well let me first say i am very dissatisfied with my shipment. for starters the fed ex guy was holding the box upside down, and from there set it down on its side. the smaller of the 2 clown fish was almost completely upside down and just barely hanging on to life and the bigger one was in a little better condition. the hermit crab had very little water in its bag and was barely about to stay enough in the water to survive, the corals seemed okay. they had obviously been moved around from the box going from right side up to upside down but it looks like everything is okay. one of the bags actually had a leak im guessing the hermit crabs bag and they have been the crabs fault i dont know. but it also seemed like there could have been more water in each back. because the bags were on their sides a lot the fish had hardly enough room to breath. it seemed as if they had been struggling to breath for quite a while. idk if these problems are all swf or all fed ex or a combo of the 2 but i can say i probably wont be ordering from this site again. i love the forums and i would like to stay on as a member of the forums. but i will probably take my business elsewhere. i hope im not stepping on any toes by posting this but i did want to share my experience i had today.
now as far as water changes go... i take out about 1.5 gallons of water. from there i put my power head in a bucket with a heater and add a little salt at a time. giving about 30-45 minutes for all the salt to dissolve. test the water and add more salt as needed. from there once the temp is right and the salinity is the same as the rest of the tank i slowly add it back into the tank. am i ding something wrong am i missing something? if i am please tell me because i do it this way every time.
now for some pictures of the new shipment!
the frogspawn looks better than this already. this is the other one i am worried about. but i think it will be okay.
this ric has 2 mouths, does this mean its getting ready to split?
the kenya tree is almost back to normal at this point. (not in this pic but, now about 30 minutes after this pic was taken)