New 10g Nano, ideas please!!


Active Member
okay cool, thats what i wanted my lfs has a few small pieces for pretty cheap thought id give them a try but wanted to check if it was okay first


Active Member
shipment comes today!!! also one more question. i did about a 20% water change for the new stuff thats coming in today. now my kenya tree is all closed up and seems very unhappy. it seems like everytime i do a water change he gets unhappy. is this normal? im using r/o water. so it shouldnt be something in the new water.


Active Member
well let me first say i am very dissatisfied with my shipment. for starters the fed ex guy was holding the box upside down, and from there set it down on its side. the smaller of the 2 clown fish was almost completely upside down and just barely hanging on to life and the bigger one was in a little better condition. the hermit crab had very little water in its bag and was barely about to stay enough in the water to survive, the corals seemed okay. they had obviously been moved around from the box going from right side up to upside down but it looks like everything is okay. one of the bags actually had a leak im guessing the hermit crabs bag and they have been the crabs fault i dont know. but it also seemed like there could have been more water in each back. because the bags were on their sides a lot the fish had hardly enough room to breath. it seemed as if they had been struggling to breath for quite a while. idk if these problems are all swf or all fed ex or a combo of the 2 but i can say i probably wont be ordering from this site again. i love the forums and i would like to stay on as a member of the forums. but i will probably take my business elsewhere. i hope im not stepping on any toes by posting this but i did want to share my experience i had today.
now as far as water changes go... i take out about 1.5 gallons of water. from there i put my power head in a bucket with a heater and add a little salt at a time. giving about 30-45 minutes for all the salt to dissolve. test the water and add more salt as needed. from there once the temp is right and the salinity is the same as the rest of the tank i slowly add it back into the tank. am i ding something wrong am i missing something? if i am please tell me because i do it this way every time.
now for some pictures of the new shipment!

the frogspawn looks better than this already. this is the other one i am worried about. but i think it will be okay.

this ric has 2 mouths, does this mean its getting ready to split?

the kenya tree is almost back to normal at this point. (not in this pic but, now about 30 minutes after this pic was taken)


The hermits don't need that much water. I would call SWF and let them know how FedEx handled your shipment ASAP. They are very good with customer service. I would also file a complaint with FedEx. Honestly, I would not have even accepted that delivery if I saw the guy handling the box that way.
Anyways, yes, that ricordia will probably split. Mine take forever to do so though.
As for your mixing salt. You really should be letting salt mix for a minimum of 24 hours before adding it to your tank. A separate heater and powerhead for this would be best. Are you adding salt to the water you take out of the tank or is it new water? I wouldn't remove any water from the tank until I'm ready to add new water back in.
Do you ever do top offs on this tank?
How did you acclimate these guys?


I would complain to Fed Ex......first of all every shipment I have gotten from here is tightly packed....BUT if FED EX was tossing your package all over the place.....a package that is CLEARLY marked this side up and live aquaria......they probably shook things up......
Hermits and snails are usually shipped in little to no water.....I have ordered from other places (SHHHH) and had them come dry also (or teeny amount of water)
I definitely would recommend this place......and IMO the stuff looks good


Active Member
i filed a complaint with fed ex right away. i almost didnt but i spent all that money and i have been excited about the order. im hoping everything ends up okay.
awesome i figured thats what that meant, i have had a ric split in the past in one of my other tanks its cool to watch.
its completely new water. i toss out the water i remove from my tank. i only have one bucket so ill need to get another one. ill also need an extra power head. i was just taking out the one i already had in my tank. ill start giving it 24 hours. thanks for the help! i do top offs. almost daily.
i followed the steps outlines in their acclimation video. took the box they came in, put a hole in the side and drip acclimated. for about 2 and a half hours. i know it probably should have been longer but i am on the clock at work so i was lucky to get away with that amount of time. as far as the coral i also followed the steps on the site.


Active Member
thanks meowzer! im hoping everything pulls thru, the little cown is the only one that im really worried about. everything else seems to be in good shape. im at work for the next 5 hours tho so im just waiting to get home asap and check on everyting

bang guy

I agree with Meowzer. The less water the better for just about any animal. I personally would ship Crabs, Snails , and Clams dry.


What I have done when I order anything live online is ask them to hold it at the facility...thag way I know the 5 or so people who handle it know im going to be opening it up and chexking it there before I leave...I have left a shipment at UPS once after I opened the box and everything was dead from being literally shaken they saw the guy do it on camera in the facility and he was fired...
all these companies take shipping seriously, even if one employee may not that is not the norm.

bang guy

Originally Posted by patrick8929 http:///t/389492/new-10g-nano-ideas-please/320#post_3457444
really? why is that? even on a 15-20 hour shipment time?
The gills of these animals just need to be moist for them to exchange O2. Water holds very little O2, expecially warm water. Air holds a lot of O2. More air in the bag = more oxygen in the bag. The exception is the breathable bags. I started using those recently and those are handled the exact opposite.


Active Member
Originally Posted by smallreef http:///t/389492/new-10g-nano-ideas-please/320#post_3457481
What I have done when I order anything live online is ask them to hold it at the facility...thag way I know the 5 or so people who handle it know im going to be opening it up and chexking it there before I leave...I have left a shipment at UPS once after I opened the box and everything was dead from being literally shaken they saw the guy do it on camera in the facility and he was fired...
all these companies take shipping seriously, even if one employee may not that is not the norm.
yea you are right, i was just upset. ill have them hold it next time for sure.
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
The gills of these animals just need to be moist for them to exchange O2. Water holds very little O2, expecially warm water. Air holds a lot of O2. More air in the bag = more oxygen in the bag. The exception is the breathable bags. I started using those recently and those are handled the exact opposite.
gotcha well thats good to know. i guess i overreacted...
on a good note. everything in the tank looks amazing! pics!

cant get both of the clowns to stay in the frame! lol


Active Member
more pictures! i cant stop staring at the tank!
first on is a new FTS i changed the rocks a bit. the rock thats in the middle on the sand is going to be a Ricordia rock. hopefully covered completely with rics someday.

okay this is a star fish i have seen roaming the tank for a while now. my lfs said he might be harmful to corals. so is this a good or bad star fish?

this is my ricordia rock! what do you think?

saw this at my LFS tonight for $15 i couldnt resist.

this is Lucky :) he is the little one and it seems he has made a full recovery and looks pretty healthy.

im hoping the frogspawn does really well. i would love or the clowns to host it.

closer pic of the rics.

and finally this is Dorito! :) he wont stay still to take a pic


Looks great Patrick.....I think everything you got today is a winner YAYYYYYY
the ric rock should be good.....and I love the new monti
I have no clue about the star, BUT,........when in doubt.....throw it out....LOL....or put it in a sump if you have one