Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I'd leave the wives out of it.... There is a reason Cindy isn't campaigning......
But the fact Michelle is makes her a fair target. If Cindy McCain was out talking about how anyone with a prescription drug addiction was a bad person or whatever then she would be cast in the same light as Mrs Obama.
For all their hollier than thou rhetoric the Obama's cashed in on his political position.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I am not arguing against the war on Iraq. I am just saying we (UN)aren't doing enough in Afghanistan to kill AQ today, if they are training there and going to Iraq. We should kill them in both Afghanistan and Iraq. However, don't let them leave Afghanistan alive to go to Iraq.
When are we or the UN going to address the Saudi Arabia supplied fighters. Osama is a Saudi and so were a bunch of the 9/11 hijackers. You can't deny a connection, since more are coming from there. Fighting the war on terrorism should include addressing a Saudi connection.
Actualy Afghanistan isn't the problem, Pakistan is and that country provides the same problem as Saudi Arabia but to a much greater extent. SA doesn't support terrorism but they do allow some schools and Mosques to exist that are breeding grounds for radical Islam. Their problem is the majority of the country would revolt if the government took major steps crack down on them. Pakistan is even worse. The tribal areas are not in the governments control and those are the areas offering safe haven, for a price.
Pakistan risks being shifted to the control of radicals if they are seen aiding the west against fellow muslims. If that happens we basically have to nuke them off the map. Thats going to go over real well in the islamic world. Unfortunatly I just don't see how we can allow a nuclear power to fall into the hands of these nutcases.


Active Member
Nancy Reagan "Just say no" There may be a double standard. Criminal behavior is fair target since you all want to use his wife words and feel it's fair. Obama has admitted to use in his YOUTH. Very different when you are a middle aged adult a head of a charity. Only confessed because a reporter was doing an investgation, preemptive for damage control. She's not out campaigning because she dosen't want to draw negative attention to her husband other than taking cheap shots at Mrs. Obama.
McCain's may believe in social programs for drug treament and support it with taxpayer money with their personal adult middle aged history????
Cindy McCain escaped prosecution for stealing and using drugs
The Arizona Republic, August 24, 1994 -- "Cindy McCain, the wife of U.S. Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona, admitted in a series of media interviews Monday that she became addicted to the painkillers Percocet and Vicodin. She said that she used the drugs from 1989 to 1992 and acknowledged that she had stolen some

from the American Voluntary Medical Team, a charitable organization of which she is president . . . at one point, McCain, 40, was ingesting 15 to 20

a day . . . the normal dosage for seriously ill patients is 6 to 10 a day for a short period."
The Phoenix Gazette, August 25, 1994 -- "Cindy McCain was investigated recently by the Drug Enforcement Administration for stealing and using Percocet and Vicodin, both narcotic painkillers from her aid organization . . . the county attorney's report provides a window to drug dealings within Cindy McCain's nonprofit corporation . . . Gosinski also alleged that Cindy McCain abused her husband's office and diplomatic privileges by transporting illegal substances overseas. He also claimed, according to her lawyers, that Cindy McCain tried to prevent him from providing accurate information to the DEA."
Playboy, July 1999. -- "Ms. McCain admitted stealing Percocet and Vicodin from the American Voluntary Medical Team, an organization that aids Third World countries. Percocet and Vicodin are schedule 2 drugs, in the same legal category as opium. Each pill theft carries a penalty of one year in prison and a monetary fine." However, McCain did not face prosecution. She was allowed to enter a pretrial diversion program and escaped with no blemish to her record. Source: James Bovard, Prison Sentences of the Politically Connected.
McCain's Crime family connection
The Arizona Republic Jan. 17, 1995 "About 300 guests turned out Saturday night to celebrate the 90th birthday of Joseph 'Joe Bananas' Bonanno, retired boss of New York's Bonanno crime family. He retired to Tucson in 1968 . . . John McCain, R-Ariz., and Gov. Fife Symington sent their regards by telegram."


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Playboy, July 1999. -- "Ms. McCain admitted stealing Percocet and Vicodin from the American Voluntary Medical Team, an organization that aids Third World countries. Percocet and Vicodin are schedule 2 drugs, in the same legal category as opium. Each pill theft carries a penalty of one year in prison and a monetary fine." However, McCain did not face prosecution. She was allowed to enter a pretrial diversion program and escaped with no blemish to her record. Source: James Bovard, Prison Sentences of the Politically Connected.
Why in the world would someone quote playboy as a bonafide source for political information? That would be like using Rolling Stone as an "unbiased" political source.


Active Member
The Arizona Republic, August 24, 1994
The Phoenix Gazette, August 25, 1994
Are they not true
Bush people brought it up when he was running against McCain.
I knew that quote would be what some folks could ONLY focus on. Thought about cutting it, but that wouldn't be FAIR.
Since did say "She was allowed to enter a pretrial diversion program" Which isn't uncommon for first time caught criminals. They don't usually go to jail, even if they weren't connected..


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
The Arizona Republic, August 24, 1994
The Phoenix Gazette, August 25, 1994
Are they not true
Bush people brought it up when he was running against McCain.
I knew that quote would be what some folks could ONLY focus on. Thought about cutting it, but that wouldn't be FAIR.
Since did say "She was allowed to enter a pretrial diversion program" Which isn't uncommon for first time caught criminals. They don't usually go to jail, even if they weren't connected..
I don't doubt it, I'm picking up on people not being able to recognise valid sources! Rylan posted that exact same thing from the same two "sources" previously in this thread. So it leads me to believe that you pulled it off of some democratic left wing blog.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
For all their hollier than thou rhetoric the Obama's cashed in on his political position.
Princeton and Harvard Law degree? She could have done much better than she is. Some people are called to a higher purpose in life. Just think she will leave that job when her husband is elected. Another financial sacrifice for a more nobler cause than yourself!!!
I know a few people, yeah just a few people that genuenly are concerned, not what they can take, but what good they do and if the mark they leave in life is a positive one or not. My wife is one..


Active Member
I just gotta say that I believe this thread wins a prize for being the longest political thread in the history of SWF. They usually get heated and locked after a few pages.
Congrats for playing nice!!! Here's to you!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Why in the world would someone quote playboy as a bonafide source for political information? That would be like using Rolling Stone as an "unbiased" political source.
You mean there's actually words in Playboy. I need to go through some again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
I just gotta say that I believe this thread wins a prize for being the longest political thread in the history of SWF. They usually get heated and locked after a few pages.
Congrats for playing nice!!! Here's to you!!!!

Actually we had a 30 page one last week.


Active Member
So now McCain's wife is a target.... fair enough I suppose.
Let's talk about drugs then.
I wonder how many people died for Cindy McCain's habit? I wonder how many gang members profited on the sell of her prescription drugs. I wonder how many mules died smuggling the drugs into the country illegally. I wonder how many central American terrorist groups were funded when she bought/stole the drugs. I wonder how many innocent villagers live in fear of the cartels that produced her illegally gained prescription drugs.
Oh, wait; None. Now, let's ask Senator Obombus how many people his habit killed?
I'm not excusing her habit by any means. If she broke the law, she should recieve the same treatment anyone else in her shoes would have.
I'm also not excusing Barack supporting the cocaine industry, which is far more violent and far more deadly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Cindy McCain escaped prosecution for stealing/using drugs
The Arizona Republic, August 24, 1994 -- "Cindy McCain, the wife of U.S. Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona, admitted in a series of media interviews Monday that she became addicted to the painkillers Percocet and Vicodin. She said that she used the drugs from 1989 to 1992 and acknowledged that she had stolen some

from the American Voluntary Medical Team, a charitable organization of which she is president . . . at one point, McCain, 40, was ingesting 15 to 20

a day . . . the normal dosage for seriously ill patients is 6 to 10 a day for a short period."
McCain's Crime family connection
The Arizona Republic Jan. 17, 1995 "About 300 guests turned out Saturday night to celebrate the 90th birthday of Joseph 'Joe Bananas' Bonanno, retired boss of New York's Bonanno crime family. He retired to Tucson in 1968 . . . John McCain, R-Ariz., and Gov. Fife Symington sent their regards by telegram."
LOL weak, I think this was posted 2 or 3 other times in this thread already. Law Enforcement didn't even learn of this until after McCain had already been forced into rehab by her parents. The feds agreed to have her enter a drug diversion program and make financial restitution to the organization she stole the drugs from. A fairly standard resolution in such cases. Not exactly an episode that would make her a role model but it isn't like she set out to do anything illegal or wrong. She became addicted over the course of two spine surgeries.
All that said, so what? She isn't out calling for the incarceration of prescription drug addicts.
John McCain did send a telegram to the guy who had been a crime boss 30 years earlier. so if that is his tie to a crime family what about this?
"In 1995, State Senator Alice Palmer introduced her chosen successor, Barack Obama, to a few of the district’s influential liberals at the home of two well known figures on the local left: William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. "
Ayers and Dorhn are extremist radicals from the 1960’s anti-war terrorist group the Weather Underground, and they are unrepentant in the bombings they were a part of. They disappeared in 1970 after a bomb designed to kill army officers in New Jersey accidentally destroyed a Greenwich Village townhouse. They turned themselves over to authorities in 1980. While the Weather Underground claimed 25 bombings, these characters were never prosecuted. Charges were dropped due to improper FBI surviellance.
Even today they remain proud of their violent past.
“I don’t regret setting bombs; I feel we didn’t do enough,” Ayers told the New York Times in 2001. "
In November 1997, Ayers and Obama participated in a panel at the University of Chicago entitled Should a child ever be called a “super predator?” to debate “the merits of the juvenile justice system”.
In April 2002, Ayers, Dohrn, and Obama, then an Illinois State Senator, participated together at a conference entitled “Intellectuals: Who Needs Them?

And how about Obama's deal with Rezko? He directly gained from that relationship. How about Michelle Obama's salary being more than doubled after he was elected to the Senate?
McCain sends telegram to one time mob boss on his birthday, wife had perscription drug addiction and stole drugs.
Obama Recieved backing of former domestic terrorists who says he doesn't regret setting bombs and wishes he had done more, Has long time relationship with Rezko. Wife has salary doubled after his election. She preaches about forgoing big money while she earned more sitting on board of directors at just one company than most of the folks will ever earn in a year.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I'm not excusing her habit by any means.
I'm also not excusing Barack
I agree mistakes of youth for one and mistakes of middle aged adult in a postion of responsibility and mother at the time. Though some are more excusable than others...


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Princeton and Harvard Law degree? She could have done much better than she is. Some people are called to a higher purpose in life. Just think she will leave that job when her husband is elected. Another financial sacrifice for a more nobler cause than yourself!!!
I know a few people, yeah just a few people that genuenly are concerned, not what they can take, but what good they do and if the mark they leave in life is a positive one or not. My wife is one..
Hey, I don't begrudge anyone making money. What offends me is someone acting like they are doing without for the betterment of their fellow man while at the same time milking the system. I'd say 320 grand a year ain't bad. I think I earned that much in a decade once.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I agree mistakes of youth for one and mistakes of middle aged adult in a postion of responsibility and mother at the time. Though some are more excusable than others...
As I said, Cindy's "middle aged mistakes" didn't support a habit that routinely gets people tortured and killed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
And how about Obama's deal with Rezko?
Keating 5, Savings and loan scandal connection
Seems we have sunk to seeing who's less criminal. I guess it's better than the R-wing only taking shots. I have sunk to the level of the R-wing

Dangit, I am gong to have to take some time off and get to work....


Active Member
Was Obamas drug use limited to his youth?
This story seems better sourced than the Times hit piece on McCain
Link removed as the topic is inappropriate for the kids. 1Journeyman


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Keating 5, Savings and loan scandal connection
Seems we have sunk to seeing who's less criminal. I guess it's better than the R-wing only taking shots. I have sunk to the level of the R-wing

Dangit, I am gong to have to take some time off and get to work....
Research the Keating 5. Again, that has already been discussed on this thread.
Hehe, and I've sunk to the level of defending McCain...