New 150G Tank


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Originally Posted by GNorman
haha yeah, we bought it b.c we thought it was an interresting piece... now were trying to figure out what to do with it :help:
You could place it more on its side to form kind of like a bridge formation. Just a suggestion.


What did you use to get the rocks to stay like that for the bridge? With aquascape like that I think your tank ill turn out to look pretty sweet. What are you going to put in it?


Active Member
we just used the other smaller rocks to support it. i guess my eagle scouts skills do come in handy...haha. anyways, its going to be a FOWLR. about 12 or so fish. main fish will be a female blue jaw, emperor angel, sohal tang and either a fiji red tail puffer( looks like the blue line but more brilliant) OR some sort of small puffer that was a recently found new species. same personality as a valintini so ive herd. then were going to have 5 blue green chromis, 2 percs, and some sort of sand shifting goby


Active Member
Agreed, it looks great G norman...wife loves the open spaces......I am actually going to go buy some rock here shortly....need to get another 60 lbs or so....(more than likely some base rock...I have some LR in my tank already)...want to get it in and aquascaped...going on week 3 of my excited..


Active Member
thanks for all of your comments! yeah aquascaping is so tough! all together it thing i worked on mine for about 6-7 hours. but im happy with the way it came out. we left a lot of open spaces and bridges b.c of the sohal tang were going to get and the emperor and bluejaw. im at week one of my cycle but all my parameters look good.... i dont know when to add fish


Active Member
great job on the rock work, it is frustrating work sometimes, almost llike a small piece of your sanity goes into every tank you build, not to mention the large piece of your bank account.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GNorman
thanks for all of your comments! yeah aquascaping is so tough! all together it thing i worked on mine for about 6-7 hours. but im happy with the way it came out. we left a lot of open spaces and bridges b.c of the sohal tang were going to get and the emperor and bluejaw. im at week one of my cycle but all my parameters look good.... i dont know when to add fish

NICE WORK!!!!! :cheer: I love all the space and bridges. Before you add any fish you need to wait for your tank to cycle, meaning amonia will go up, then nitrite will go up. Once both come back down to 0 you are ready to go. Was your rock cured before putting it in? If so then you might need to add a dead shrimp (from store) and allow your amonia to come up. If your rock was not fully cured it should help start the cycle. Don't add any fish though until you've seen the cycle go up and then come back down. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but this is what I did with my freshwater and from all the reading I've done it's pretty much the same with saltwater.) Your "cycle" can take anywhere between 3 to 8 weeks. Every tank is different.
Again, awesome job!


Active Member
ok well the first week i couldn't test the water b.c i didnt have any of the testing equipment. but now, my ammonium is at 0. you guys don't think its cycled yet? should i do the dead shrimp or should i just not do anything and let it work its self out. and if i do the shrimp thing... what size of shrimp? like the tempura shrimp or bay shrimp?


Active Member
here are some pics of the fish i have in it. im trying to fix an outbreak of red algae... so bear with me.
my Diamond Goby

My 3 green chromis

thanks for looking and i hope you enjoyed. have a good night


Active Member
Originally Posted by GNorman
thanks... i should be getting 2 percs and a blond naso tang this week..
I have two percs and LOVE THEM!!! But they are in QT right now and won't be in the display tank for at least 4 weeks. Still waiting on my lr and ls from SWF, so I can start the cycle in my large 125 gallon tank.


Active Member
thats exciting. but a bummer they have to be in QT for 4 weeks. i bet u cant wait for them to get into ur DT


Active Member
Originally Posted by GNorman
thanks... i should be getting 2 percs and a blond naso tang this week..
blonde naso's are beautiful! can't wait to see a picture when ya get him. :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by GNorman
thats exciting. but a bummer they have to be in QT for 4 weeks. i bet u cant wait for them to get into ur DT
More than you know!
But I'm more worried about me leaving for a week on March, I'm taking my girls to Disneyland. I'm going to have a hard time not worrying about my tanks. I'm still trying to figure out how to do a DIY top off so I don't have to worry about water evap, because as of right now it's almost 2 gallons a day that I have to stick in (wasn't really prepared for that :scared: ). And then the feeding of my clowns and freshwater tank. Will put measured food in a dixie cup for each day and have my friend feed the fish that way. BUT, if my 125 gallon tank cycles before I leave I may put the clowns in, but that probably won't happen. I'm just worried about my 10 gallon QT crashing while I'm gone. We'll just have to wait and see what happens between now and then. I leave March 9th for 7 days.


Active Member
wow that sounds like a lot of work. yeah my tank has a lot of evaporation. i put in about 10 or so gallons in less than a week... i guess im going to be making a lot of trips to my LFS. disneyland huh??? thats really cool. i live like 40 mins or so if there is no traffic. i have a season pass too. be sure to go on tower of tear in the california park... its the best ride of all of them. oh yeah you also have to go on the buz lightyear ride. its ment for little kids but its so fun. i hope you have a great time and i hope your able to work stuff out with ur tanks. PS.... your tank should be cycled by then. i hope so for the percs sake.... wouldnt want to be in a QT for 1 and a half months. hehe