Your arguments are anecdotal arguments. It is picking and choosing which data to use and to ignore. It doesn’t recognize the bottom line number our unemployment rate, and appeals to our emotions, without taking a step back and looking at a while.
There is a political concept where it is easier to help few people a lot, then it is to help everyone as a whole a little bit. Economic models very clearly indicate that trade protection as a whole hurts our nation. It may help the guy getting paid 70 grand assembling TV’s but we pay for it, a dollar here and a dollar there. We end up paying more in taxes to subsidize these failing industries and a few extra bucks for the product at the retail location.
The perfect example is the sugar industry. They have a strong lobby in congress and we have strict protectionist policies and very generous subsidies that allow them to continue domestically producing sugar. It helps a very small handful of people still producing, locks people out of entering the market, and inflates our price of sugar by double. But since we don’t know any better we don’t notice. And our cokes don’t taste as good since they are sweetened with corn syrup rather than sugar. But that is a whole different story.
In the world today we have 2 schools of economic thought.
We can look at historic examples of socialism, and we clearly see failures. The USSR experienced years of famen because of government controlling production. We can look at North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, several nations in South America, and Europe. All have varying degrees of socialism and government controls dragging on their economies. Extreems like North Korea, USSR, Cuba have failed or have or their people are living in EXTREEM poverty. Other countries have been the for runners of government mandated earning equality. Taxing the rich and the poor alike, creating far reaching socialistic styled government programs. Europe is a prime example. You don’t hear about the problems over there, but many of those countries are experiencing double-digit unemployment, growth that here would classify as a recession. I recently read a report detailing how many of the young generation in Europe see no hope in working, and have just blown it off, partying and living off of credit and social programs. I can give you example after example of failed government control policies that were turned around when they let the market and free enterprise take over instead of the government mandating how the market is run.
These socialistic and Keynesian economies just don’t work well if at all.
In the mean time, our current capitalist system has propelled the USA to by far the most powerful successful nation in the world in a very short time. It has its downfalls, it isn’t nice, or kind, one economic called it destructive, but it is fair. Anyone who wants to, can do whatever it is they want to do. They just got to be willing to work. I’ll take a few sorehead CEO’s, vs starving, being unemployed, feeling hopeless, or having to have a friend come cash my paycheck and by groceries because by the time I get out of work my paycheck has lost have its value due to inflation.
And if you have a problem with outsourcing quit shopping for price, because their cost cutting is in response to your price shopping. As discussed earlier.