New 28G Nano Cube for Horses :)


HOLY CRAP!! The other day I found a crab molt in the new 28G......could not tell what it was.....TONIGHT....I saw a crab in hole in a rock
I now have this rock in plain ro water....I am thinking BAD CRAB..
I will update when I figure out how to get it out


Active Member
I would, you dont want that in any of your tanks. Too bad you dont have an aggesive tank, you could feed it to the fishes. lol


Originally Posted by TeresaQ http:///forum/thread/383946/new-28g-nano-cube-for-horses/200#post_3368361
I would, you dont want that in any of your tanks. Too bad you dont have an aggesive tank, you could feed it to the fishes. lol
LOL....My husband does not understand how a little crab could be bad....I told him there are crabs that eat algae...and then threre are crabs that eat EVERYTHING else LOl
he thinks I should put it in the 225G cause the fish are bigger.....haha....NO WAY


Got 2 more bristle worms out today......I think this makes 8....not little either .... I am gonna leave the trap in....I want to make sure I have no LARGE ones when I get the horses


OKAY...My rock is ready.....I work tomorrow thru Thurs...and my husband starts nights Fri-Mon :( SOOOOO thinking maybe Friday morning to do the aquascaping.. (or Thurs night) is a picture of the rock I have in the 28G right now.....I am keeping the shrooms, the leather is one of my frags :), I am probably gonna keep the yellow polyps too...In the back left there are 2 kenya trees, and in the center a colt....I am pretty sure of this, since they are different...LOL....
I am thinking of leaving all the rock that is in there now.....INCLUDING the Kenya and Colt......any opinions?


Active Member
those corals look good, I would just try and get them in the center and some height to the stack. Its going to look good when your done.