NEWBIE 200 gal build diary


those look great!
Gah, I can't stay up until 4am anymore and I'm only 24! I go to bed at the latest 1am. so, that's where I'm going now. Good night! I love the new fish by the way!


Active Member
Thanks guys!
Woke up today and everyone is live and well. All the new additions are out and about.
The only thing not happy seems to be my fox face. He is pale today and swimming around with alot of attitude. I think he is mad because he is no longer the biggest fish in the tank and so he got booted out of the cave he hides in ALL THE TIME. serves him right. He has to come out and be social now. lol
That tang is bigger than I said. He is probably more like 6 inches... lol he's a BIG boy.


Active Member
okay so I thought I would update my stock list and things like that...
Here is what i have in the tank at this point:
2 clownfish
1 foxface
1 mandarin goby
1 atlantic dwarf pygmy angel
1 twin spot goby
1 fuzzy dwarf lionfish
1 royal gramma
1 rock beauty angelfish
1 flounder fish
2 female lyretail anthias
1 purple tang
coral and inverts:
3 emerald crabs
2 peppermint shrimp
1 fireshrimp
various snails
various hermits
1 yellow deep sea gorgonian
1 colony of radio active dragons eyes
1 turquoise mushroom type coral?
1 brown and turquoise stripped mushroom type coral?
1 acropora? (I can't remember what this thing is called)
1 branching hammer coral
1 colony GSP
1 cluster of galaxia
I think that's everybody.


FYI The mushrooms are actually a type of anemone. They are just alot easier and hardier IMO. I just found that out today from a friend that was teaching me how to frag my mushrooms!
Stock list looks good by the way! i want to see some FTS!


Active Member
I don't know if they're what you call mushrooms, or ricordia or whatever... I think they are mushrooms? But I am not basing that off knowledge... It's a guess.


ricordias from what I've learned is a mushroom. and mushrooms are a type of anemone. it's even in one of the books I bought. I went and looked it up to make sure i was telling right. But rics are just "bumpy" mushrooms. I have a green ricordia and an orange mushroom and a purple mushroom.


Active Member
I have some bumps on mine, but they are not over the whole surface. Is that the same as what you're talking about??


Originally Posted by rlablan
I have some bumps on mine, but they are not over the whole surface. Is that the same as what you're talking about??
Let me show you a pic of what my 3 look like. the green one is a ricordia and the other two are just plain mushrooms. do you have a pic of yours? maybe spanko will show up and give us some scientific names!


Active Member
lol nissan... we're actually talking about marine related things for once.
Mely- I have plain mushrooms then. Mine are different colors and have patterns but they are not as bumpy as the one you have.
So those are anemones? that's crazy....


Originally Posted by rlablan
lol nissan... we're actually talking about marine related things for once.
Mely- I have plain mushrooms then. Mine are different colors and have patterns but they are not as bumpy as the one you have.
So those are anemones? that's crazy....
Yeah! My plain ones have small bumps on them in patterns but not as bumpy as the green ric! I was totally shocked to find out they are nems! It was so cool! I actually found out that you can cut a pie piece off of your mushroom and glue it down and it will grow into another one! They are apparently really easy to "frag". Neat huh?


Active Member
Yeah, I have seen fragging videos where people just cut them and they grow. they say you just need to get a piece of the mouth onto each little frag and it should survive and be fine. I am just going to let mine split naturally though. My tank is tooo deep to be fragging, at this point.


Originally Posted by rlablan
Yeah, I have seen fragging videos where people just cut them and they grow. they say you just need to get a piece of the mouth onto each little frag and it should survive and be fine. I am just going to let mine split naturally though. My tank is tooo deep to be fragging, at this point.
I'm with you on that one! Except for different reasons. I tend to screw up everything I touch
so I dont wanna screw up my corals and end up with none! but it's still cool to know these things anyway!