NEWBIE 200 gal build diary


Originally Posted by rlablan
pictures of the tank and all the crap it came with, PLUS 100 pounds of cured live rock (some of it dead) for under 800 bucks!
I can easily fit in the tank and I am 5'11''!!! haha

I am super stoked!!
Where do you get the blonde anemone. I have not seen that one at the LFS


Active Member
hahahaha... I am not gonna lie... It took me a while to figure that out..... haha
Thanks for tagging along and giving me a laugh. :)


Active Member
Don't call my fish ugly nissan! SAying mean things makes a person ugly, hence why I called you ugly. :p
I'm jp, but really... don't be mean to my fish!!


hey! I'm glad your fish is getting better! You make a great fish-mom! Nissan quit being mean to the fish! You dont want us to get your dad on you, do you? lol


Active Member
haha thanks mely... I try...
I even put notes in his lunch box.

So the people just came to pick up the tang. They seem nice and I have actually seen him at the LFS that screwed me.. he is a nice guy though. (not the LFS owner, the customer.)
So now We will see how my new sailfin does. He is much smaller (Like 2 inches says SWF) and I hope that he is will get along with him. If not, then I guess we'll deal with that when we come to it.


Active Member
Got the new friends today. I will take pics later. It's late... and the only one who is coming out is the tang. BBBUUUTTTT that acrylic is dirty as hell and I haven't gotten my kent marine mop yet!!!
So, the pics will be really nasty..
Also. I discovered some cyano growing in the back corner, suctioned some of it out, and it looked fine, went out and picked up phosphate remover and came back like 1/2 hour later... IT WAS BACK!!! SUPER LAME! I use RO/DI water, I am running LOTS of carbon, and now and running some phosban stuff... Anything else I can do to get rid of it? I am afraid of it spreading....
Other than that, life is good.
Foxface is doing really well... I think he has made a great recovery and will be stoked to join his mated, old and new, in the tank. (he just paces in the QT ALL DAY LONG!) I feel bad for him. Also, he is not eating a lot in there, I think due to stress.... But he is eating garlic seaweed... So that's good.


Active Member
Alright, so I examined the foxface today and he looks great! He eyes are light and glassy... he is very happy and active and has even been eating.


Originally Posted by rlablan
Alright, so I examined the foxface today and he looks great! He eyes are light and glassy... he is very happy and active and has even been eating.

SWEET!!! Give yourself a pat on the back girl. You've been to hell and back more than once with this tank! Great job, looks awesome btw


Active Member
thank you very much jas! I really appreciate it!
I am really proud of myself for rehabing this fish and that he has made a good recovery so quickly!


Active Member
I am STILL waiting on my mop!!! ARGH!! My tank looks disgusting!!!! I keep cleaning the outside of the tank, hoping it'll make it look a lil better.
It doesn't.

I think both pieces of the mop will be here before friday.... Here's to hoping....

What is new with everyone?
Is anyone even still reading this thread! You better be!! I am not done building my tank!!! ARGH! :eek:/


Active Member
Hehehe Hi kitty!
Yeah, I was jk cause it seemed like I was only updating for myself. lol
everyone is doing fine, I think... I can't tell because the glass is SOOOO dirty that I actually can't see it. It's just blobs of color whirling by. So lame.... Whoever I bought this mop from has taken forever to ship it and I hate them for it.
There is also cyano in there but I can't see where exactly...
It's spreading, despite the phosban that I put in there and a whole ton of carbon!?!?!
Anything else I can do before manually removing it?


I would love to know too, b/c I've done everything you have to battle that crap and I still have it! It's really driving me crazy. So if you figure out how to get rid of it before me then please let me know girl!


It takes a lot of patience...extra water changes, siphoning, rinse foods, just a little extra elbow can be done....I beat it in my 54G....BUT it took time....frustrating yes....doable..YESSSSS


Originally Posted by meowzer
It takes a lot of patience...extra water changes, siphoning, rinse foods, just a little extra elbow can be done....I beat it in my 54G....BUT it took time....frustrating yes....doable..YESSSSS
well, so far you are completely right! It is frustrating! And embarrasing to show pics to people or have friends over and they see it and go "what's wrong with your sand? Isn't it supposed to be white?" Ugh!


Active Member
haha just tell them that you have special sand :)
It isn't terribly bad but I do hate it.
I do water changes every 5 days, 20 gallons a pieces but I don't really think I can make more water changes. or afford more salt for the changes... That's alot of salt.

plus... I don't like to do it too often for the fish... I think it is some what stressful for them... but you know....
I will get it I am sure... right now I am just frustrated with the glass!!!
I can't see the fish but I also can't see the cyano!! lol


I know I can't afford more salt! I'm doing them as frequent as I can. But you know? I'm thinking of getting an emerald crab or two to help eat it! I'm trying to find out if anybody has had them eat that or the red slime algae. That would be awsome! What do you think?


Originally Posted by melypr1985
I know I can't afford more salt! I'm doing them as frequent as I can. But you know? I'm thinking of getting an emerald crab or two to help eat it! I'm trying to find out if anybody has had them eat that or the red slime algae. That would be awsome! What do you think?
Emeralds will not eat cyano....Supposedly the halloween hernits will....altho I had some, and I am not sure I ever saw them eat it either


Originally Posted by meowzer
Emeralds will not eat cyano....Supposedly the halloween hernits will....altho I had some, and I am not sure I ever saw them eat it either

Thanks again meowzer! I will just do it the old fashoned way! Lots of hard work and elbow grease!