Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
.... How many dead?
All of them. Every one of the enemy. That's how many dead. Why is that so difficult to understand? That's how you win a war. You kill or capture the enemy until they can no longer field an army, or perform attacks against us.
Originally Posted by Suzy

.... Why can't you admit the foreign policy or the McCainBush admisitration is not going to work? It is not working now, it won't work in 10 years, it won't work in 100 years. ...
And yet it is working: Http://www.theotheriraq.com
Now, when was the last time appeasement worked? When was the last time bailing out on an ally when they needed us work?
We stepped in and overthrew an evil dictator that repeatedly was breaking his treaty with us. We then allowed the Iraqi people to form a new Government. We stood by and assisted while millions voted for the first time. While snipers shot at them, insurgents threatened them, and car bombs went off around them millions went to the voting booths.
Three very distinct religious and ethnic groups are attempting to form a Democracy in a region where Democracy is a foreign concept.
How many years did the newly formed Democracy of the United States take to form? Google the Articles of Confederation, for instance.
The Middle East isn't contained in a microwave. We can't push the popcorn button, wait two minutes, then say "ok, it's done".
Btw, the negative reporting about Iraq is fueling the insurgency and getting American soldiers killed and wounded, according to a recent Harvard study. http://www.usnews.com/articles/news/...reporting.html
Maybe, just maybe, if America would have said with one voice "We will not be defeated" from the moment we went into Iraq then maybe
the war in Iraq would be over by now and fewer US and allied soldiers would have been injured and killed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Win? Yeah, right. I see the entire continent holding hands, singing KumBaYa and having picnics, playing in fields of butterfiles. And, after 2 milleniums of Sunni-Shite-Kurd hatred, all it took was a toppling of one dictator to get them to all come together and get kissy face.
What were we thinking........
Suzy, if you and I can live in the same country, I think that is proof positive no amount of differences cannot be overcome to bring a nation together.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
.. Why do you want Iraqi children to die? ....
How many Iraqi children died when Saddam secretly took food and money meant to feed them and built palaces instead?
How many Iraqi children died at the hands of Saddam's sick sons for their amusement?
How many Iraqi children will die when we cut and run and the country falls into an Iranian lead civil war?
Please, don't bring Iraqi children into it. I don't think you want their blood on your hands.



Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I don't think you want their blood on your hands.
I knew you would find a way to blame me for the **** way the Republicans screwed our country. In fact, you will blame others for our economy that is in the toilet, China owning more of our country than we do and a screwed up war we will never be able to finish. Even though the Republicans had complete control of all the Federal gubermint, you still think you can pass the buck.
Get your "news' from opinionated *****, try to pass off your opinions as facts, and chase away all intelligent conversation from this website.


Active Member
Suzy, go back and re-read your posts.
In this particular case, you asked how many Iraqi Children Republicans wanted to die. So I pointed out they died in the thousands under Saddam, and will die even moreso in a civil war.
How is that insulting you or driving away intelligent conversation?
This is twice now on a political debate you've gotten offended and broken forum rules by "losing" it.
Many disagree with you, many agree. We have discussions all of the time in this section of the forum. If you cannot control your temper and follow forum rules simply post in the other sections of the forums.



Originally Posted by Suzy
try to pass off your opinions as facts, and chase away all intelligent conversation from this website.

I searched your posts in case I missed any references, sources, etcetera. I found a couple SWF related, two to electric vehicles, and a youtube.
"Kettle meet pot?" If YOU are going to pass your opinions off as facts, back yourself up with links, information, graphs, tables, figures. Is this too much too ask? I have been reading academic journals my entire life, I have never seen one sans references. For example, in our healthcare discussions, you mentioned you are a nurse of sorts. I weighed your opinion and thoughts appropriately because of this, and despite the polarization of our ideaologies. You have an expertise in that field, so I can respect that. If you're not talking within your expertise, reference, source should be provided if asked.
Its ok though, search Journeyman's posts, he hounds Rylan for links all the time, if I'm right, feel free to correct me, its 0 for 15+.
In Suzy's defense though, "blood on your hands" is a bit disgraceful.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mfp1016
In Suzy's defense though, "blood on your hands" is a bit disgraceful.
I had to go back and reread my post. I think it reads clearly, but please correct me if I am wrong.
My point is to say no one should try to blame dead Iraqi children on the invasion and Republicans, unless they are willing to take responsiblity for the past dead children during the oil for Food scandal and the current and future children that are dying and will die at the hands of insurgents.

I hope that clears it up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mfp1016
In Suzy's defense though, "blood on your hands" is a bit disgraceful.
Here's the whole quote Journey was responding to
"So, why don't you love America like I do? Why do you want Iraqi children to die? Why are you so willing to have so many Americans die in a rash war? Why do you hate America?"
I don't really see Journey's response as out of line.
One thing I am seeing, and I am talking to you Suzy, is that you are taking some of this stuff way too personally. Take a few deep breaths before responding and then move on. Just because someone takes a shot at your boy Obama doesn't mean they are attacking you. Look at the stuff Bush supporters have listened to over the last 8 years or Clintonites before that.
What goes on in the Aquarium stays in the aquarium. My particular area of reefing expertise is T5 lighting and being in the Lounge, the Cage or Aquarium I've had some legendary debates, arguments, fights with people who turn around and ask me questions in another forum. Never occured to me to blow off someones question because of crap that goes on in opinion forums. I'd like to think outside the heat of battle you would do the same for me if I had a question for you (cool website by the way).
It would really be a shame if they had to sanitize the Aquarium ala the Lounge because people are getting too worked up over these silly debates.


Active Member
Your opinions:
Part 1:
It's 12/8/41, Hours after Pearl Harbor. You are a US Representative. There are two war declarations on the table. One to go to war against Japan. The other to go to war against Japan and Germany/Italy. We have no intelligence relating Germany or Italy to the attack by Japan. Which War Delcaration do you vote for and why?
Part 2:
There is also good evidence ( through breaking the Japanese diplomatic code) that FDR knew of a pending attack by the Japanese, yet did nothing. There are grumblings of investigations and impeachment over what FDR knew and when he knew it. Do you join the investigation? If found FDR knew an attack was planned, do you impeach him?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
So, why don't you love America like I do? Why do you want Iraqi children to die? Why are you so willing to have so many Americans die in a rash war? Why do you hate America?
Debating with you is like debating with my iPod, except my iPod has a sexy video of Nickleback and loud screaming music and it is cool. I guess it's not like debating with you.

Now, who is insulting whom?
Who wants anyone to die, except maybe those who behead innocents. I've never insulted you, I think you are wrong, and do not understand what America and the Constitution mean, but when did any of us come back with junk like this. You think debating us is like your ipod? You obviously think more with your eyes and emotions than your brain based on that line.
I love America!
Is she always right? No, but where in history have you seen more innovation, invention and yes even that evil wealth. Our poor are not poor. Heck, our poor have cell phones, pagers, big screen TV's cars and many have their own homes. I'd rather be poor in America than poor in Afghanistan.
I will fight those who seek to destroy her. Listen to Murtha, Boxer, Lee, etc. They seem to hate America and want to rebuild her into a socialist utopia, where they control the wealth.


OK, I wasn't going to post here anymore, but since I have your attention at the moment, I want to tell you the coolest thing that happened to me when I turned on the computer this morning!
I got published again! Suzy Applegarth, lowly MO breeder living in SLC got paid for writing in a online Fish Mag!
You guys can't actually see me right now, but imagine a chick doing the I'moncloudnine dance right now! I am going to be walking bad all bad, strutting everywhere spending my tax stimulus today!
I do need to start planning for a speaking tour now. I imagine I'll be contacted to give a talk at MACNA and IMAC, so I'd better start thinking of a topic.....


Active Member
So because you get published on fish related subjects we are supposed to apply a higher worth to your political opinions? I have people from around the country and in fact the world seek out my opinions on lighting every day. Doesn't mean I know jack about politics. The fact I have ran for office once and helped run several campaigns does but it still doesn't make me right.


O, hell no! I don't expect any worth should be applied to any of my opinions! I have not been here that long, but thus far I've seen no worth applied to anyone opinions. It's just a sounding board, right?
I just wanna plug my article!


Originally Posted by reefraff
Here's the whole quote Journey was responding to
"So, why don't you love America like I do? Why do you want Iraqi children to die? Why are you so willing to have so many Americans die in a rash war? Why do you hate America?"
I don't really see Journey's response as out of line.
One thing I am seeing, and I am talking to you Suzy, is that you are taking some of this stuff way too personally. Take a few deep breaths before responding and then move on. Just because someone takes a shot at your boy Obama doesn't mean they are attacking you. Look at the stuff Bush supporters have listened to over the last 8 years or Clintonites before that.
What goes on in the Aquarium stays in the aquarium. My particular area of reefing expertise is T5 lighting and being in the Lounge, the Cage or Aquarium I've had some legendary debates, arguments, fights with people who turn around and ask me questions in another forum. Never occured to me to blow off someones question because of crap that goes on in opinion forums. I'd like to think outside the heat of battle you would do the same for me if I had a question for you (cool website by the way).
It would really be a shame if they had to sanitize the Aquarium ala the Lounge because people are getting too worked up over these silly debates.

I agree, but I also feel that it could easily be misconstrued as offensive, or insensitive.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
OK, I wasn't going to post here anymore, but since I have your attention at the moment, I want to tell you the coolest thing that happened to me when I turned on the computer this morning!
I got published again! Suzy Applegarth, lowly MO breeder living in SLC got paid for writing in a online Fish Mag!
You guys can't actually see me right now, but imagine a chick doing the I'moncloudnine dance right now! I am going to be walking bad all bad, strutting everywhere spending my tax stimulus today!
I do need to start planning for a speaking tour now. I imagine I'll be contacted to give a talk at MACNA and IMAC, so I'd better start thinking of a topic.....

Shouldn't this be it's own topic, I having a hard time making the correlation to politics.
Congrats though.


New Member
ok... first off obama is the one who is most about getting us out of the recession... (spelling) so if u want hillary good luck but obama goes for the younger crowd like myself and this whole war was bs.... we have found a whole lot of warheads ready to attack america havnt we....


Originally Posted by juniorzc88
ok... first off obama is the one who is most about getting us out of the recession... (spelling) so if u want hillary good luck but obama goes for the younger crowd like myself and this whole war was bs.... we have found a whole lot of warheads ready to attack america havnt we....
Obama goes after the young crowd because he knows they aren't as well informed as most adults, thus they will buy his load of crap.
-Steve for Change