New mods??? Bring it...


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Guaps, you were the first on my campaign bandwagon. That means you get to be the hidden puppet master who weilds the true power... guess that makes you ---- Cheney...

guess where hand is...

darthtang aw

Active Member
I take a long siesta and comeback to this?
In all seriousness, the only reason Crimzy wants to be a mod is so he can edit other people's posts. This way he can come across as intelligent, witty, cool, insert your word of choice here.
Darth (RU4MOD) Tang


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I take a long siesta and comeback to this?
In all seriousness, the only reason Crimzy wants to be a mod is so he can edit other people's posts. This way he can come across as intelligent, witty, cool, insert your word of choice here.
Darth (RU4MOD) Tang
And your point is... ???


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
You obviously aren't that good of a lawyer if you can't read into it...
Darth (retaining new council) Tang

No hes not to good at picking up sarcasm or cynicism for that matter..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
You obviously aren't that good of a lawyer if you can't read into it...
Darth (retaining new council) Tang
Don't be too shocked, but I'm OK with that.

Shouldn't you be signing off as Darth (master of the obvious) Tang?


Active Member
I never understood the obsession with moderating that seems unique to this board. While a lot of the "I want to be a mod" posts/threads are tongue in cheek, my sense is there is some sincerity to the desires of some here to really be mods. Trust me, as a former mod here, it's not going to enhance your resume. It's a lot of policing BS threads and posts. There is also a lot of inconsistancy which makes it even more of a PITA. Not sure about now, but in the old days we'd periodically get perks from the owners, like some free stuff, but only on rare occasion.
There is a hidden forum for mods to congregate and discuss (AKA bash) the little people, but that novelty wears off soon.

The biggest highlight is the day you're selected and all the empty "congratulation" posts. Shortly after that you become one of the despised few who have to wade through the forums looking for bad guys and evil doers, close some threads (or in Seps case A LOT of threads)

and take the fun out of life for a handful of folks who use the internet as their private anonymous playground. Pretty much sums it up, so think hard about what you wish for. It ain't all it's cracked up to be.


a catholic priest was on his deathbed, he summoned two lawyers to sit on each side of his bed, after a while one of the lawyers asked, "father, why are we here?" the priest said, "Jesus died with a thief on one side and a liar on the other, and i wanted to go as he did."


Active Member
Originally Posted by nicetry
I never understood the obsession with moderating that seems unique to this board. While a lot of the "I want to be a mod" posts/threads are tongue in cheek, my sense is there is some sincerity to the desires of some here to really be mods. Trust me, as a former mod here, it's not going to enhance your resume. It's a lot of policing BS threads and posts. There is also a lot of inconsistancy which makes it even more of a PITA. Not sure about now, but in the old days we'd periodically get perks from the owners, like some free stuff, but only on rare occasion.
There is a hidden forum for mods to congregate and discuss (AKA bash) the little people, but that novelty wears off soon.

The biggest highlight is the day you're selected and all the empty "congratulation" posts. Shortly after that you become one of the despised few who have to wade through the forums looking for bad guys and evil doers, close some threads (or in Seps case A LOT of threads)

and take the fun out of life for a handful of folks who use the internet as their private anonymous playground. Pretty much sums it up, so think hard about what you wish for. It ain't all it's cracked up to be.

This is all true, but you gotta admit, you miss some of the company in the tank


Active Member
Hmmmm. The Tank must be code for MODsylvannia, a forum where they go to rest, probably hanging from their feet!!!!


Originally Posted by spanko
Hmmmm. The Tank must be code for MODsylvannia, a forum where they go to rest, probably hanging from their feet!!!!

It's where they go to talk about us...I can hear them now...OH NO...another cat picture...OHHH LOOK at Spanko's cute smileys...WHAT THE HECK is Joe up to now???? FAMILY SITE...HAH


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Did you ever wonder why some of us are mainly on at night??

Okay Crimzy now that you know they are truly blood sucking internet vamps gotta ask yourself, Do you feel lucky tonight???