Obama supporters. I have one question


Healthcare paid for and controlled by the govenmentAs opposed to what we have now. Where we all pay for healthcare through a much more expensive private payer system. Where we so many CEOs making huge salaries, and insurance companies who have CMs who get bonuses to deny care? All HC is controlled by the government now anyway, right? Interqual Criteria?
Define wealth distribution through taxation.
If you work hard and make more the gov't takes more to make it "fair"
Increasing the tax burden on those who make more, basically punishing excellence and hard work.
Like 1% of all tax payer paying 40% of the tax burden.
Defined as our current tax laws.

So, you feel that everyone should pay the same? An American who makes $30 grand a year should pay the same as a ER Doc? What do you think that amount should be? $25 grand? They both pay $25 grand?
Define Big Government.
The opposite of what the Founding Fathers intended.

Really? Our founding fathers thought we didn't need the stuff we use today? Back when they didn't have airplanes they didn't know we would need a FAA?
The huge bureaucracy we have today.

We are a huge country. Some huger than others.
The Nanny state, we have today with millions of able bodied people on assistance.
I'll need a link to that. We all use different services. Which are you willing to give up?
Please read the Declaration of Independance, Constitution, Federalist Papers and most importantly, George Washington's Farewell Address.

No. I live in the year 2008. I want answers for the issues I have now.
You know, we need to cut this down to one thread! But, I am going to have to cut out soon. End o' shift foo foo coming up!


Jealous! Hey, McCain has Sean Connery type hotness....
If you like older types, he's yo man!
But, why won't he release his medical records?Inquiring minds want to know!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzyhttp:///forum/post/2513435
Healthcare paid for and controlled by the govenment

As opposed to what we have now. Where we all pay for healthcare through a much more expensive private payer system. Where we so many CEOs making huge salaries, and insurance companies who have CMs who get bonuses to deny care? All HC is controlled by the government now anyway, right? Interqual Criteria?
Define wealth distribution through taxation.
If you work hard and make more the gov't takes more to make it "fair"
Increasing the tax burden on those who make more, basically punishing excellence and hard work.
Like 1% of all tax payer paying 40% of the tax burden.
Defined as our current tax laws.

So, you feel that everyone should pay the same? An American who makes $30 grand a year should pay the same as a ER Doc? What do you think that amount should be? $25 grand? They both pay $25 grand?
Define Big Government.
The opposite of what the Founding Fathers intended.

Really? Our founding fathers thought we didn't need the stuff we use today? Back when they didn't have airplanes they didn't know we would need a FAA?
The huge bureaucracy we have today.

We are a huge country. Some huger than others.
The Nanny state, we have today with millions of able bodied people on assistance.
I'll need a link to that. We all use different services. Which are you willing to give up?
Please read the Declaration of Independance, Constitution, Federalist Papers and most importantly, George Washington's Farewell Address.

No. I live in the year 2008. I want answers for the issues I have now.

No. I live in the year 2008. I want answers for the issues I have now.

Seriously? It is only the document that our whole country is based on. If you don't have that you don't have the United States. What is your backround by the way?
As opposed to what we have now. Where we all pay for healthcare through a much more expensive private payer system.

How in the world would a single payer system be cheaper than a privatized system?
I would challenge you to show me one US government program that ran more efficient than the private sector.


Originally Posted by Suzy
Jealous! Hey, McCain has Sean Connery type hotness....
If you like older types, he's yo man!
But, why won't he release his medical records?Inquiring minds want to know!
Why isn't Obama's smoking brought up more often?
I submit that McCain, a 69 year old, is about as likely these days to pass on as is a long-term 44 year old smoker, Obama.


Active Member
No. I live in the year 2008. I want answers for the issues I have now.
You will find those answers in the Constitution and those other documents. They will tell you you are the answer, the government is not the answer.
Seriously? It is only the document that our whole country is based on. If you don't have that you don't have the United States.
Yes, those documents define our country,and tell us We the People are the answer, not the government. They define us as a nation.
What is your backround by the way?
My background:
1. I am a PROUD American. I am a Son of the American Revolution. My Family still has the powder horn my grandfather Phillip Powell used as a soldier in the Continental Army.
My Education:
BS Chemistry with equivalent minors in math and physics, Medical doctor with Board certification with the American College of Emergency Physicians.
I've worked Urban trauma centers, HMO's, and community hospitals. I know what works and what does not work. I am on the "front lines" medical care. I've given away over $500,000 in free medical care in just a few years. I'm buried in debt from my education, and according to liberals, I'm not a working person, and they want to take more of my money away in taxes.
My Dad was a State Representative. I know how "well" the govenment works.
As opposed to what we have now. Where we all pay for healthcare through a much more expensive private payer system.
How in the world would a single payer system be cheaper than a privatized system?
I would challenge you to show me one US government program that ran more efficient than the private sector.
You never will.
If anything, the States should handle healthcare, that would be Constitutional, and you would have much more of a say in your vote and where you live.
Like a good liberal you attack others when faced with facts.
What is your background?


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
No. I live in the year 2008. I want answers for the issues I have now.
You will find those answers in the Constitution and those other documents. They will tell you you are the answer, the government is not the answer.
Seriously? It is only the document that our whole country is based on. If you don't have that you don't have the United States.
Yes, those documents define our country,and tell us We the People are the answer, not the government. They define us as a nation.
What is your backround by the way?
My background:
1. I am a PROUD American. I am a Son of the American Revolution. My Family still has the powder horn my grandfather Phillip Powell used as a soldier in the Continental Army.
My Education:
BS Chemistry with equivalent minors in math and physics, Medical doctor with Board certification with the American College of Emergency Physicians.
I've worked Urban trauma centers, HMO's, and community hospitals. I know what works and what does not work. I am on the "front lines" medical care. I've given away over $500,000 in free medical care in just a few years. I'm buried in debt from my education, and according to liberals, I'm not a working person, and they want to take more of my money away in taxes.
My Dad was a State Representative. I know how "well" the govenment works.
As opposed to what we have now. Where we all pay for healthcare through a much more expensive private payer system.
How in the world would a single payer system be cheaper than a privatized system?
I would challenge you to show me one US government program that ran more efficient than the private sector.
You never will.
If anything, the States should handle healthcare, that would be Constitutional, and you would have much more of a say in your vote and where you live.
Like a good liberal you attack others when faced with facts.
What is your background?
If the states ran healthcare, I don't think you would have an equal standard of healthcare around the nation... and this would further raise expenses. I don't think we will ever have a single payer system because of what has already been established... but you have to ask yourself the question.. Why are we the only industrialized nation with a healthcare system like this? Our system should be a model for other nations but its not. We spend more on healthcare, but when it comes to life expectancy, the money we spend on healthcare doesn't add up. If you look at the inflation of the healthcare system and the rate of growth in medical costs... its crazy... The system needs to be fixed... it costs way more to medicate the symptom, which is what we do, than to treat the cause... At the current rate of growth, medical costs will equal our GDP by something like 2050, which is a time when I may need it most...What this means to me is that it will probably be unaffordable to get basic medical coverage when I am 70... We need to do something...
I am empathetic to your educational debt, however the Bush Admin has done nothing but make it more difficult to get a quality education... Colleges have raised tuitions by 35% over the last 5 years or so. Its more difficult to get loans and rates are higher..Grants have been lowered and given less often... You go to college to get prepared for a career, then as soon as you graduate you have a "mortagage".... These are some of the reasons why I back Obama... because he has given solutions to some of these areas that I mention, and I believe he would do more to spark positive change in these areas that you mentioned than any other candidate.


Active Member
You know what is funny, BC (before clinton 1988) The moron said the same thing. "Reaching out to democrat voters"
Placid of demeanor but pointed in his rhetoric, Jackson struck out repeatedly today against those who suggest his race has been an asset in the campaign. President Reagan suggested Tuesday that people don't ask Jackson tough questions because of his race. And former representative Geraldine A. Ferraro (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday that because of his "radical" views, "if Jesse Jackson were not black, he wouldn't be in the race."
Asked about this at a campaign stop in Buffalo, Jackson at first seemed ready to pounce fiercely on his critics. But then he stopped, took a breath, and said quietly, "Millions of Americans have a point of view different from" Ferraro's.
Some people are making hysteria while I'm making history."


Active Member

Originally Posted by stdreb27
You know what is funny, BC (before clinton 1988) The moron said the same thing. "Reaching out to democrat voters"
Placid of demeanor but pointed in his rhetoric, Jackson struck out repeatedly today against those who suggest his race has been an asset in the campaign. President Reagan suggested Tuesday that people don't ask Jackson tough questions because of his race. And former representative Geraldine A. Ferraro (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday that because of his "radical" views, "if Jesse Jackson were not black, he wouldn't be in the race."
Asked about this at a campaign stop in Buffalo, Jackson at first seemed ready to pounce fiercely on his critics. But then he stopped, took a breath, and said quietly, "Millions of Americans have a point of view different from" Ferraro's.
Some people are making hysteria while I'm making history."
Are you confusing Jackson with Obama here? 'Geraldine A. Ferraro (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday that because of his "radical" views, "if Jesse Jackson were not black, he wouldn't be in the race."'


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
Are you confusing Jackson with Obama here? 'Geraldine A. Ferraro (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday that because of his "radical" views, "if Jesse Jackson were not black, he wouldn't be in the race."'

No, the moron said it twice! You argued that it was from the clinton network. And it is true I think this is one of their henchmen out to do the dirty work that Mrs. Clinton can't say. But I'm just pointing out that this was said before, by a democrat not a clinton henchmen.


Active Member
Anyone who thinks Obama would be in this race if he were white is fooling themselves. Ferarro was right. Dumb but right.
What personal or legislative accomplishments does he have that would make him stand out over and above any other Democrat candidate?
There are none. I just hope and pray we don't get stuck with this guy. Could be Jimmy Carter all over again. Untested, Unscrutinized, Unqualified.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Anyone who thinks Obama would be in this race if he were white is fooling themselves. Ferarro was right. Dumb but right.
What personal or legislative accomplishments does he have that would make him stand out over and above any other Democrat candidate?
There are none. I just hope and pray we don't get stuck with this guy. Could be Jimmy Carter all over again. Untested, Unscrutinized, Unqualified.
I dissagree, I think democrats are dumb enough to simply vote for his platitudinal speeches. For example I posted huge posts based on almost universally accepted economic models why his economic plans wouldn't work. And they were ignored. And it isn't as if he is running against anyone competent.
Unless you want to argue that the clintons won't really attack him because they fear a racial accusations. Which I guess that could hold some water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I dissagree, I think democrats are dumb enough to simply vote for his platitudinal speeches. For example I posted huge posts based on almost universally accepted economic models why his economic plans wouldn't work. And they were ignored. And it isn't as if he is running against anyone competent.
Unless you want to argue that the clintons won't really attack him because they fear a racial accusations. Which I guess that could hold some water.
As was pointed out countless times before he and the beast's policy stands aren't all that much different. Where would this race be if the 90% of black voters that vote Democrat weren't breaking 90% for Obama?


Originally Posted by stdreb27
I dissagree, I think democrats are dumb enough to simply vote for his platitudinal speeches. For example I posted huge posts based on almost universally accepted economic models why his economic plans wouldn't work. And they were ignored. And it isn't as if he is running against anyone competent.
Many of them are... I remember a while back (around Aug/Sep '06), on NPR, I think it was Talk of the Nation
, The reporter talking to black female Democrats. I found it distressingly humorous these women found it such a conundrum which candidate to vote for, the black one, or the female one. What was terrifying was, the reporter actually took them serious!!
Originally Posted by stdreb27

Unless you want to argue that the clintons won't really attack him because they fear a racial accusations. Which I guess that could hold some water.
How can Billy-Bob be afraid... it's not a race issue!! He's black, remember '96?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Jealous! Hey, McCain has Sean Connery type hotness....
If you like older types, he's yo man!
But, why won't he release his medical records?Inquiring minds want to know!
Maybe the same reason Bill Clinton didn't

Personnally I think it should be a requirement.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bdhutier
Many of them are... I remember a while back (around Aug/Sep '06), on NPR, I think it was Talk of the Nation
, The reporter talking to black female Democrats. I found it distressingly humorous these women found it such a conundrum which candidate to vote for, the black one, or the female one. What was terrifying was, the reporter actually took them serious!!
How can Billy-Bob be afraid... it's not a race issue!! He's black, remember '96?

the random things democrats think are important, gender, race. is one of the reasons I contend they are the racist sexists.
What I really don't understand is how the party for the "woman" doesn't carry these politicians to the stake. If those things aren't demeaning to a woman I don't know what is.
That is why I hedged it is with maybe hold a little water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I dissagree, I think democrats are dumb enough to simply vote for his platitudinal speeches. For example I posted huge posts based on almost universally accepted economic models why his economic plans wouldn't work. And they were ignored. And it isn't as if he is running against anyone competent.
Unless you want to argue that the clintons won't really attack him because they fear a racial accusations. Which I guess that could hold some water.
They've already attacked him on racial and background issues...He's the most attacked candidate in the race..He's fighting both Clinton and McCain.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
As was pointed out countless times before he and the beast's policy stands aren't all that much different. Where would this race be if the 90% of black voters that vote Democrat weren't breaking 90% for Obama?
The race didn't start out this way... If you go back and look, Hilary Clinton had more black voter support than Obama... What the typical black voter doesn't like about Clinton is her politics and the way that the Clinton campaign has attacked Obama. They realize that many of their view are similar, but Clinton lost this support after S.C. after what happened there, and what continues to happen with the various remarks made by them. I believe that most of black voters have respect for the Clintons.. but they also realize that the Clintons may not always have our best interest in mind, and will do what benefits them first.