious errors and are told that they are doing wrong, I just have to turn the other cheek. It never really ends well.


Active Member
You guys are unfortunately right, it's just frustrating to see it happen without warning or advice being given. Oh well like you guys said people will do what they want no matter what they are told


Active Member
cleaner shrimp passed away last night :( i have no idea why? everything else in the tank is doing great. fish and all. any ideas what could have caused this?

bang guy

Need the standard set of parameters and dosing schedules. Sorry for your loss. In my experience this sudden death of a Shrimp is often the result of osmotic shock from a water change or an overdose of Iodine.
Also take a close look at it to see if there are any visible parasites under the shell.


Active Member
Not a clue man, sorry to hear that, I had a cleaner once, then it just disappeared, not inside the tank, not outside the tank, and nothing inside the tank to eat it...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///t/389492/new-10g-nano-ideas-please/360#post_3459732
Need the standard set of parameters and dosing schedules. Sorry for your loss. In my experience this sudden death of a Shrimp is often the result of osmotic shock from a water change or an overdose of Iodine.
Also take a close look at it to see if there are any visible parasites under the shell.
well i could see some black dots inside the main body but didnt look abnormal. he was acting funny yesterday, and i didnt really think much of it. but now that i think about it, when i fed the tank he didnt even flinch to try and eat. he was just in his cave swaying back and forth, normally he will fight the fish for food. the only tests i have are ammonia, pH, nitrite and nitrate. pHis between 7.5-8.0, nitrites and trates are both zero or very close to it. and ammonia is at zero as well. i do a 10-15% water change every week or so. and for the last 2 weeks i have switched over to mixing the water for 24 hours. the only other thing in the tank that doesnt look completely happy is the zoas. they arnt opened up as full as they should be. but still all of them are open. other than that everyone is seems to be very happy.


Active Member
did some tank maintenance today, cleaned the glass.. replaced the filter media.. cleaned out the cheato in the other filter... moved some things around.. and i currently have 2 gallons of WC water mixing as i type this. will swap that out for 2 gallons of tank water tomorrow. (giving it 24 hours to mix
) the zoas and the frogspawn have not been opening all the way up for the last 2 days. i have been testing the water and no spikes or anything. all levels are good. but i figured some good cleaning and a nice water change might cheer everyone up. on a good note the clowns have never looked better. they have darkened up a bit and their orange has gotten very bright! both eat really well and have even fattened up a little bit. feather duster is much bigger than when i first time i brought it home. The rainbow ricordea is only a few days away from being fully split! and now for the worst news of all. I have decided to sell the tank, well the whole setup really, I will be going to basic as soon as next month and i just dont want to put any more money into the tank. i also want to have plenty of time to find it a good home. thanks for reading! ill post some updated pics tomorrow when everything has opened back up!


Active Member
well the deed is done! sold the tank and everything with it for $250. :( not as much as i wanted but it was good enough for me to let go of it. ill still be trolling around this site and i can promise i will have a build thread in here again in the future! thanks for everyones help with this!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by patrick8929 http:///t/389492/new-10g-nano-ideas-please/360#post_3460834
well the deed is done! sold the tank and everything with it for $250. :( not as much as i wanted but it was good enough for me to let go of it. ill still be trolling around this site and i can promise i will have a build thread in here again in the future! thanks for everyones help with this!
I was tagging along...sorry to see you go....I would have put all I could into storage, because it costs so much to set-up.


Active Member
well trust me i know it cost a lot to get started, but i have had plans for a while now to make something so much better than what i have. i would really like a tank with a sump and some LED lights. i want to get rid of the HOB filter look and get more of a minimalist look, real clean and elegant looking. dont worry i have big plans for a nice tank. im thinking around a 40 gallon or so. anyways, thanks for your comments. and ill be back!


Active Member
well i dropped the tank and everything else off about 30 minutes ago. they have a very nice 55 gallon setup as well so they seem to know what they are doing, so hopefully it is in a good home.