New 28G Nano Cube for Horses :)


Active Member
Hey meowzer - those SH are looking really good - I like the lite colored one as well, like you said she really blends in, had to look twice.

shrimpy brains

They are beautiful, Meowzer! Had to look for a while to find that last one! lol


Wow, that one really blends in!
Tank is looking really good. You guys need to stop posting all this stuff about seahorses, I have the itch, hubby is going to kill me if I decide to start another tank. So far there are three new types of setups I want on top of two reefs once we move.


Well-Known Member

T....I read you shouldn't mix them
...I want the red grape it isn't caulerpa but it looks like it. Those tanks look so awesome. I have hair algae starting, it's just fuzz but it's there. I do a 10g water change every two weeks. I must have phosphates, the test is reading either 0 or 0.5 I can't tell on the color chart..It is an API test, my Nutrafin is over a year old so I don't think it's any good now. I could try as a comparison test.
Meowzer...only a minute??? If mine don't move I can't find them. I move the feeding tube around the tank and they come out of hiding...right in front of me the whole time.


OK, Just added some nassarius snails, cerith, nerites, a cleaner clam, a fancy nass, and a lettuce nudi......IF this doesn;t make a difference I'm gonna cry

ALSO I have a question.....In my 5G crab tank.(LOL) it is LOADED with isopods.....the munnid ones with all the legs...LOL....are they good for horses? I am trying to figure out how to get them out and into the horse tank
any suggestions......
that is if they are good for horses


Active Member
use either a piece of sponge or filter floss, put it in the 5 gal, for a few days and then just shake it into the horse tank.


Well-Known Member
The bagged stuff from wally world should work. Cut a piece of that, pull on it to open the "weave" a little, and I betcha it will do fine.
Has anyone actually seen a horse hunt isopods? I know they will go after a nice tasty amphi if they can, but I always assumed those isos were probably too small for most horses to care about. My mandarins love 'em, though...


SO NOVA.....should I not bother if they are too small
ALTHOUGH.....I got some BIG ones....LOL....they are in a 5G with 20-25 emerald crabs and I feed them well....LOL....I love watching the emeralds go after food
ANYONE wanna buy any emerald crabs....LOL


Well-Known Member
I know someone who might want an emerald crab or three. Doesn't FloridaJoe still have his mantis shrimp? I'm SURE that little beauty wouldn't mind a crab leg dinner.
Meow, I don't know! That's why I was asking.... I've never personally seen mine hunt isos, but that doesn't mean she doesn't do it. I don't suppose it wouuld hurt in any case...they're great little cleaners...


Active Member
Might take you up on that Meowzer..... hahaha I'm down to one. My "Big" one died but not until he ate my elegance coral. Lol, darn thing
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/383946/new-28g-nano-cube-for-horses/460#post_3377230
SO NOVA.....should I not bother if they are too small
ALTHOUGH.....I got some BIG ones....LOL....they are in a 5G with 20-25 emerald crabs and I feed them well....LOL....I love watching the emeralds go after food
ANYONE wanna buy any emerald crabs....LOL


Well-Known Member
Kinda hard to see the zoas right now.....small pic, and they look like they're closed up some?
LOL I doubt you're going to have much to worry about re: the GSP. As long as the algae on the rock doesn't smother it, it will grow well.