New 28G Nano Cube for Horses :)


Well-Known Member
Getting height is hard, Thats why I used plastic plants for now. I hope to get some macroalgae to replace them ASAP..You mentioned bristle worms and cursed me..I seen a good sized ugly one on a rock a minute ago.
Hope you don't mind offering me some advice....I also found three aiptasia..I got them with Joes juice...but I think it's time for some peppermint shrimp. They are a threat level 1 on the list, that isn't too bad is it? How many can I safely put in a 30g with 4 seahorses?


Originally Posted by TeresaQ http:///forum/thread/383946/new-28g-nano-cube-for-horses/200#post_3368563
those corals look good, I would just try and get them in the center and some height to the stack. Its going to look good when your done.
OH YEAH definitely......these are just the pieces I have had in there......I am thinking of doing 2 columns with an arch, and openings all around...LOL...after we examine all the pieces we will see what we can do.....
Can I use plastic hangers to put the rock together? (if we decide to do that)


Flower right now I have one pep in the 28G.....I might get another one
I also just bought thsi little plastic grass plant....I figured we could work it in when we scape the tank


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/383946/new-28g-nano-cube-for-horses/220#post_3368579
Flower right now I have one pep in the 28G.....I might get another one
I also just bought thsi little plastic grass plant....I figured we could work it in when we scape the tank

Oh thats a pretty one. It's a really nice bright green. They want so much for fake plants and corals. I had great hopes for the tree sponge but it died so fast, I'm afraid to get another one. The red frilly sponge is doing fine. I think Kenya trees built up on the rock scape is going to be the best I can do for tall corals.


Well I have the Kenya and colt in there, and the leather tree which I am sure will grow much taller.....I still do not know what else though
I may get a red tree fan...HOW is yours? do you still have it?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/383946/new-28g-nano-cube-for-horses/220#post_3368588
Well I have the Kenya and colt in there, and the leather tree which I am sure will grow much taller.....I still do not know what else though
I may get a red tree fan...HOW is yours? do you still have it?
No it turned black and died, about a month ago. It took it a long time. The red seafans are more like a gorgonia and they are tuff buggers to keep going. I was not spot feeding it and I think they need that to stay alive, my tank is too clean.


Active Member
what about photo gorgs, I have three and they are doing great, and I paid under 12 bucks for each one.
Plastice hangers will work fine. Just drill and stack.
Flower, peps are great in a horse tank, they eat leftover food and clean up great. They dont bother the horses, at least mine dont.


Active Member
if CF is the same as power compact it should be- your tanks not deep
purple sea whip
yellow/green sea whip
purple frilly - its my favorite.
small purple, that almost died when I got it, but recovered.


Active Member
oh, i forgot corky fingers too. another of my favorites
and it was the purple bush thats my fav and the frilly that almost died. lol had to go look


Corky fingers are the bestest. They are by far my favorites. How soon are you going to be wanting some?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ http:///forum/thread/383946/new-28g-nano-cube-for-horses/220#post_3368598
what about photo gorgs, I have three and they are doing great, and I paid under 12 bucks for each one.
Plastice hangers will work fine. Just drill and stack.
Flower, peps are great in a horse tank, they eat leftover food and clean up great. They dont bother the horses, at least mine dont.
How many in a 30g...and how hardy are corky fingers?


Originally Posted by smartorl http:///forum/thread/383946/new-28g-nano-cube-for-horses/220#post_3368609
Corky fingers are the bestest. They are by far my favorites. How soon are you going to be wanting some?
Probably soon...LOL....I have to go look and see what they are though

Originally Posted by Flower
Thanks! LOL..Now I will quit highjacking Meowzers thread.
NO PROB Flower.....we are all on the same all good with me


Kidding, kinda. I have been able to collect mine while diving with a collector friend. Let me make a few calls, I may be able to hook you up!