Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I'd leave the wives out of it.... There is a reason Cindy isn't campaigning......
Well, Obama's campaign ads speak to corporate big-wigs makeing more in 10 minutes than some makein a year. Then Mrs. Obama (who makes $317,000+/year tells them to give up a better life and "help". According to her, there will be no more physicians, they have too much debt.
Obama has done a great job covering his tracks. He states he was against the war and never voted for war. That is true, he was elected after the war was voted on, and sitting senators like Hillary actually had to make a decision. Hillary voted yes, ( I agree), but even if she voted "no" she used judgment, and stuck her neck out.
Obama recently said he would stop developement of new defense sysyems. That statement is in direct violation of Preamble of the Constitution.
The Constitution states the gov't will Provide for the common defense and promote ( not provide) the general welfare.
Obama continues to prove he is an empty suit.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Well, Obama's campaign ads speak to corporate big-wigs makeing more in 10 minutes than some makein a year. Then Mrs. Obama (who makes $317,000+/year tells them to give up a better life and "help". According to her, there will be no more physicians, they have too much debt.
Obama has done a great job covering his tracks. He states he was against the war and never voted for war. That is true, he was elected after the war was voted on, and sitting senators like Hillary actually had to make a decision. Hillary voted yes, ( I agree), but even if she voted "no" she used judgment, and stuck her neck out.
Stealing my arguments, plagerism!


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I am not arguing against the war on Iraq. I am just saying we (UN)aren't doing enough in Afghanistan to kill AQ today, if they are training there and going to Iraq. We should kill them in both Afghanistan and Iraq. However, don't let them leave Afghanistan alive to go to Iraq.
When are we or the UN going to address the Saudi Arabia supplied fighters. Osama is a Saudi and so were a bunch of the 9/11 hijackers. You can't deny a connection, since more are coming from there. Fighting the war on terrorism should include addressing a Saudi connection.
The UN isn't really in Iraq on a military level. As far as I know.
Personally, although I have no actual proof of it, I don't think we are ignoring Afghanistan and spending too much focus on Iraq. I think the media is reporting the action, and Iraq is where it is at. (Can't blame em, peace isn't very interesting) I do think the democrats are using the under reporting in Afghanistan and saying oh we have forsaken the prize of Osama to pursue Bush's war in Iraq. Makes sense on the surface for the follower, I'm hearing nothing out of Afghanistan and all kinds of news out of Iraq. But then again all that is supposition, not really based in much fact.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I get it. It's the old "takes money to make money" scenario...
Perhaps, a connection to CEO compensation to average worker salaries in 77 and today 08 would shed some light as well on the vary large changes in after tax growth of the 1%s.
Do you have those comparisons? 3 x more in 77 - 2 x more in 08.... I believe it's closer to 400+ x in 08
Oct 15, 2007, 14:56
Yeah I'll look at the data, but that would be my initial thought, think about it Minimum wage has what doubled since 70s? 4 bucks to almost 8. While if you look at the dow, it has gone from 2k to 9k in that same stretch of time. The top 1% richest people in america don't hop into their car and go to work, they live off of interest and stock growth and those who do work, make the majority of their income in the way of stock buy options and other game they play to get around paying taxes. The great thing about capitalism, is that companies overpaying their CEO (I don't see how that quite works since it is all relative but that is another story) competition in a free market will force them to correct their compensation package if they really are overpaying.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I do agree people too often make this mistake. We need to kill them and their boot camp training grounds in Afghanistan before they export. No matter how you try to twist it.... Then the UN leadership in Afghanistan needs changed, they're not being effective, if they are exporting to Iraq. Why is this so hard to agree with? Perhaps, it doesn't prescribe to the political point you wish to make. Fortunately, it doesn't discount or make it untrue...
They could be exporting from Afghanistan to other countires to attack our interest or should we just wait and hope they go to Iraq.
Then they just go get a few more from Saudi Arabia and train them in Afghanistan, again. I am of firm belief, they will never totally run out of crazies...
First off, the UN is not in charge of Afghanistan, NATO is, as I said.
Second, US General Craddock is in charge of the forces there. I just read an interview this morning where he is calling for the European memebers of NATO to send the remaining forces and equipment they had pledged. If they do not, then I would assume we will. He's requesting 7,000 more men, recon equipment and helicopters.
Third, you do understand the terrain in Afghanistan, correct? Take a look at the Soviet's casualties when they invaded.... You're argument for Afghanistan is similar to Obumbus's logic. Let's leave Iraq to look for Al Qaeda in Afghanistan... We're killing more Al Qaeda in Iraq where we have the advantage, so why would we leave? Iraq is a much more friendly battlefield for our military than the mountains and caves of Afghanistan.
Fourth, you continue to ignore the strategic importance of Iraq. Al Qaeda cannot let an islamic country of Iraq's stature become a democracy. That's why they are throwing so much of their resources and manpower into the battle there. A Battle they cannot win, as they are finding out. Unless, of course, we cut and run.
Fifth, while you may believe they will never run out of crazies, the links provided, quoting captured memos from Al Qaeda leadership in Iraq, says otherwise. They are running out of "crazies"... Now, this does bring up another point. Radical Islam will continue to produce nutcases. Long term that must be addressed. A Democratic and successful Iraq will greatly aid in reforming the region.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I'd leave the wives out of it.... There is a reason Cindy isn't campaigning......
Yes, but Michelle is, and therefore she's fair game.
Now, to be fair, there's also a reason Cindy's past drug issues aren't brought up by Barak...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
The UN isn't really in Iraq on a military level. As far as I know.
Personally, although I have no actual proof of it, I don't think we are ignoring Afghanistan and spending too much focus on Iraq. I think the media is reporting the action, and Iraq is where it is at. (Can't blame em, peace isn't very interesting) I do think the democrats are using the under reporting in Afghanistan and saying oh we have forsaken the prize of Osama to pursue Bush's war in Iraq. Makes sense on the surface for the follower, I'm hearing nothing out of Afghanistan and all kinds of news out of Iraq. But then again all that is supposition, not really based in much fact.
The UN isn't involved militarily in Iraq or NATO. Not sure where he is getting this from.
You are correct, the "took our eyes off" comment was first used in 2004 I believe. What people fail to realize is our military has to focus on multiple objectives. Afghanistan and Iraq are two different battlefields. In Iraq numbers are needed to weed out Al Qaeda from the cities. In Afghanistan, small patrols and recon aerial units are primarily used.


Active Member
Sorry to stray off the current subject line, but....
Florida is considering a recount that will matter for the DNC. And if that happens, my Republican booty just might have to cast a vote Hillary's way. I can't stand the thought of Obama getting a chance at Prez. He's just not ready or able.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Sorry to stray off the current subject line, but....
Florida is considering a recount that will matter for the DNC. And if that happens, my Republican booty just might have to cast a vote Hillary's way. I can't stand the thought of Obama getting a chance at Prez. He's just not ready or able.
I don't know why the democrats even bother to hold elections anyway,
What do you really think those "super delagates" are for anyway? They wouldn't need them if they planned on doing what their constituency voted for...


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Sorry to stray off the current subject line, but....
Florida is considering a recount that will matter for the DNC. And if that happens, my Republican booty just might have to cast a vote Hillary's way. I can't stand the thought of Obama getting a chance at Prez. He's just not ready or able.
Wans't there only one name on the ballot in Florida and Michigan? I think a recount would be unfair for a variety of different reasons... first because they broke party rules, and second because Obama and the other candidates didn't do any campaigning in those states. Lastly, this is a last ditch effort for Clinton, because she know her campaign is in trouble. Based on party rules.. I think this would cause a major discord within the party.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Wans't there only one name on the ballot in Florida and Michigan? I think a recount would be unfair for a variety of different reasons... first because they broke party rules, and second because Obama and the other candidates didn't do any campaigning in those states. Lastly, this is a last ditch effort for Clinton, because she know her campaign is in trouble. Based on party rules.. I think this would cause a major discord within the party.
I thought your party was the party for the voter, nice to see them disenfranchising their own voters simply because they wanted to change their primary date.
It is a great way to keep the power in the hands of the belt way elite.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I thought your party was the party for the voter, nice to see them disenfranchising their own voters simply because they wanted to change their primary date.
It is a great way to keep the power in the hands of the belt way elite.
I think they should stay within the rules, and its their fault. You have to question their motives for changing the date. I think it was so they would have a greater effect on the election. They knew what the rule was before they changed the date and that by rule their delegates would not count towards the convention. So they gambled thinking that they may not enforce the rule... As a member of the party, Hilary Clinton has the opportunity to loose more support as well as the backing of her party leaders if she pursues this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I think they should stay within the rules, and its their fault. You have to question their motives for changing the date. I think it was so they would have a greater effect on the election. They knew what the rule was before they changed the date and that by rule their delegates would not count towards the convention. So they gambled thinking that they may not enforce the rule... As a member of the party, Hilary Clinton has the opportunity to loose more support as well as the backing of her party leaders if she pursues this.
Who died and made the north east the influential region in political primaries. How is it fair that generally the primaries have been decided before the vast majority of states have been allowed to vote. It just doesn't make sense.


Active Member
lol at this point, they can't count those delegates. It wouldn't be fair for Obama.

Democrats Disenfranchising their voters again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
lol at this point, they can't count those delegates. It wouldn't be fair for Obama.

Democrats Disenfranchising their voters again.

Countdown to when the Dems find a way to blame Michigan and Florida's missing delegates on President Bush.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Since I'm registered Republican, they wouldn't let me vote on it anyway.

I got the funniest thing ever in the mail last week. An invitation from Mr. Obumbus to attend his caucus tomorrow night, hehe.
I'm going to go and ask questions like I've asked here. Should be fun.
In Texas, we can vote however we want, and if you go to the caucus you get to vote twice. Could make things interesting. Will be funny if the "crossover" vote, which we see so often influencing Republican nominations, actually plays a roll in this vote.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I got the funniest thing ever in the mail last week. An invitation from Mr. Obumbus to attend his caucus tomorrow night, hehe.
I'm going to go and ask questions like I've asked here. Should be fun.
In Texas, we can vote however we want, and if you go to the caucus you get to vote twice. Could make things interesting. Will be funny if the "crossover" vote, which we see so often influencing Republican nominations, actually plays a roll in this vote.
Write in Nader!