NEWBIE 200 gal build diary


Active Member
yeah, the water is fine and he is the only fish that is doing that.
hahah It was an expensive purchase but I think It will work better if I just get the other fish that I wanted and put them in when the foxface is in QT, and they can be in QT and then everyone is equal because I will put him back in at the same time.
I finally went to bed this morning at about 8 am, and then foxface was still alive at that point, but I am just not sure not. I haven't checked because I am scarred I am going to cry. I really hope he made it.
It just seems like NO ONE knows what is going on... I certainly don't. I don't have anything for fish disease!!!
I have peeked my head around the door to the room he is in and he seems to be more active and less blotchy when I'm not in there. I did drop some veggie pellets for him, hopefully he eats. He hasn't been stuck to the intake again, so...
I just hope he pulls through though.


Active Member
I appreciate it, CK. That is nice of you.
I took him out because I had to get the purple tang out too. They were not getting along, and so he had to go. At first I got the tang out, but I had to basically drain my tank, and then net him. I knew there was something wrong with the fox face. He is blotchy all the time, and even yesterday before I messed with the tank at all, he was turning black. I also noticed his eyes were not glossy and pretty brown like normal, they were jet black and hazy. They look very "velvetty" or almost hazy but it wasn't the worst I've seen.... Even my bf saw it, and he notices nothing. lol
also, I did see at least 2 small superficial specs on the body, and as I watched him move around, they did not fall off, or move at all. (reason for the copper).
those two reasons are why I chose to remove him at the point.
He has been doing the weird breathing thing for about 2 weeks now. Where his mouth opens and closes quickly, and it looks like a sock puppet almost? (does that make sense...)
or like a dog panting... kind of. I have asked around to see if this is normal, because he did it for so long, but I got no answers and I couldn't find anything pos. or neg. about it anywhere...
He was still eating a lot, swimming a lot and was doing pretty well but I still found it odd that he looked to be breathing heavy.So I left him alone until I realized that he was all black and sitting in the corner of the DT yesterday.

coral keeper

Active Member
Np. When he was all black/blochy, did you check when the lights just turned on or during the middle of the day or when the lights were out? This is very important. Also, a picture is a million words, pictures would be helpful. :)


Active Member
ugh... this is so frustrating...hopefully all of this will clear up soon.
The best diagnosis I got was a bacterial infection per beth. I have no idea so I am going to take her word for it. I am doing a water change and adding some maracyn 2.
wish us luck!


Originally Posted by rlablan
ugh... this is so frustrating...hopefully all of this will clear up soon.
The best diagnosis I got was a bacterial infection per beth. I have no idea so I am going to take her word for it. I am doing a water change and adding some maracyn 2.
wish us luck!
Rae...when it comes to sick fish....Beth's word is the best to take


Active Member
I know!
Beth is fantastic! I did exactly what she said and he is already alot better! He is not all black anymore, seems much more at ease and it swimming around. Now I just have to get him to eat! Oh and.... "Anybody want a purple tang?" lol
I feel much better, I am just tired from no sleep last night and around ten I am bartending a party!!!
I have no idea how I do this!!! HEHEHE


Active Member
The foxface is doing well. I am still giving him meds. He has 2 days left and he looks great. He is much more active now and I am very happy with his recovery.
Also, I think I found the purple tang a new home today. They are supposed to come pick him up at 7... we will see.
Other than that... my tank looks like crap. lol My acrylic mop comes in a few days, so until then.... NO PICTURES!!!


Active Member
Because he was picking on my fox face. They are the same shape. foxfaces are related to tangs and so the tang came in and took over and was chasing him and stressing him out really bad. I think that made him more sick, to be honest. So I caught the tang and while I was in there, I put the foxface in QT.


Active Member
omfg.... you're ugly!! Don't be mean to my foxface!! He is sick....
Besides, I ordered a sailfin tang and they can't be together... so there. He has to go.