Obama supporters. I have one question


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
What is your backround by the way?
What is your background?
I am a hot, sexy blonde who gets flirted with at Home Depot by construction workers on my day off. I love the Foo Fighters, my sexy husband and my 2 dogs. I write articles about this hobby and get paid. I breed 3 species of fish in my basement.
And, I teach MDs ACLS.
Listen, we are on a fish forum. I thought we were having a civil discussion. If you feel I am attacking you, we can end our conversation here.


Rylan, he's the front runner. That's the way it works. When she was front runner, she was "too weak". "too phoney". Don't worry, the attacks now will prepare him for the swift boating yet to come. Let them get it out early, so all he has to do is have a few debates with McCain.
Might I also commend you for your cool and calmness here. I have seen Democrats (half of Americans, really) called Hitler, morons, dumb, a few cutsey names, and you''ve responded with intelligent responses. Strong work!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Back round? I resent that. I think my back is very hot, if I do say so myself....
I only have my own experience with Medicare and Private insurance. I see one system being cost effecient and they other is making a lot of people filthy rich.
Just trying to figure out where you are coming from.
And I'm still waiting for a government program that is more efficient than it was in the private sector...
You do realise one of the arguments for when they mandated car insurance was that it was going to be cheaper. But it wasn't.
But since you are a nurse, I don't expect you to understand the mathimatical models insurance companies use to determine costs. Just like you shouldn't expect me to know how to put a cathiter in. The risk will go up and so will the price for everyone. And lets not go into the extreemly inefficient government.
Originally Posted by Suzy

Why do you think he is stupid?
Well for one his "economic plan" ignores the last 150 of modern capitalist economic thought.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Rylan, he's the front runner. That's the way it works. When she was front runner, she was "too weak". "too phoney". Don't worry, the attacks now will prepare him for the swift boating yet to come. Let them get it out early, so all he has to do is have a few debates with McCain.
Might I also commend you for your cool and calmness here. I have seen Democrats (half of Americans, really) called Hitler, morons, dumb, a few cutsey names, and you''ve responded with intelligent responses. Strong work!
You know it is funny, I've yet to hear anyone prove the swift boaters wrong. Kerry even offered a reward for it last year. And no one could take him up on it...
do you have a prob with democrats calling a sitting prez a nazi, dumb stupid, and the names they have called him?
btw, Rylan when are we ever going to talk about issues? You never got back to me when I explained why I thought Obama's regulation of CEO's silly. Or explained how democrats were reaching "out to blacks." After I posted some quotes and some bills passed by democrats...


I do a have a problem with anyone calling our president a Nazi, dumb stupid. I have not seen that happen in the time I have spent here. Who are you referring to and which thread? Before my time?
I do love the condescending tone about me doing math.
Rylan, be my example! I can do this!


And I'm still waiting for a government program that is more efficient than it was in the private sector...
Medicare vs Private Insurance
*Covers the sickest, oldest patients. A large percentage of our health care costs are spent on the last few weeks of life. Medicare is the primary insurance for this group.
*Has deductibles, has premiums, has limitations.
*Has no CEO, no CM (they do have few auditors).
*Pays their bills as long as the provider follows the rules, that are written in stone.
Private insurance companies:
*Covers the healthiest portion of our population.
*Have CEOs who make enormous salaries.
*Have CMs who get large bonuses for denying care to patients.
*Have administration costs for each one.
*Providers must have staff that is able to prove to the CMs that pts need care, every day, adding more to the cost of care.
*Coverage is limited to a certain length of time.
Provider payments are very similar.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
... I only have my own experience with Medicare and Private insurance. I see one system being cost effecient and they other is making a lot of people filthy rich.
How does private medical insurance make people filthy rich?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
I do a have a problem with anyone calling our president a Nazi, dumb stupid. I have not seen that happen in the time I have spent here. Who are you referring to and which thread? Before my time?
I do love the condescending tone about me doing math.
Rylan, be my example! I can do this!
What it wasn't your field of study? Just like nursing wasn't mine. Economics was. Today my brother wastrying to explain to me how to put a cathiter in. It what as fresh in my mind as far as nursing goes.
But until you are willing to use the constitution as frame work for your arguments. Which you aren't we really can't go into any more detail.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
.... Why do you think he is stupid?
Because he didn't know Al Qaeda has been trying to set up a base in Iraq for the past 5 years.
I don't think he is stupid at all. I just don't think he knows enough about foreign policy. When he suggested he would bomb Pakistan in one of the first debates it kind of clued me off. The last time we bombed Al Qaeda in Pakistan the zealots rioted for a week in Islamabad. Mushareff has avoided dozens of assasination attempts. You don't broadcast to the world we plan on bombing an ally, who is nuclear capable, precariously holding onto power from the radicals.


You know, JM. I love to talk politics at work. In our unit, we spend a lot of time doing procedures over sedated patients so we have time to talk. One of our intensivists is the most right wing guy I've ever known. He just got appointed Bishop of his church! Very Pro NRA, very conservative in all ways. It took me a year to talk him into buying a hybrid, even though he sees how many patients die when our inversion fills our air with smog.
He said to me a few years ago, that we agree on everything. We just disagree on how to get there.
I kinda think you and I are there.
But, he is really upset with his party now. I really feel for him, 'cause I know how I felt about our party a few years ago. He is voting for O. So are most of the people I talk to at work, lots are actually sporting bumber stickers and pins for O. This in the reddest state on the planet.
Are you so against him because you think McCain can beat her? I do hope McCain wins myself. I don't think the country can turn around in 4 years, and I don't think it will be fair that Dems will be blamed for the mess we are in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
And I'm still waiting for a government program that is more efficient than it was in the private sector...
Medicare vs Private Insurance
*Covers the sickest, oldest patients. A large percentage of our health care costs are spent on the last few weeks of life. Medicare is the primary insurance for this group.
*Has deductibles, has premiums, has limitations.
*Has no CEO, no CM (they do have few auditors).
*Pays their bills as long as the provider follows the rules, that are written in stone.
Private insurance companies:
*Covers the healthiest portion of our population.
*Have CEOs who make enormous salaries.
*Have CMs who get large bonuses for denying care to patients.
*Have administration costs for each one.
*Providers must have staff that is able to prove to the CMs that pts need care, every day, adding more to the cost of care.
*Coverage is limited to a certain length of time.
Provider payments are very similar.

Suzy, that doesn't explain how Medicare is more efficient. All it does is show the differences.
Now, the "richest" among us have private insurance; Approximately 40 million in the USA are uninsured at any given time. In a Nation of 300 Million. you can't really consider that size gap as the "wealthiest". Especially when the poorest and youngest have government coverage already. The fastest growing uninursed demographic is age 21-29, those people leaving college and finding career paths.
CEO's of any major corporation make major money. That's Capitalism.
The thing people seem to forget is that private health care si a for profit enterprise. Many of the companies are publically traded and therefore answerable to their stockholders.
Why have we moved away from the idea that people should be responsible for their own helath care costs? Why, instead of losing money, don't hospitals bill people directly?
The system is flawed, but trying to take out the privatization factor is not the issue.
Medicare is going bankrupt. I hardly consider that more efficient than the private sector.


Hospitals do bill patients directly, those without insurance. It is just easier to bill the payee and cut out the middle man! They have bill collectors just like any other business.
If we have 30 insurance companies (just a total guess on my part), whose CEOs make millions each, couldn't it save money to just have one CEO (Obama would be my choice!). Wouldn't it be better to one administration instead of 20? Let me guess that each insurance co has a team of CM that are 10. 10 x 20=200 CMs making hundreds of thousands each in bonuses? Fire them (I think they are evil myself).
Why do you think private insurance companies are providing care cheaper?
Where did you hear Medicare was going bankrupt? We can't let it, any more than we can let the Army go bankrupt.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
I do hate links to unknown sites, but I don't feel like spending a lot of time looking for a better link.
The top 25 CEO's of 2007: (in millions)
1 Steven P Jobs Apple 646.60
2 Ray R Irani Occidental Petroleum 321.64
3 Barry Diller IAC/InterActiveCorp 295.14
4 William P Foley II Fidelity National Finl 179.56
5 Terry S Semel Yahoo 174.20
6 Michael S Dell Dell 153.23
7 Angelo R Mozilo Countrywide Financial 141
8 Michael S Jeffries Abercrombie & Fitch 114.64
9 Kenneth D Lewis Bank of America 99.80
10 Henry C Duques First Data 98.21
11 Harold M Messmer Jr Robert Half Intl 74.25
12 Lawrence J Ellison Oracle 72.42
13 Bob R Simpson XTO Energy 72.27
14 Richard M Kovacevich Wells Fargo 72.04
15 John T Chambers Cisco Systems 71.33
16 Gregg L Engles Dean Foods 66.08
17 Lew Frankfort Coach 65.86
18 Joseph H Moglia TD Ameritrade Holding 62.24
19 James Dimon JPMorgan Chase 57.17
20 William R Berkley WR Berkley 54.60
21 Richard S Fuld Jr Lehman Bros Holdings 51.65
22 Edward E Whitacre Jr AT&T 49.01
23 Robert J Ulrich Target 48.09
24 L Patrick Hassey Allegheny Technologies 44.24
25 Edward H Linde Boston Properties 42.25
Further, read the article you linked to see what this particular CEO did for the company and Health Care: "When McGuire took over in 1991, UnitedHealth was little more than a regional health-maintenance organization. By trying to offer something for every-body and identifying lucrative niches, McGuire, now 55, has turned it into one of the most diversified health-services companies. If you don’t like the restrictions of an HMO plan, you can sign up for a preferred-provider organization. Belong to AARP? You can sign up for a special drug-discount card
Should we punish every industry where the CEO makes it on Forbe's list?
We are a Capitalistic society. Our nation was built on private enterprise, capitalism, and personal responsibility.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Suzy, that doesn't explain how Medicare is more efficient. All it does is show the differences.
OK, let me rephrase it: Medicare has much lower operating costs than private pay companies, IME.


No, they made the system that way so we can't change it now. I am just trying to answer the guy (who called me a moron) who stated that private companies are cheaper and more efficient. I do not think it is the case every time. But, I also can't think of an example where it is.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
... Are you so against him because you think McCain can beat her? I do hope McCain wins myself. I don't think the country can turn around in 4 years, and I don't think it will be fair that Dems will be blamed for the mess we are in.
No, I'm against him because he has pledged to abandon our new allies in Iraq.
I don't like McCain for many reasons, but on the most important issues I fall in line with him. He won't cut and run, he will appoint constructionist judges, and he won't move our country further away from our roots to ressemble socialist Europe.
I dont' want ot see the country "turn around". I want to see people sell houses they should have never bought because they can't afford them, I want to see the US dollar become the coveted currency around the world, and I want to know when I get on a plane I can take a nap and not worry about it nose diving into the Sears Tower.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
No, they made the system that way so we can't change it now. I am just trying to answer the guy (who called me a moron) who stated that private companies are cheaper and more efficient. I do not think it is the case every time. But, I also can't think of an example where it is.
Sorry I missed it. Give me the quote number and the personal attack will be deleted.