New mods??? Bring it...


Active Member
Moderators are for people who have shown themselves to know the rules well, and seldom, if at all, break them. Crimzy is a regular rule bender/breaker on here... I just don't know how we could allow ourselves to corrupt SWF in such a way.
Sorry Crimzy... I really like you a lot, and you make good contributions, but I just don't see you as a rule-follower. You probably take that as a compliment, and I hope you do, because I mean it as one.

al mc

Active Member
I am selling my vote (do we have a vote??) for MOD to the highest Crimzy...what do you have to offer (and your charm, good looks and ego are not enough!


Active Member
If only we all could see what the mods say about us in private.
Seriously though, I have often wondered how the powers that be come up with new mods. I vote for Crimzy, simply for the fact a guy has a doll for an avatar. No male security issues there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51
If only we all could see what the mods say about us in private.
Seriously though, I have often wondered how the powers that be come up with new mods. I vote for Crimzy, simply for the fact a guy has a doll for an avatar. No male security issues there.
dude... that is his own baby pic... that is how vane he is...


Active Member
You know what??? I am changing my tune! Now that I think about it....
I mean any guy who will let me take his wife out on a "sightseeing" tour here in South Beach when she arrives shows me a man of good judgement and character, both important qualities to me a successful mod in my book!
You have my vote buddy!


Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
Crimzy , You do know I will be expecting special favors for campaigning for you .
Guaps, you were the first on my campaign bandwagon. That means you get to be the hidden puppet master who weilds the true power... guess that makes you ---- Cheney...