New pics of my 20 high



I like it, but am starting to really have to keep my eye on it. I need ideas of what new corals to get. Any ideas?


maybe ill make a trip to the coral shop this weekend and see what they have!


Active Member
Dunno how I missed this thread....
Love the tank alexa. A great softie tank. I remember seeing a post where you thought you killed a mushroom? If it does die, please let me know how you did it
Best of luck to you, if you have any questions, dont be afraid to holler.


Thanks! I am actually thinking i want something new...some sps maybe but i have no clue what. something bright! and maybe a brain.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alexa11
Thanks! I am actually thinking i want something new...some sps maybe but i have no clue what. something bright! and maybe a brain.
SPS a lot more work than you think, and would not do well in a softie tank. They need a ton of indirect flow (i.e. dont point a powerhead directly at them) and the softies wouldnt like it. I would say go for a favia or open brain for color. Always research the piece's requirements before buying them or you could lose out on a lot of money (learned the hard way)


Active Member
Originally Posted by alexa11
ok, yes i was thinking id like an open brain
You have T-5's right? Do you happen to know if they have individual reflectors or not? You could try acans or a pretty chalice, given it was placed in correct conditions. I say correct conditions because a lot of them are finiky and may lose some color if they arent happy


no it does not have indiv. reflectors, it is the nova extreme pro. I do have a porites coral in there now towards the top; it has done well and the Christmas tree worms have gotten bigger. it's a 20 gal high, so its not terribly deep. Do you think an open brain would do ok on the sandbed? Do they need a very high flow directed at them?


Active Member
Originally Posted by alexa11
no it does not have indiv. reflectors, it is the nova extreme pro. I do have a porites coral in there now towards the top; it has done well and the Christmas tree worms have gotten bigger. it's a 20 gal high, so its not terribly deep. Do you think an open brain would do ok on the sandbed? Do they need a very high flow directed at them?
I think you should be ok, they dont require too much light. They bleach under MHs so I think youll be fine. Dont blast it, just keep things gently blowing in the current and opened up. Brains dont require much, they just puff up and look pretty :)
Youll have no problem keeping a number of things in the tank. I would just stray away from SPS and some of the harder LPS. It leaves a wide spectrum open for you


and i am expecting some new special zoa frags in 2 weeks!


Active Member
Xenia on the glass
If its not a weed, then I dont know what it is. The new ones look great. I dont know what that blue-green blob is :)