Obama supporters. I have one question


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
The same thing was said about Reagan.............20 years later how is he viewed?
define incompetence for me, I am just curious on what issue or situation he was incompetant....just so I can compare that to past presidents and see how history ranks them...
Our local copper mine closed at the end of Reagans term. Huge deficits, too if I recall. 20 years later, I view him as a borrow and spend conservative. Wasn't it a Clinton that fixed it that time, too?
Incompetence? Let me count the ways....How about starting a war with no plan for peace? A war that he knew we could never win?
We would be all alone....Cheney knew in '94.


Active Member
If OBS would take his nose out of the air he might not step in it so much
http://news.aol.com/elections/story/...11230709990057Obama attacked as elitist after
fundraiser remarks
By Caren Bohan,Reuters
Posted: 2008-04-11 23:07:26
TERRE HAUTE, Indiana (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama came under fire on Friday for saying small-town Pennsylvania residents were "bitter" and "cling to guns or religion," in comments his rivals said showed an elitist view of the middle class.
Obama's Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, and presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain both pounced on the comments Obama made last weekend at a fundraiser in San Francisco.
Video of the fundraiser, which was closed to the press, surfaced as Obama was campaigning in Indiana, trying to highlight issues of concern to working-class voters, such as job losses and rising

"You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them," Obama, an Illinois senator, said.
"And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations," he said.
Clinton, a New York senator who is battling Obama for the Democratic nomination and the right to face McCain in the November presidential election, said in Philadelphia the comments showed Obama "looks down" on voters in Pennsylvania, which holds a closely watched nominating contest on April 22.
"Pennsylvania doesn't need a president who looks down on them," she said told a rally. "They need a president who stands up for them, who fights for them, who works hard for your futures, your jobs, your families."
Clinton, a former first lady, once led Obama by double digits in polls in Pennsylvania, the next big battleground in their struggle for the right to face McCain in the November presidential election.
That lead has dwindled to about 4 to 6 points in several recent polls in a state that has struggled from job losses and has a big population of blue-collar voters who have been Clinton's biggest backers.
An aide to McCain called the fundraiser comments "remarkable and extremely revealing."
"It shows an elitism and condescension toward hard-working Americans that is nothing short of breathtaking," said Steve Schmidt, a senior adviser to the Arizona senator. "It is hard to imagine someone running for president who is more out of touch with average Americans."
The barrage of criticism came after the comments appeared on The Huffington Post blog.
Obama responded by insisting he was not out of touch with voters and by trying to turn the tables on both Clinton and McCain.
"When I go around and I talk to people there is frustration and there is anger and there is bitterness," Obama told a rally in Terre Haute. "They're frustrated and for good reason. ... They've seen their economies collapse. They have lost their jobs. They have lost their pensions.
"Out of touch? Out of touch?" he asked, accusing McCain of failing to understand the home

"I mean, John McCain -- it took him three tries to finally figure out that the home foreclosure crisis was a problem and to come up with a plan for it."
Obama also suggested Clinton was "out of touch," accusing her of being beholden to lobbyists in the financial services industry and attacking her for supporting a bill on bankruptcy reform that was supported by companies in that sector.
Obama's comments in Indiana in turn sparked another round of criticism from his rivals. Clinton spokesman Phil Singer said in a statement that "instead of apologizing for offending small town America, Senator Obama chose to repeat and embrace the comments he made earlier this week."
McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said Obama "arrogantly tried to spin his way out of his outrageous San Francisco remarks."


Active Member
He and his wife are more than Libs. I'm jumping up and down screaming they are Socialists.
Look at the quote Michelle obama just said a few days ago: "The truth is, in order to get things like universal health care and a revamped education system, then someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more"
Now, look at what Karl Marx taught: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Tell me those aren't the same thing?
It gets better. Look at Obama's recent comments on religion of the poor small town people in Pennsylvania: "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion...as a way to explain their frustrations"
Marx: "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people."


Active Member
As a woman who claims to be "Pro Life" this should make you proud Suzy.
Obama, when filling out a questionnaire for Il. Senate:
Medicaide funding for abortions? "Yes"
Insurance coverage of abortions for State employees? "Yes"
Parental consent for minors seeking abortions? "No"
Any other restrictions on abortions? "No"

darthtang aw

Active Member
the deficit doesn't matter if your national debt still increases dramatically . Under clinton the national debt increased higher than under any other previous presented. balancing the budget to give a SMALL surpluas those last couple years really helped out with the national debt didn't it. True Bush spends way to much. You won't hear me disagree on that.....
as for the incompetance part...which party held the presidency when vietnam started and through the subsequent years getting more than ten times the amount killed than in Iraq?
see this is the problem with people...they assume incompetance is a party issue, it isn't, it is a person issue. I can go through history and point out incompetance in each party.
You know how you pick a president. You pick the guy that you woulkd like to have for a boss, someoe that will treat you with respect, give you adequate raises, not demote you or your pay, and offer benefits that they will get you at a reduced cost yourself should you choose to partake.
Do we have a candidate that you would wish to work for? I don't see one....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Our local copper mine closed at the end of Reagans term. Huge deficits, too if I recall. 20 years later, I view him as a borrow and spend conservative. Wasn't it a Clinton that fixed it that time, too...
Not that you care about the truth or facts of any kind, but we've posted links repeatedly showing Clinton didn't pass a single balanced budget until the Republican House shut down Washington DC and demanded he sign the balanced budget they had written...
So NO, Clinton did not do it...


Active Member
Some more insight into Obama:
Obama when asked on gun control Do you support state legislation to ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns "Yes".
On instituting a Graduated State Income tax: "Yes"
on adding sexual orientation to Civil Rights Act and Same --- Unions being legalized "yes"
Do you support banning the replacement of strikers? "Yes"
Do you support electronic eavesdropping? "No"
And last, here's another great quote from Obama during the fundraiser April 6th. "When people tell me they've all stressed about racial discord, well, you know, try slavery for a while
Wow, Suzy was worried about McCain's age? Apparently Obama is so old he was once a slave... I had no idea Obama knew what slavery was like.


I'm not as worried about his age. I am worried that his virulent cancer is metastasized. But Reagan had dementia during his last few years of his administration so you guys would be OK if he has mets to the brain.
But, I think it is interesting that you guys are OK with his stand on illegal immigrants. Allowing anyone amnesty and the like....

darthtang aw

Active Member
further more I would place Jimmy Carter as a more incompetant president.
furthermore losing 58,000 troops and over 2 million vietnamese civilians is more incompetant than this war.....Thank you democrats.....



Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Some more insight into Obama:
Obama when asked on gun control Do you support state legislation to ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns "Yes".
On instituting a Graduated State Income tax: "Yes"
on adding sexual orientation to Civil Rights Act and Same --- Unions being legalized "yes"
Do you support banning the replacement of strikers? "Yes"
Do you support electronic eavesdropping? "No"
And last, here's another great quote from Obama during the fundraiser April 6th. "When people tell me they've all stressed about racial discord, well, you know, try slavery for a while
Wow, Suzy was worried about McCain's age? Apparently Obama is so old he was once a slave... I had no idea Obama knew what slavery was like.

Hey, even more reasons to vote for him! I didn't read your post the first time, but now, he is even more Uber cool! Gun control, Union rights, no more spying on US citizens! Rock on, O! I am going to go wash off my O bumper sticker so everyone can see it shine!


Carter is an icon. Too bad Reagan cheated with all that giving aide to our enemies thing to get elected.....What was that scandal called? ContraGate or something?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Hey, even more reasons to vote for him! I didn't read your post the first time, but now, he is even more Uber cool! Gun control, Union rights, no more spying on US citizens! Rock on, O! I am going to go wash off my O bumper sticker so everyone can see it shine!
You forgot the part about him being ok with unconditional murdering of babies. Might want to get a bumper sticker for that too....

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
But, I think it is interesting that you guys are OK with his stand on illegal immigrants. Allowing anyone amnesty and the like....

He has agreed to secure the border FIRST before looking at a local solution for the one's here. Something we learned needed to be done back when it was attempted in the 80's. I understand you can't ship back 20 million people without having it affect our economy, we can fix that with granting citizenship, but first you have to stop it from happenning again...McCain realizes this and has said as much on multiple occasions....Obama on the other hand does not touch on this subject much..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
But, I think it is interesting that you guys are OK with his stand on illegal immigrants. Allowing anyone amnesty and the like....
I'm not ok with it.
I am just not willing to abandon our troops and the sacrifices they have made. I'm not willing to vote for a "cut and run" candidate and allow the blood of millions of Iraqi women and children to be on my hands. That is the most important issue to me. As such, McCain is the only choice.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Carter is an icon. Too bad Reagan cheated with all that giving aide to our enemies thing to get elected.....What was that scandal called? ContraGate or something?

OMG!!! carter is an Icon...ok what did he do during his presidency that was great?
OMG 2 cheated with Iran contra to get elected? Someone needs to brush up on history a bit....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Carter is an icon. ...
That's true; He's an icon of:
*double digit interest rates
*Allowing Iran to fall to radicals
*Not freeing our hostages
*Waiting in line for gasoline
*being chased by a rabbit in the middle of a lake...
I'm sure i've forgotten some of his iconic highlights.


Of course, you remember it differently.
Carter was the only president who has ever done anything to decrease abortion rates. He signed WIC, which gives aide to pregnant mothers, infants and toddlers. There is thought that mothers who couldn't afford to feed another child might choose another option if they had food for the baby.
What has any Republican ever done to decrease abortion rates?
Bush signed feel good legislation to make his base think he wanted to help, but when your party had a chance to do something, when no abortion supporter could have stopped them, they did nothing. Your party uses you and you let them.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Suzy
You're back, have you figured out the difference between a federal deficit and budget surplus yet?

No. You're so much smarter than me. Why don't you cut n paste something so I can ignore it?
For anyone reading this, let it be known that the LIBERAL has no interest in fact.


I prefer the term Goddess, but if you want to call me Liberal, that's OK. And, I care not one teeny tiny copepod arcatia or even a single shred of detritus about your "facts". Your "facts" are no more "facts" than Limbaughs are. Your "facts" are so biased how can one see the truth through the skimmate?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Of course, you remember it differently.
Carter was the only president who has ever done anything to decrease abortion rates. He signed WIC, which gives aide to pregnant mothers, infants and toddlers. There is thought that mothers who couldn't afford to feed another child might choose another option if they had food for the baby.
What has any Republican ever done to decrease abortion rates?
Bush signed feel good legislation to make his base think he wanted to help, but when your party had a chance to do something, when no abortion supporter could have stopped them, they did nothing. Your party uses you and you let them.
I remember the Carter years differently because I actually use historical facts to frame my memories...
We've posted repeatedly, to try to explain to you, how no law can contradict the Supreme Court's (your liberal friends) ruling on Roe v Wade. We've also posted the major bills signed by President Bush. Further, we've posted news links showing A Constitutional Amendment to ban abortions was torpedoed by your party...
But yes, WIC, did far more than any of these things....
Further, your boy Obama opposes all of the above. He's for a teen, without parental consent, being allowed to abort a fetus during any month of pregnancy for any reason...