Obama supporters. I have one question


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Originally Posted by stdreb27
Now this is what I call reaching out to the black electorate.
Clinton campaign finance committee member, former vice presidential candidate, and former Rep. Geraldine Ferraro, D-NY, told the Daily Breeze of Torrance, Ca., that, "If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."
What a bad statement to make...

One of Hilary's and the Clinton Camp's main flaws is their believe that she is entitiled to be the next president. One of the biggest rules in competition is to never underestimate your opponent. Her politics are dividing the party, and if she wins... our next prez will be John McCain.
Oh, and this is not just about the black electorate, which she is sure to continue to loose, but its about everyone in the party. People who support Obama, white and black, should be offended by the statement because it insinuates that they frankly are unintelligent... I bet she wish she was him right now or in his position.


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Originally Posted by fish master
i dont know if anyone has been watching the news,but that chicago business man that is in trouble right now has close ties with illinois govenor and also obama.it is only a matter of time before he rolls over on the both of them

I doubt it... the timing is bad because it draws attention, but I don't think it will have a large impact on Obama if any. What I find interesting is that no one (as in major media) has brought up any of the Clinton scandals... I think it will eventually turn up, but one major thing I've been waiting on is the release of their income taxes(financial statements).... I'm sure if they were to release them now.. it would hurt her campaign, which is why they are under wraps... I bet you'd see she owes a lot of favors... Pres. Clinton has speaking fees that are $750K.. not to mention whatever else is on there... Obama has released his... which I feel gives him a lot of wiggle room w/ this Rezko situation...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
What a bad statement to make...

One of Hilary's and the Clinton Camp's main flaws is their believe that she is entitiled to be the next president. One of the biggest rules in competition is to never underestimate your opponent. Her politics are dividing the party, and if she wins... our next prez will be John McCain.
Oh, and this is not just about the black electorate, which she is sure to continue to loose, but its about everyone in the party. People who support Obama, white and black, should be offended by the statement because it insinuates that they frankly are unintelligent... I bet she wish she was him right now or in his position.
My contention is that this is a democrat wide issue. Lets not forget who ran the democrat party for the past 16 years, the Clintons.
I think statement isn't refering to Obama supporters for being dumb. But insinuating that they are simply voting for Obama because of his color. (although it is a pretty dumb reason to vote for some one)


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Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Florida was a 3 way race: Clinton, Obama, Edwards.
Michigan was a one pony show: Clinton.
Although the one pony only got about 55% of the vote.
In regards to those 2 states... Michigan.. There was only one name on the ballot.. Candidates did not campaign there, and for the people that did vote.. they were told that the vote wouldn't count because no delegates would be seated as a result. - So this vote means nothing because again of the only one name on the ballot, and you will never know how many people stayed home and chose not to vote.
The same applies in Flordia... even though all the names were on the ballot, you could never guestimate the # of people who did not vote based on the notion of they were told the vote wouldn't count. I also think that campaigning plays a key role in attracting voters, especially in this case because of the early timing of this election. In most states, Clinton appeared to be the winner in the polls, until Obama's people organized and campaigned.
I don't know what the solution will be, its complicated, but I believe that the DNC should not
pick up the tab. Everyone was aware of the rules, and the state legislature who was invloved in making the decision should not be re-elected. You can't have a rule if you don't plan to enforce it,


Active Member

Originally Posted by stdreb27
My contention is that this is a democrat wide issue. Lets not forget who ran the democrat party for the past 16 years, the Clintons.
I think statement isn't refering to Obama supporters for being dumb. But insinuating that they are simply voting for Obama because of his color. (although it is a pretty dumb reason to vote for some one)
I don't think this is the case, there may be a small % that is, which there probably also is for people voting for Clinton because she is a woman. I refer it to "being dumb" because I think most people can look past color as a key reason for their vote...it may play some part in it, but I think its an afterthought. She also says that the only reason why people are voting for him is because of his oratory ability... What this tells me is that she has not "Solutions
" for her campaign... I don't want to hear about why people vote for him, but why I should vote for her... she clearly is failing at convincing enough people to win her the nomination... which is why she is also loosing SuperDelegates... at the end of this, I bet she will loose atleast 50-100 more of the pledged superdelegates, with the majority of the undecieded going to Obama... I he will win by atleast 250-400 total delegates when its over.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
I don't think this is the case, there may be a small % that is, which there probably also is for people voting for Clinton because she is a woman. I refer it to "being dumb" because I think most people can look past color as a key reason for their vote...it may play some part in it, but I think its an afterthought. She also says that the only reason why people are voting for him is because of his oratory ability... What this tells me is that she has not "Solutions
" for her campaign... I don't want to hear about why people vote for him, but why I should vote for her... she clearly is failing at convincing enough people to win her the nomination... which is why she is also loosing SuperDelegates... at the end of this, I bet she will loose atleast 50-100 more of the pledged superdelegates, with the majority of the undecieded going to Obama... I he will win by atleast 250-400 total delegates when its over.
Well you'll get no argument from me about voting based on race or gender. Remember I'm the one who doesn't care as long as you can do the job.
or about her her lack of competence. Not that obama has much more.


Active Member
I do think oration skills are relavant in a president. Part of the main job of the Prez is as the head statesman for the USA and that includes and mainly requires speaking skills. So their is grounds for oration skills being part of the debate. But the arguement seems a little silly from someone who has no ideas and can't speak. At least obama can speak.


I'm voting for him (if he is the nominee) no matter what, but I think a strong point in his favor is he is hot!
Plus this quote:
I don't oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war.
Barack Obama


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
I don't think this is the case, there may be a small % that is, which there probably also is for people voting for Clinton because she is a woman. I refer it to "being dumb" because I think most people can look past color as a key reason for their vote...it may play some part in it, but I think its an afterthought. She also says that the only reason why people are voting for him is because of his oratory ability... What this tells me is that she has not "Solutions
" for her campaign... I don't want to hear about why people vote for him, but why I should vote for her... she clearly is failing at convincing enough people to win her the nomination... which is why she is also loosing SuperDelegates... at the end of this, I bet she will loose atleast 50-100 more of the pledged superdelegates, with the majority of the undecieded going to Obama... I he will win by atleast 250-400 total delegates when its over.
Rylan, the last poll I saw had Obama winning over 80% of the Black vote. As his positions and Hillary's are really not that different I'd definitely say it's more than a "small" percent voting for him.
She has clearly laid out more specifics in policy than Obama has.
(I can't believe I'm defending a Clinton.)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
I don't oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war.

Barack Obama
Speaking of dumb, don't forget this quote recently: "And if Al Qaeda is forming a base in Iraq, then we will have to act in a way that secures the American homeland and our interests abroad"...
Seriously, if the guy isn't aware Al Qaeda has been trying to establish a base in Iraq for the past 4-5 years is he really competent to be Commander in Chief, no matter how "hot" he is?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Rylan, the last poll I saw had Obama winning over 80% of the Black vote. As his positions and Hillary's are really not that different I'd definitely say it's more than a "small" percent voting for him.
She has clearly laid out more specifics in policy than Obama has.
(I can't believe I'm defending a Clinton.)
I don't know I think both have laid out their policy, just obama doesn't talk about his. It reminds me of the family guy when Louis ran for mayor. She started out her debate with presentation of her platform, but didn't get any reaction to the crowd till she starting saying one liners. That is obama's campain plan. The problem is it is hard to differentiate between the two candidates. Other than race, gender, and speaking skills.


I did love that exchange with the candidates about "Al Queda in Iraq". Of course they are there. McCain put them there! I'll bet he doesn't play that game again! Ended up looking like a doddering ol' fool.
Don't be a hater! You could one day have a candidate who is young, hot and articulate! Don't give up yet!


Active Member
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - so·cial·ist /ˈsoʊʃəlɪst/ Pronunciation[soh-shuh-list]
–noun 1. an advocate or supporter of socialism.
2. (initial capital letter) a member of the U.S. Socialist party.
–adjective 3. socialistic.
The noun


Well, per that definition, I would say no. He is very much a confirmed member of The Democratic Party of The United States. Do we even have a "socialist" party?
And, I don't support him just because he is a Dem, he is hot and brilliant to boot!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Well, per that definition, I would say no. He is very much a confirmed member of The Democratic Party of The United States. Do we even have a "socialist" party?
And, I don't support him just because he is a Dem, he is hot and brilliant to boot!

–noun 1. an advocate or supporter of socialism.
As defined by his stands on:
Wealth redistribution through taxation,
National (read socialized) healthcare.
Big federal govenment (one of the most important planks in the socialist system.)
As Hillary said " I'm going to take the profits of the oil companies."
That kind of socialism


I call BS. You are using talking points that have no meaning.
Define National socialized healthcare. Define wealth distribution through taxation. Define Big Government.


Active Member
Suzy;2513367 said:
I call BS. You are using talking points that have no meaning.
Define National socialized healthcare.
Healthcare paid for and controlled by the govenment
Define wealth distribution through taxation.
If you work hard and make more the gov't takes more to make it "fair"
Increasing the tax burden on those who make more, basically punishing excellence and hard work.
Like 1% of all tax payer paying 40% of the tax burden.
Defined as our current tax laws.
Define Big Government.
The opposite of what the Founding Fathers intended.
The huge bureaucracy we have today.
The Nanny state, we have today with millions of able bodied people on assistance.
Please read the Declaration of Independance, Constitution, Federalist Papers and most importantly, George Washington's Farewell Address.