Obama supporters. I have one question


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CHANGE? More associations for the SAint NObama to exucse away
Barack Obama's Corruption Scandal
Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama's buddy Tony Rezko was hauled in today by the FBI on charges of conspiracy, influence peddling and receiving kickbacks.
A Democrat media consultant writes in the Boston Globe that his party has reasons to worry about Obama's shady relationship with the corrupt slumlord:
While running as a reformer, Obama has had a 17-year relationship with an indicted Chicago con man who's going on trial for fraud, extortion, and money laundering. ABC News found that Obama has been close to Antoin "Tony" Rezko, a major slumlord and wheeler-dealer who used minority set-asides and community groups as fronts to win government contracts.
As a state senator, Obama wrote letters to the city and state backing Rezko's successful bid to get $14 million in tax money to build senior citizen housing that wasn't in Obama's district.
ABC and the Chicago Sun-Times both found that Obama asked for and got Rezko's help in buying land neighboring Rezko's property for $300,000 below the asking price. When the deal became public, Obama said it was a mistake that he regrets. He may not be done regretting it.
The Sun-Times has learned that Obama is the unnamed political candidate in the federal indictment against Rezko. His US Senate campaign got $10,000 out of quarter-million-dollar scheme engineered by Rezko.
Obama's dealings with Rezko took place while it was well known that Rezko was under investigation by US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, who sent Scooter Libby to jail. Rezko goes on trial Feb. 25, three weeks after Feb. 5, when half of all the delegates will be chosen.
And lest you think Obama's washed his hands of his corrupt friend, the Washington Post adds:
Recent published reports suggest that while Obama has returned some of the money, he has continued to hang on to a considerable amount.
Wonder if the Ohio Democratic Party will condemn Barack Obama's "culture of corruption" should he become their nominee.


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Top ten Nobama excuses
10) I denounce any and all statements by anyone closely asscociated with me that can be interpreted as racist, hateful or courrupt...let me know as I am totally unaware of what they said. This also applies to anything they might say in the future ...it's called planning.
9) I was not present for any hate speech, racist comments or any other speech that could be considered hateful or racist. I only heard love thy neighbor as thyself.
8) I never saw the report, listened to the newscast, read the paper or heard any comments agiainst the US Government, jews or whites
7) I never read church bulletins......I'm too busy reading the pastor's page
6) When I chatted with my pastor, he only talked lovingly about whites, jews, and the US of A......who knew?
5) I thought the Weather Underground was a cable weather channel...go figure
4) I was never present when ANY hate speech was given......Just ask Oprah
3) Let the record reflect I meant to vote yes/no on this bill...which ever provides the best political cover for me
2) Rezko assured me he was an honorable person....I thought all those investigators were just relatives looking for a handout.......
1) The dog ate my speech...I'll just copy one


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
It's the opposite - MCain was once the highest score on the conservative score only second to Obama's high score on the liberal side last year. I was puting the numbers together for you and Scooby for comparison. I know scooby knew what the numbers were, I thought you did too. Since it's your and scooby's site that was the original post link....
Sorry, I should have added a legend.
Please post the 2007 NObama score...I beleive it was record setting. The far left had to give him a seat belt so he would not slip off the planet.
I'd place more faith in the most recent numbers as to where a candidate currently stands.
Let me do the math...he is a member of a hate america church that printed a terrorist manifesto in the official bulletin..and also produced a hate "whitey" message.....he has recent ties to terrorist the Weatherbombers...he referred to whites as "crackers" in his book......he has ties to terrorists in the middle east..and the list goes on.
Oh I forgot...please ignore all the facts and look to the webpage and/or speech and ignore any record for NObama.


Active Member
Yet more "love" form Nobama's supporter the Weatherbomber......
"Mr. Ayers, who in 1970 was said to have summed up the Weatherman philosophy as:
'Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at,'
What a sick individual..and to think the NObama campaign claims he is "friendly" with this piece of human debris that refuses to denounce these feelings/positions.
And to think NObama actually sought the endorsement from this piece of garbage when he ran for IL Senator.
When you stand back and look at this....it all makes sense as to why NObama would be a member of a racist hater church for 20 years....and only NOW is his wife proud of her country. Obviously all this hate has had an impact on the NObama's. It's almost cult-like...hate whitey...blame whitey...kill whitey...hate the rich...kill the rich...whitey is a cracker. The folks NObama claims as friends and supporters are far left haters. So...where does that place NObama?
Nobama is a national DISGRACE.


Active Member
Obama has ascended on a cloud of pure moral superiority and nothing else. That has now evaporated, thanks to impolitic comments from his wife and the news that he has for two decades belonged to what amounts to a racist cult. Obama has nothing else to offer in the way of experience or achievements. Beyond his current difficulties, there lie his continuing and as yet unexplained entanglement with Tony Rezko (He barely knew the man, he insists. All he did was show Rezko his new house before closing. I always clear major purchases with people I scarcely know, don't you?), along with pending revelations concerning his relationship with Bill Ayers, a former terrorist who began his career as one of the driving forces of the Weather Underground.
Obama's response, his "Kennedyesque" speech on race, was in fact purely Clintonian in that it attempted to transform his failings into virtues while placing the blame on the country as a whole. (Not to mention his innocent typical white grandmother.) In less than two weeks, Obama has succeeded in lowering himself to the same level as Madame Hillary. Quite an achievement.
(As for Obama's claims to be a necessary "racial reconciliator", this reconciliation has in fact been going on since the end of segregation, quite successfully too. As is often the case with liberals, Obama is offering a solution to a problem that is solving itself.)
To this gallery we can add Jennifer Granholm, who assured that Michigan's current slide was as drastic and damaging as possible, Ed Rendell, Hillary's consigliere for Pennsylvania, John Murtha, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Kwame Kilpatrick, charged with perjury, obstruction of justice, and malfeasance in office. That's the Democratic Party, the bastion of American liberalism, as it stands. A party whose entire leadership cadre, including presidential candidates, state governors, and Congressional leaders, are corrupt or incompetent or both, a party more suitable to ruling a Balkan or Central African peapatch than the world's reigning superpower.
2008 is being promoted as the year of the Democrats. Under the circumstances, it's difficult to see this as anything but media hype. Weak as the Republicans may be, they do boast such figures as Schwarzenegger, Jindal, Crist, and Coburn among many others, not to mention a presidential candidate who, whatever his drawbacks, is a different order of being than the opposition.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
If you want to honor a soilder... do it in an honorable way... don't use him to further your cause.

As some have pointed out...if you are looking to "further a cause" you would do this on a "down" news day or on a Friday. You would not do it on the same day of a big event.
Now take what Nobama did...after the Chicago Sun TImes hounded him and after numerous refusals....he snuck into their office and gave them an interview regarding Rezko. He did so on a Fri when the Greatest hits of Wright was hitting the main stream media. This is also a key time as hopes are the story dies over the weekend. It got buried beneath the hate tapes...his coming forward stating he lied regarding the amount of $ Rezko donated/raised for his campaigns..and on a Fri.
If you are going to admit you are corrupt do so in an honorbale way to demonstrate you have seen the light and have turned the corner. Do not hide on a Fri and on a big news day hoping the story dies over the weekend.
Again, it illustrates the disgrace NObama brings to the US Senate and this country


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
So this makes him corrupt?
He is the product of one of the most corrupt political systems in this country. We only now are beginning to hear some rumblings from the media of just how corrupt Nobama is.
Much like his pastor and the late main stream media coverage ...this thread remains far ahead of the main stream media...and the corruptions surrounding Mr Hope.
He is the product of a landfill of corruption. Ties to Terrorists...hater church....Hamas supporter....Rezko....the list goes on.
You'll hear all of what has been posted here in the future. I sometimes think some of the media has tuned in to this thread.....to follow the leads posted here.
He and his buddy the Weatherbomber donated/awarded money to known terrorists when serving on the Woods FOundation.
We've pointed out the NObama ties to the Weatherbombers..and that is now getting some coverage in the media.
How does one reconcile supporting a candidate for president with such close ties to terrorism?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
don't use him to further your cause.
Don't plant designated fainters in an audience to further a "cause". THat is disgraceful. NObama could not see or hear hate speech in his church for 20 years but he is able to spot a fainter before they hit the ground?
I don't need proof...I'm following your lead regarding positions.
Get that fainter some juice....what a dog and pony show.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
You forget alot... the Clinton campaign raised issues of race first...Obama actually stayed out of conversation about race because he didn't want to be viewed as the black candidate...
If NObama did not want to be viewed as the black candidate then why did he attend a church that adopted a black value system? Why did they devote their loyalty to Africa?
Agian, you prove my point...the NOBama actions are contrary to his "words".
I have no probelms if Nobama desires to be a member of a church like this...just be up front and tell folks.
Don't hide in the shadows of racism and hate...only coming out once the flashlight exposes you in the pew.
How dare NObama tell me I need to understand the hate.......he needs to understand it.


Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1
I just listed the detail from two PDF reports on the site. I imported the numbers into Excel from the two separate ones. I was going chart them with a 2-5 year moving average for McCain. The 2007 numbers weren't in those reports. However, I did say "Mccain has had the second highest one time score just behind Obama's one time high in 2007
P.S. You have to look for the PDFs on the site. The embedded link in the page is broke on the one you and journey linked. Also, that's why I had to use the CODE tags to keep from losing spacing after pasting it from Excel.
ps...I remain.....you exlcuded the almost perfect NObama liberal score for 2007. Important note...he landed to the left of a socialist he campainged for.....and to the left of far left liberal Ted Kennedy. Hard to achieve both but he did it.
So...lets include that score at close to 100%.......I'm not certian how much far to the left Nobama can go.
The information as to his % is out on the web...but I do understand that would paint him far left......in the most recent year of 2007.
Lets be upfront and not skew the record.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
So how does the posting of an article suggest the two are tied together? What did the article say, and what was Wright's reponse? The way you guys are putting this info out... you make it sound as is Wright is sending donations to Hamas.
I've not looked into the church funding terrorism...but the Woods FOundation that Nobama and his friend the Weatherbomber served on did fund terrorists. Of course, this would remove the exucse NObama uses I did not hear...was not present...did not read. Wait a minute...he probalbly missed the meeting the two times the Woods FOundation gave grants to terrorists and supported hate Israel and destory Israel . No prob Nobama...I got you covered
The alarm did not go off those mornings...and of course...you did not read the minutes relating to those meetings.
In line with the message from his church.


Active Member
Brrrrrrinnng! Brrrrrrinnng!
[Barack Obama campaign manager David Axelrod gropes for the red phone next to his bed]
AXELROD: [groggily] Hullo?
OBAMA: David, I can explain. I had a sip of wine and a bite of cheese at the fundraiser and I had an allergic reaction. That's the only reason I said what I did.
AXELROD: [fully awake] Let's hear it.
OBAMA: First let me lay out the narrative --
AXELROD: Can the crap. What did you say?
OBAMA: Remember one of those little fundraisers in San Francisco last week? I um said some things that the Clinton and McCain camps will try to spin as my being against small town America.
AXELROD: [raising his voice] What the -- what did you say?
OBAMA: I said -- look, you have to understand the context of my remarks and how this combined with my allergy.
AXELROD: [screaming into the phone] WHAT DID YOU SAY?
OBAMA: Listen, let's not worry about what I said. I'm calling to let you know my remarks were tape recorded and the Huffington Post just published them.
AXELROD: Was it a spy from the Clintons?
OBAMA: Uh, no, it was one of those old white ladies who follow me around the country. She's a supporter, maxed out her donations to my campaign, I think. But see I think she's from a small town. And she blogs.
[David Axelrod frantically punches buttons on the red phone and sets up a conference call.]
JEN PSAKI and TOMMY VIETOR, Obama campaign spokespersons [in unison]: We hear and obey!
AXELROD: Listen carefully: You cannot confirm or refute the remarks attributed to Barack Obama at a fundraiser in San --
JEN and TOMMY: That will be hard, sire! The audio is clearly his voice.
AXELROD: [yelling] YOU CANNOT CONFIRM OR REFUTE. If Clinton and McCain say anything about the remarks, talk about McCain's cruelty to the middle class and Hillary's stupid proposals. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? NO DIRECT REFERENCE TO WHAT OBAMA SAID!
[Axelrod punches more buttons on the phone.]
AXELROD: Tell me exactly what the twit said. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Whaddya mean there's no way to say the remarks were taken out of context?
SUPERDELEGATE: Evidentially he used the occasion to present a thesis that if small town Americans just had better jobs and pay, they wouldn't need to take refuge in religion and guns and be xenophobes.
AXELROD: If you get a call from the Lou Dobbs show to appear and comment on anything Obama said about anything, you have the mumps. Understand? [slamming down the phone receiver] Next time I use a professional actor for the presidential run.


Active Member
I saw the best bumperstickers yesterday. The one on the right side read "Too poor to vote republican." The one on the left read: " Hillary 08".
The Clintons raked in 100+ million in 7 years. Barak is making millions, and Mrs Obama is making $325,000+ in her job ( up from $125,000 before hubby became senator. So this poor, brainwashed lefty thinks she's voting "within her class", and the republicans are only "rich".
I thought the American dream was to get rich and not have the government take all your pie.
Maybe if I run my wife for senate I'll get a raise too.
Also, with Obamas pledge to gut the military, and increase social spending, anyone going to question the Constitutionality of this? Google "enumerated powers", kids, if it is not a power expressely given to the federal gov't it ain't there for them to give themselves. While you're at it, google the Preamble, and the fight about the pros and cons of the Bill of Rights. Many founders felt giving just cetain right to the people would allow the gov't to assume the rest belonged to the gov't.
Whoops, they were right again.


You guys are a hoot! Your candidate is so wrong that the only way you think you can win is to make up BS about our candidate! First, he's a racist. That won't work 'cause it makes you look like racists. So, then you try to label him a terrorist. That is so outlandish that I can't see even ultra right wackos believing that. Now, you try to label him a liberal. Ouch. That one really is going to work. The conservatives have had complete control of our country for around 7 years, and will go down in history as the worst years of corruption and incompetence in our lifetime. So, try telling the electorate that Obama being "liberal" is bad. You'd be better off playing him as a conservative, 'cause anyone with that label is going down.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
You guys are a hoot! Your candidate is so wrong that the only way you think you can win is to make up BS about our candidate! First, he's a racist. That won't work 'cause it makes you look like racists. So, then you try to label him a terrorist. That is so outlandish that I can't see even ultra right wackos believing that. Now, you try to label him a liberal. Ouch. That one really is going to work. The conservatives have had complete control of our country for around 7 years, and will go down in history as the worst years of corruption and incompetence in our lifetime. So, try telling the electorate that Obama being "liberal" is bad. You'd be better off playing him as a conservative, 'cause anyone with that label is going down.....
First off, many of us have posted repeatedly that we are disappointed with McCain.
Obama is a racist. Compare any of my words with his. Use the old "judge not lest you be judge according to the same measure" principle and compare me and him. Find anyone in my entire life who has ever heard me say a racist line like "typical white person". I've visited a lot of churches in my life. Find any of them I've gone to more than one Sunday that spews racist hate like the one he was a member of for 20+ years. I've been responsible for hiring people. Find a single person I've hired with public views of racism like "Rev" Wright when Obama hired him.
No one labeled Obama a terrorist. I'll happily label him a terrorist sympathizer. That's what you call someone who is "on friendly terms" with a terrorist.
No one is lableing him a "liberal". We're saying he's a far left (socialist) loon that cannot possibly ever "unite" the country like he promises.
Sorry; The Clinton and Democratic years own the corruption racket.
Your overall post confirms what some of us are saying; Democrats will turn a blind eye to anything to put a person with a (D) behind their name in the White House.
It's a fact that Ayers is a terrorist. He admits that in his own words. It's also a fact that Obama has done speeches with him, worked with him, etc. Obama's staff member is quoted as saying the two "are on friendly terms".
It's a fact that Obama's church has printed Hamas talking points.
Do neither of these truths bother you?


Active Member
So we have Suzy saying anyone who says OBS is a racist because he attends a racist church is a racist themselves. Wouldn't that mean when suzy says someone who calls someone a racist is a racist she is actually calling herself a racist if she holds herself to the same standard of being a racist if you call someone else a racist for being a racist?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
You guys are a hoot! Your candidate is so wrong that the only way you think you can win is to make up BS about our candidate! First, he's a racist. That won't work 'cause it makes you look like racists. So, then you try to label him a terrorist. That is so outlandish that I can't see even ultra right wackos believing that. Now, you try to label him a liberal. Ouch. That one really is going to work. The conservatives have had complete control of our country for around 7 years, and will go down in history as the worst years of corruption and incompetence in our lifetime. So, try telling the electorate that Obama being "liberal" is bad. You'd be better off playing him as a conservative, 'cause anyone with that label is going down.....
You're back, have you figured out the difference between a federal deficit and budget surplus yet?

For Zman and others, I'm arguing for conservative principles and concepts because they have a proven track record of actually working, vs your libs who have a proven track record of NOT WORKING. I'm not arguing for McCain. He is doing his own thing.
BTW Obama is a liberal. I'm not labeling him anything. Listen to watch he really says. He is a liberal. I don't know why you libs have such a problem with calling you what you are? Is it because you depend on decept and mis-information to get yourselves elected. Because I haven't seen you guys winning many elections by saying you don't care about the constitution want to take away our guns, tax away our money to pay for more failed social programs. I really wish you guys would be honest on what you want to do about our country so people can see you for who you really are.


You're back, have you figured out the difference between a federal deficit and budget surplus yet?

No. You're so much smarter than me. Why don't you cut n paste something so I can ignore it? All I know is what the electorate is going to see the November. $9 trillion dollar deficit, people losing their homes and plants closing everywhere.
BTW Obama is a liberal. I'm not labeling him anything. Listen to watch he really says. He is a liberal

Duh. We want a liberal. A guy who is so far to the left that those right wing losers who have screwed the populate so bad are so far out of sight, we don't have to think about them at all.
Because I haven't seen you guys winning many elections

We won in 2000. Let's see how many we win in November. How many Senate and House are up for grabs this year? And, we will win honestly, just using the record of the last 8 years.

darthtang aw

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Originally Posted by Suzy
The conservatives have had complete control of our country for around 7 years, and will go down in history as the worst years of corruption and incompetence in our lifetime.
The same thing was said about Reagan.............20 years later how is he viewed?
define incompetence for me, I am just curious on what issue or situation he was incompetant....just so I can compare that to past presidents and see how history ranks them...